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To all #Muslim women sick of being beat and treated like dogs!

We have programs to help you escape your imprisonment...

Democrats won't tell you this because their best interest is in your Democrat vote and keeping you as a prisoner to their needs also...

Only you can stop it!

Call a Hotline or 911 for help to get the ball running to get your freedom from the men who beat you and your children.
We need to unite to teach the Muslim communities women that in the US they have rights!

They no longer have to be treated like slaves! Many of them are!!!

The Democrats are bending our Laws to allow this behaviour! I am not OK with this as it will only give them more power!
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In 1969 Gujarat 512 people died in Hindu Muslim riots.
Bollywood was singing "Mere Sapno Ki Rani".

In 1980 Moradabad 400 people died in Hindu-Muslim and Muslim-Police violence.
Bollywood was singing "Aap Jaisa Koi"

#Secularism #Liberals
In 1983 Nellie 2191 people died in anti #Bangladeshi violence.
Bollywood was singing "Lambi Judai".

In 1984 Dilli 2800 people were killed in anti #Sikh violence by #Congress supporters.
#Bollywood was singing "Bolo Pyar Karogi".
In 1987 #Meerut riots 346 people were killed including #Hashimpura massacre.
Bollywood was gyrating to "Kate nahin kat te ye din ye raat".

In 1989 #Bhagalpur 1000 people were killed in #Hindu #Muslim riots.
Bollywood was dancing to "Tirchi Topiwale o oo ooo".
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I'm glad you enjoyed my past thread on the ancient star & crescent. In the coming days, I hope to cover the star and crescent symbolism in the post-classical era. This thread will focus on the #Ottomans, but you might be surprised about its other users.

To recapitulate a bit, we might conclude that the star and crescent were extensively present in both #Byzantine and #Sassanid symbolism. The Sassanids saw it as the astral representation of Mithra and Anahita. Together with their dynasty, however, this symbolism declined.
The #Ummayads copied the Sassanid coins for a while to use as silver dirhams, like the two 7th century coins below. However, the symbolism of star and crescent were in no way meaningful, and were a mere reflection of the fading Sassanid existence in the new conquerors' coinage.
Read 35 tweets
#Muslim #writers and #readers, I have a question but I want to keep the conversation in a small group. If you're willing to chat in a group DM about a #hijabi character in my wip, would you comment below so I can add you sometime this weekend? I could really use input on 1 thing.
Perfect. I'm under a deadline so it will be Saturday or Sunday. Thank you both and if you know anyone else, I have no limit to the number of voices I want to hear on this question. I want all Muslim kids to feel represented.
And you don't have to be a hijabi to answer.
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THREAD 1. Philip Rosenberg – Director of Public Relations at @BoardofDeputies talking on Argentinian radio re. #antisemitism and #Jewish-#Muslim relations in #UK and #France.
2. #antisemitism is growing in the UK - Incidents in the UK are increasing each year, especially on social media but antisemitism in #France is different re. violence. It’s much more violent in #France than in the #UK.
3. Origin of antisemitism in the UK – generally related to extreme anti-zionism, also old antisemitic tropes re. control and banking unrelated to Israel are also present and used in relation to Israel.
Read 12 tweets
When did Greenwald decide Don Jr has "reasonably" argued anything?
Also, two tweets in, Greenwald calls Chelsea Clinton a "princess," shares a pic of her NY apartment, & lies about the incident at NYU that is on video.
He's deliberately inflaming tensions for his own agenda.
Is anyone actually arguing that Chelsea Clinton is NOT a wealthy, political elite? I haven't.
But it is disingenuous to raise her wealth as an issue when the issue was, for the student, CC calling out Anti-Semitism, which was conflated as the reason for #NZMosqueMassacre.
The shooter is a white nationalist. They hate Jews more than anyone (see #Charlottesville--"Jews will not replace us"). Chelsea's husband and children are Jews. Of course she is going to call out anti-Semitism.

But she also called out VP Pence's Islamophobia and praised Omar.
Read 10 tweets
@RashidaTlaib asserts that @IlhanMN is a victim. She doesn't say that @IlhanMN is a victim of her own thoughtlessness. She doesn't say that she is a victim of her own hateful anti-Semitism.

In @RashidaTlaib's book, @IlhanMN is a victim of #islamophobia.

That's right. You folks and your #Islamophobia have caused Ilhan to become a focal point of public scrutiny.


Is #Islamophobia the cause of @IlhanMN's difficulties? Really?

