
US attempts to orchestrate coup in Venezuela

This week we talk with Diego Sequera from Mision Verdad in Venezuela about the attempt by the United States government to orchestrate a coup in his country. Firstly some background, Hugo Chavez nationalised Venezuelan oil in the late 1990s and … Continue reading


Public Trustee suspended, another cover-up in process

The ladder of law has no top and no bottom – Bob Dylan ‘The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll’ Six years of people exposing the public trustee’ for failure to look after its clients finances, the Attorney General Yvette D’Arth … Continue reading


Legal win on Adani water project – a pyrrhic victory?

What is the strategy given that both legal means and running candidates for election have failed and that there does not seem to be an industrial strategy to re-train fossil fuel workers to do sustainable jobs? Continue reading


Tipping point on Adani?


Art as Protest

This is a video the Tate Gallery in London made about the artist Richard Bell. They used some images from Guniwaya Ngigu (We Fight) that the Radical Times Archive supplied with the filmmaker Madeline McGrady’s blessing …


Sorrows of the Silent Spring

The state government announced approval for the Adani mine today.So state and federal governments have won the trifecta, on climate change at least. They have determined to ignore it in favour of the economy. They have beaten opponents of the … Continue reading


For a Socialist Republic

20 years ago Australians rejected a republic in a national referendum. The model proposed was to substitute an Australian President for the Queen. This president was to be elected by the executive and not the people. Unsurprisingly Australians rejected this. … Continue reading


Anti-Terrorism Laws

Here is an excellent summary of  new ‘anti-terrorism’ laws in Australia by Bevan Ramsden (APAN). Recently a regular WBT correspondent claimed that: “Manning & Assange were sold out by the anti-war movement that incited & abandoned them.“ Please note that WBT … Continue reading


Cortés, what a killer

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He came dancing across the water With his galleons and guns Looking for the new world In that palace in the sun …Cortés, what a killer He came dancing across the water With his galleons and guns Looking for the … Continue reading


Radical house – Austral Street

The first radical house I lived in was in Austral Street St Lucia in Brisbane. I lived there from 1975 ~1977. At Austral Street I met people involved in agitating for public transport, independent media, opposition to uranium mining and … Continue reading

Why the UQ Union Complex should be saved

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift (4ZZZ fm 102.1) Friday at noon Hear why the University of Queensland Union complex should be heritage listed!

Hear interviews with Howard Guille (former Qld Heritage Councillor) and Desley Agnoletto (former manager of the Schonell Theatre.

Images: Opening of the Schonell Theatre in 1971 and Forum during Vietnam Moratorium in 1970

Listen to the program HERE


Eurythmics – 1984
Jumping Fences – Sounds of a Town
Parameters – Pig City

Individuals, theatre groups, community organisations, trade unions, everyone can have a say. Please make a submission to the Heritage Council and quote Heritage Register Number 650238.
See image on how to make a submission.


Statement by Paradigm Shift on Operation SLIPPER

Jamie Larcombe was just nineteen
When he signed up for the Operation
The Generals called ‘SLIPPER’
Code for global war
In Afghanistan, Middle East and the
Gulf of Aden
No medals will bring…

View original post 252 more words


Chambers Flat Road Resumptions

We post this article here because Logan council wishes to buy up land on Chambers Flat Road Munruben to widen a connecting road and build a new bridge. Yet the proposed road and bridge is on a floodplain. After the … Continue reading


Whatever happened to idealism?

It looks like the Save the UQ Union Complex has got Matt Condon onside! Condon is the author of All Fall Down.


Open letter to fossil fuel workers

WBT was sent this article by a regular contributor. We would be interested in your comments. __oOo__ This letter to coal miners etc is in my opinion an excellent example of how the environment movement needs to start interacting with … Continue reading


Operation SLIPPER

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Jamie Larcombe was just nineteen When he signed up for the Operation The Generals called ‘SLIPPER’ Code for global war In Afghanistan, Middle East and the Gulf of Aden No medals will bring Jamie home, That boy from Kangaroo Island– … Continue reading


If Assange is the Falcon, Trump is the Snowman

espionage (noun) … the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information. – Oxford Dictionary The Falcon and the Snowman It is as if Trump has thrown us back to the Cold … Continue reading


50 years of jamming the system

Here is a message from the Save the University of Queensland Union complex committee  asking people to put it in the submissions to the heritage department.  Please support this if you can. __oOo__ Saving UQ Union complex Heritage submissions due … Continue reading

Saving Wee Waa

The radio show ‘Saving Wee Waa‘ broadcast on the Paradigm Shift (4ZZZ fm 102.1 Fridays at noon) this week could have been about any country town in NSW or Vic or Qld etc. It could be about regional Australia … places like Condobolin, Trundle, Moree, Echuca, Tailem Bend, Kalgoorlie, Clermont, Lowood, Katherine … it is about country, about water, about land. ‘Saving Wee Waa’ was several years in the making.

Will regional Australia learn its lesson, give up on racism and embrace a more sustainable custodianship of the land?

We hope so.

Paradigm Shift

Plate sin with gold, and the strong lance of justice hurtless brakes.
Arm it with rags, a pygmy’s straw doth pierce it. – Shakespeare.

Paradigm Shift (4ZZZ fm 102.1 Fridays at Noon) broadcast on 31 May 2019.

Author on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

On a recent cycling trip with my brother through the Brisbane Valley we visited a number of regional towns .

