MIA: Subjects: Education: Paulo Freire:
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire
This work was removed at the request of Friere’s estate.
Chapter 1
The justification for a pedagogy of the oppressed; the contradiction between the oppressors and the oppressed, and how it is overcome; oppression and the oppressors; oppression and the oppressed; liberation: not a gift, not a self-achievement, but a mutual process.
Chapter 2
The “banking” concept of education as an instrument of oppression – its presuppositions – a critique; the problem-posing concept of education as an instrument for liberation – its presuppositions; the “banking” concept and the teacher-student contradiction; the problem-posing concept and the supersedence of the teacher-student contradiction; education: a mutual process, world-mediated; people as uncompleted beings, conscious of their incompletion, and their attempt to be more fully human.
Chapter 3
Dialogics – the essence of education as the practice of freedom; dialogics and dialogue; dialogue and the search for program content; the human-world relationship, “generative themes,” and the program content of education as the practice of freedom; the investigation of “generative themes" and its methodology; the awakening of critical consciousness through the investigation of “generative themes”; the various stages of the investigation.
Chapter 4
Antidialogics and dialogics as matrices of opposing theories of cultural action: the former as an instrument of oppression and the latter as an instrument of liberation; the theory of antidialogical action and its characteristics: conquest, divide and rule, manipulation, and cultural invasion; the theory of dialogical action and its characteristics: cooperation, unity, organisation, and cultural synthesis.