I don't see how we could know the answer to that question unless we know what the term, #Islamophobia, means.
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#IlhanOmar is #AntiSemitic
But won't admit it.
#Democrats are #Antisemites
But can't admit it.
#Americans MUST OUST
These cancers from
The Body Politic
#DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsAreEvil #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #1A
#IlhanOmar is the FIRST
#IllegalAlien in #Congress
She married her brother
To enter the #USA &
Has lied about it ever since.
#Impeach #Ilhan !
#IlhanOmarIsATrojanHorse #RemoveOmar #RemoveOmarNow #ImpeachOmar #ImpeachIlhanOmar #IslamIsOppression #stopIslam #MuslimBan #NRA #1A
#Ilhan does not know #American #Values
(According to #NancyPelosi )
#Omar cannot be privy to secret
#Intelligence briefings when she
Abhors #Israel & Supports #Hamas !
#USFirst #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #UnitedStates #GoArmy #NavyReadiness #AirForce
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It’s apparent that #Twitter is an unhealthy place to discuss #antiJewishBigotry & age-old slurs of dual loyalty, recklessly hurled by @IlhanMN to essentially stir up worst examples of extreme hate. 1 /
.@NitaLowey #IlhanOmar manipulates outcries against #antiJewish prejudice by twisting words & inventing stawpeople, as in, fake arguments criticizing #Israel is not “...” — when that wasn’t even the issue! She’ll accuse #Jewishlawmakers of vile charges & when ppl object... 2/
.@NitaLowey ... she will raise unrelated, FALSE issue of, I’m being attacked because I’m #Muslim. She’ll FALSELY claim, I won’t pledge allegiance to #Israel... when noone has asked her to. All to stir up twitter mob which does NOT represent proportion of real life views. 3/
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Knowing 4 Arabic Words
May save our Civilization

4 Key Words with summary Images below (see thread below)
#Takiyya allows and encourages #Muslims to deceive #Infidels for the advancement of #Islam. It is important when learning these Arabic Words to view them through the lens of theology.

How will you help God? Apparently not by virtue, but by the ends justifying the means.
You cannot understand this stuff without taking into account the pillars of faith. People jump all around this sensitive subject, because #Tawriya is ESSENTIAL to #Jihad => a PILLAR of the faith.

It would be like trying to explain #Christianity without #Forgiveness.
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Investigators recovered 23 rifles & shotguns, & found 3 IEDs in the home of 1 of the suspects. Each suspect is charged w/ the intent to use the IEDs to attack #Islamberg, a community of #Muslim families. This isnt the 1st time the community's been targeted…
In 2015, #Tennessee minister, Robert Doggart, plotted the deadliest attack on US soil since 9/11, against #Islamberg. No terrorism charges were brought against him. He was recorded saying "& if it gets down to the machete, we will cut them to shreds.”…
Just last yr, a number of far-right, anti-Muslim groups led by the American Bikers United Against Jihad, organized an event to harass & intimidate the small community of 200 ppl:…
Read 9 tweets
All Jews should recall that in April of 2014, Investor's Business Daily described how the "radical #MuslimBrotherhood has built the framework for a political party in #America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc." (2)
Consequently, "'Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,' said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding #USCouncilofMuslimOrganizations, (#USCMO) whose membership reads like a Who's Who of #Brotherhood front groups. (3)
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A few years ago when I was still #Muslim, my cousin asked me to be his best man on his wedding. The role of the best man in Islam is to advise the groom about marriage life and about the etiquettes of being intimate, including the need to perform ghusl, washing of oneself >
> after sexual intercourse. Both partners must wash themselves, including their hair. There were a few other pieces of advice as well that I was aware of, like having to ask his wife for permission before having sex, which was the advice I was given from my best man, but just >
> to be sure I wasn't missing anything important and confirm what I was about to advise him was Islamically sound, I called a local imam to get proper advice. I told the imam about the reason I was calling and he commended me for going to the effort to find out the actual >
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THREAD - TALE OF A TROLLING ISLAMIST MISOGYNIST PAEDOPHILE 1. So after being trolled via Twitter, I connected to my email and discovered that a horrible .... had left comments (which went for approval) on my blog which were subsequently emailed to me via WordPress.
2. LADIES AND GENTS. let me introduce you to Taylor aka galileo1439 EXAMPLE #1 Calling for violence against #Ahmadi and #Sufi #Muslims #Takfir
3. EXAMPLE #2 On a blog about sexual violence against children by #Islamists during the Algerian civil war ---- this-------- #WomensRights #ChildRights
Read 26 tweets
On Thursday, #LokSabha passed the contentious #TripleTalaqBill criminalizing instant #talaq (divorce) by #Muslim men, with a jail term of up to three years for the husband. In this THREAD I try to break down different scenarios for you to understand its consequences:
Consider the following different scenarios when a Husband pronounces Triple Talaq instantly:

1) An intoxicated or/and angry husband pronounces 3 talaqs at one go. He later realises his follies and seeks fatwa from ulama as the couple want to stay together
(laughable as it may appear, this is often the case).