On our journey I noted that a number of these towns were in serious economic decline. There was an attempt to bolster these towns using tourism. However this boost was only patchy. Tourism could not replace the dying industries of dairy, railway and agriculture.

Since colonisation there has been a question mark over the sustainability of clearing scrub for cattle, of coal mining and of logging – all industries favoured in S-E Queensland over the past 100 years.

Erosion, bushfires and flooding have been the result…

View original post 1,062 more words

Activists fight against ‘SLAPP’ Suits

After the 2019 Climate Change election have the ground rules changed? No change coming from the parliament, surprise. Repression is building in the courts with activists being sued for stopping coal trucks. Activists fight back.

This week we talk about SLAPP suits – “strategic lawsuits against public participation”; when corporations sue political activists. We hear what are SLAPP suits and why are they a problem from Greg Ogle, and then the different experiences from Adam Burling who was sued by woodchipping company Gunns, Shae Anderson who was sued by McDonalds, and Sadie Jones who is currently being sued by coal freight company Aurizon.

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift 4ZZZ FM 102.1 24 May 2019 Friday at noon

This week we talk about SLAPP suits – “strategic
lawsuits against public participation”; when corporations sue political
activists. We hear what are SLAPP suits and why are they a problem from Greg
Ogle, and then the different experiences from Adam Burling who was sued by
woodchipping company Gunns, Shae Anderson who was sued by McDonalds, and Sadie
Jones who is currently being sued by coal freight company Aurizon.

Andy interviews activists who had all been the subject of companies
using strategic litigation against the public participation (SLaPP) suits. Greg
(South Australian Hindmarsh Bridge), Adam Burling (Gunns paper mill in Tasmania), Shae
(McDonald’s in Tecoma Victoria), and Sadie Jones (Aurizon in
Brisbane, Queensland).

Greg Ogle (Conservation Council sued over Hindmarsh
Island Bridge)(
) talks about strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPP). It has
a long history both…

View original post 1,009 more words


Call for heritage submissions

Friends, On Tuesday morning, Brisbane ABC Radio did a story on our heritage application and then ran a poll. The response was very heartening. Let’s capitalise on this with lots of submissions in support of the application. Individuals, theatre groups, … Continue reading


Timber mill worker wins unfair dismissal case

Queensland man Jeremy Lee worked for a company called Superior Wood and he successfully represented himself after he refused to sign-on and sign-off using a finger print scanner. He argued that the bosses were stealing his bio-metric data and, under … Continue reading


Saving Schonell, Zed, Forum and Refec @ UQ Union complex

Written submissions quoting the HRN 650238 must be received by 7 June 2019 and should be lodged with: Executive Officer, Heritage Branch Department of Environment and Science GPO Box 2454 BRISBANE QLD 4001
Or email: Continue reading


Plan to save Australia

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In the wake of a dismal result in the 2019 Federal Election people are asking where to now. As a contest of ideas the election was a failure. Morrison’s steady-as-she-goes capitalism and Shorten’s minimalist plan for social democratic wealth redistribution … Continue reading


Sri Lankan graduates demand end of blockade of Cuba

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The association of graduates in Cuba adopted a statement by which it demands the end of the blockade against our country and joins the international rejection of the new sanctions imposed by the American government against Cuba, especially against the activation of Title III of The Helms-Burton law. Continue reading


US-Israeli wars in the Middle East

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At this moment there is a dangerous situation developing in the Gulf. The US is increasing the number of warships to support the Saudi backed civil war in Yemen. Rockets have been fired at the US embassy in Baghdad and Israel wants to attack specific targets in Iran. Continue reading


Bill’s not Bob

2019 Federal Election in Australia There was an expectation that Labor would win the 2019 federal election. Bob Hawke died on the eve of the poll and the opposition leader, Bill Shorten, said ‘let’s do it for Bob’. Labor’s failure … Continue reading


The fire next time

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Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin I am not your Negro. ‘I am not your negro’ is a documentary about the failure of Americans to face … Continue reading


Bob Hawke – from dawn till dusk

This gallery contains 13 photos.

Hawke was the first leader of the ACTU who did not come from the shop floor, he started a trend where workers were led by people from another class. Continue reading

West Australia – Forests, Fracking and Uranium

Will Federal LNP government approval for uranium and forest logging bring them undone in the West?

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift 17 May
2019 (4ZZZ fm 102.1 Friday at Noon)

This week we get a bit of an update on what’s happening to the environment in Western Australia. Hear about forests, fracking and uranium mining. Plus some of the best political music in the west.

Andy interviews Jess
Beckerling (WA Forest Alliance convenor ), Paddy Colin, K A Garlick (WA Forest Alliance),

Notes on West Australia – Forests, Fracking and Uranium.

Jess Beckerling who has spent 20 years of activism advocating for WA Forests which had a great bioversity which is being destroyed. Unique flora and fauna like Numbats (an insectivorous marsupial native to Western Australia) and Quokkas (wallaby unique to S-W Western Australia). 90% loss of original vegetation in places like the wheat belt. WA forests are unusual in that they have grown in isolation from the rest of the world through many millenia. There are ancient…

View original post 357 more words


Remember al Nakba 2019

This gallery contains 3 photos.

A rally of about 100 people crammed onto footpath at the top of Brisbane Square tonight to commemorate al Nakba, the catastrophe, for Palestine. Organisers were given a permit to use the square however no allownace was made by Brisbane … Continue reading