Hanafi Fiqh says instant triple talaq will dissolve the marriage, others, most notably Salafis disagree. Now SC too affirmed that instant TT will not annul the marriage.
Read 34 tweets
A thread re police extra-judicial execution.
Over the years the Kenya Police has acquired a dubious distinction of being the source of insecurity instead of providing security. In many instance, to many Kenyan’s the police represent a clear, and imminent danger to the lives.
But the transformation from the source of security into a bastion of insecurity didn’t occur overnight, and neither did it come as a surprise; it was an inevitable outcome of multiple factors.
Before the 2010 constitution, the police was at the beck and call of the executive, which used it as a tool of coercion. The executive used the police however deemed fit to meet its political ends.
Read 22 tweets
There exists some debate among Islamic scholars and historians about the engraved signet ring of the #prophet Muḥammad. The most common reading of the engraving is "Allāh Rasūl Muḥammad", while others argue that "Muḥammad Rasūl Allāh" is historically correct.
The oldest sources do indicate that the opposite of popular belief could be correct. In a ḥadīth reported by #Muslim and al-Bukhārī the Prophet says: “I have acquired a ring of silver and engraved on it Muḥammad Rasūl Allāh, and no one should have an engraving like this.”
In another ḥadīth reported by al-Bukhārī, Anas ibn Mālik says: "The engraved signet ring of the Prophet is three lines: Muḥammad on one line, Rasūl on one line and Allāh on one line."
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#Satan Calls His Satanist #Pedophile Traitorous Disciple Home

#McCain and #Bush Down, #KristineMarcy on deck

#ghwb + Col Sabow + murder cocaine

ghwb + Franklin coverup + Offutt + Andrews + FIELD MCCONNELL

GHWB + satanism + pedophile
Bush In Hell

#Clinton or #Carter Next Up?

Punahou Pussy #Soetoro and #GWBush Shakin' All Over

Are #KristineMarcy, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter on suicide watch as December 7th haunts pedophile pricks?
Did Coward Self Eliminate as Justice Approaches for Colonel James Sabow?

ghwb + jeb + murder cocaine + Sabow

Is there a bigger dipshit in Republican party than Jebby Poo or the recent governor of Wisconsin?
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So, I've waded through the Evangelical Alliance's new pastoral "guidelines" for interacting with trans people (ughh, the things I do to expose #transphobic #ciswits to the world), and let's just say it's time to tear this particular sh*t-bag a new hole.

So, straight off the bat, first page of text, the use of #language is . . . well, yeah, see for yourself:

"It is important to remember that transgender is not simply an issue to be debated;" - p5, #Transformed


When such language gets reinforced by insisting...

Read 176 tweets
I am doing this series of posts to explain how #Democrats have become #Communists and they are working from the playbook of Karl Marx.

Please read and retweet.

Why does George Soros want to collapse the border?
ANTIFA don't see themselves as losing America they see themselves as GAINING THE WORLD. Communism was a Global Revolution.
What do Islam and #Communism have in common? Why do the NOI hand out The Little Red Book of Mao Tze Tung? Why is NAZI-ism so similar to Communism? Why do NAZIS, Muslims, and Communists always persecute Jews?
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Sad to see this video promoting #Islamophobia / anti-Muslim sentiment from #Poland is still doing the rounds.

Sad they have weaponised #Jesus as a tool in their hostility.

"Poland to Muslims: Here, Jesus is our King so get out"
#Islamophobia in #Poland stems from an irrational hostility, based on
constructed myths and stereotypes about Muslims, largely pushed out by the mass media.

It has little to no basis in reality. (Say the experts)
Muslims in Poland constitute less than 0.1% of the total population, yet a recent survey found Poles believe 7% of their country is Muslim

The above video shows thousands marching on the streets to stop the 'Islamization of #Poland'

#Islamophobia = irrational fear & hostility
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Thread: The slippery slope of undercover atheists
I begin with the Name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
“Were they created by nothing? Or were they the creators (of themselves)?” Qur’an 52:35
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Interesting read !
John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did colluded with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s....
Seeking to retain his position as #CIA director under #HillaryClinton , #Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple @realDonaldTrump candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into #Trumpn, which led the #FBI
to probe a computer server connected to #TrumpTower and gave cover to #SusanRice among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

#JohnBrennan ‘s #CIA operated like a branch office of the #Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the
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Another history-making night for women and #LGBTQ people.
It's pretty fantastic.


🌊 🌊 🌊
We are moving more towards real representation in Congress thanks to women.

#IlhanOmar won #MN05.
She & #MI13 winner #RashidaTlaib will be the 1st #Muslim women in Congress.

Keep thinking we want a white man for POTUS in 2020 after 242yrs of no women.
I'm just so thrilled about these wins for women tonight, despite the usual suspects trying to change the narrative.

Work hard for these women candidates between now and #Midterms.
And stop dissing #Pelosi--she raised millions for these races and to win back the House from Trump.
Read 3 tweets

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