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Most recents (24)

ISIS released a video of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who appeared in a video after a long gap of 5 years since 2014 when he declared the Caliphate.
He refers to the #EasterSundayAttackLK in Sri Lanka as a revenge for fall of Baghuz, which fell last year.
Excerpts from the video footageđŸ‘‡đŸ»
Released by Furqan, the media arm of ISIS, the video shows Baghdadi in casual conversation with others whose faces are blurred, and referencing the end of the U.S.-led battles that rid the Islamic State group of the remains of its so-called caliphate in Syria.
Read 38 tweets
Am 27.4 griff ein 19-Jahriger eine #Synagoge in Kalifornien an, tötete eine Frau und verletzte drei weitere Personen. Er kĂŒndigte die Tat auf #8chan an, verwies auf #Christchurch und sprach von einem Livestream. Thread zur Tat und den Reaktionen online 1/x

Um die Tat zu verstehen, ist es wichtig die online Kultur zu verstehen die ihn radikalisert hat 2/x

Sein "Manifest" erinnert an #Christchurch:
"The sheer density of in-jokes and references to obscure aspects of “channer” culture in both manifestos leaves one with the question: What can we take seriously?
The Nazi stuff. Take the Nazi stuff seriously."3/x

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#SriLanka, l'#Isis rivendica la strage: «Vendetta per #Christchurch». Colombo teme nuovi attacchi

Una strage per vendicarne un'altra, con la regia dell'Isis.

"Quel grande indiano di 2500 anni fa disse:
«L'odio genera solo l'odio, e l'odio si combatte solo con l'Amore»"
«Siamo noi che non vogliamo sentire che c’ù ALTRO al di lĂ  della materia.»
«Ma tu guarda, tutto il mondo di oggi si fonda sulla materia. L’acquisizione, l’avere piĂč che l’essere, la concorrenza.»

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April 21
Report: Multiple explosions hit #Colombo, other parts of Sri Lanka
By @PressTV
April 21

Report: Explosions hit two Sri Lankan churches, two #Colombo hotels
By @PressTV
April 21
Report: At least 80 injured in Sri Lanka church blasts

Read 79 tweets
#Breaking: Eight Explosions exploded at hotels in Sri Lanka in #Asia, leaving at least 187 people dead and up to 500 injured, in a multiple Terror attack at tourists.
#Update: Shocking video of when also a Christian church got exploded at Sri Lanka in #Asia. Leaving at least 187 people dead and up to 500 injured in a islamic terror attack meant for Christian people and Tourists.
#Update: Pictures of the horrific islamic terror attack meant for Christian people and Tourists, at the island of #SriLanka in #colombo, where 3 churches, 3 hotels were targeted Leaving at least 187 people dead and up to 500 injured.
Read 24 tweets
Racist bigot👇😡is talking about people WHO DIED in a horrible massacre, to spread hatred of another group‌
#Christchurch shootings: why would some right-wing Indian Hindus celebrate the death of Muslims? By @shankarmya

#eBay's billionaire smear campaign against @TulsiGabbard through his personally funded media @theintercept & @CivilBeat

Read👇2 articles by @MaxBlumenthal,
Who is #eBay's billionaire media monarch #PierreOmidyar, empire of influence & his dizzying Natl Security State connections begins w/ a look at his support 4 neocon #BillKristol.
Omidyar funded #RegimeChange in #Ukraine
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'This marks you': Christchurch shooter sent death threat two years ago
 via @ABCNews
#antifa #auspol #Christchurch #FCKNZS

'The man said he attracted Tarrant's ire after criticizing former UPF leader and neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell ahead of the rally in Eltham.'

A rally organised by TBC & Co., who wanted Syrian refugee families out (FOWF).
Around the same time (DEC 2016), the Christchurch killer's "Emperor" Cottrell was also invoking 'The Day of The Rope' -- a term popularised by US neo-#Nazi William Pierce in his 1978 novel 'The Turner Diaries' (which also inspired Timothy McVeigh).
Read 4 tweets
We have eight referrals that we are prepared to send over to the Attorney General this week," Nunes said.
Nunes said five of the referrals are related to lying to Congress, misleading Congress and leaking classified information.
Any guesses?!

My prayer is he doesn’t ski the two biggest fish, #HRC & #Obama! He may have to for now to get one of the other 8 to flip on them. I just don’t want any of them to get away.
The "Five Eyes" (FVEY) refers to an alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom & the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement for joint cooperation in signals intelligence, military intelligence, and human intelligence.
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#Troll expert @GingerGorman on the pattern of police after mass shootings saying “We had no idea, he wasn’t on a watch list” despite supremacist boards on 8chan inspiring the likes of #Christchurch. “I’m not tech-y and I could find this stuff - why couldn’t the police?” #nwf19
Murder as a product of online radicalisation is “an emergency” @GingerGorman says to @JaneCaro. “The internet is dangerous...and nobody is calling (social media companies) to account” #trolling #NWF19
There’s a stack of recommendations from a senate inquiry to strengthen Australian laws to crack down on cyber hate and harassment, and “they’re just sitting there” @GingerGorman says. #NWF19
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THREAD (Project)

With some in our Parliament trying to destroy #Brexit and a General Election becoming ever more likely it’s time to look at who is a #BrexitLegend a #BrexitInbetweener or a #BrexitWrecker

Your MP’s voting record below. Please RT to raise awareness

Explanatory Notes

MPs will be added in alphabetical order for easy searching

GREEN = A vote FOR the UK
RED = A vote AGAINST the UK

Please RT and share with your followers. I will also PIN on my timeline. It will take a fair while so thanks to all in advance

Read 676 tweets
Österreich hat momentan drei Ereignisse, die eine öffentliche Debatte ĂŒber die rechtsradikale PrĂ€gung weiter Teile der Gesellschaft befeuern. Ein paar Bemerkungen dazu.
#christchurch #sellner #noib #noidis #nofpö #fpö #strache #kickl #övp #servustv #kubitschek #broder
Zum einen wĂ€re da das Massaker von Christchurch, dessen TĂ€termanifest grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils mit FPÖ- und Burschenschaftszitaten nachgebaut werden kann. Auch von Seiten der ÖVP ist man in Teilen anschlussfĂ€hig, man koaliert schließlich auch mit der FPÖ
Dann wĂ€re da der rassistische Vorfall in Wien, den man von FPÖ-Seite als Verschwörung zur Wahlkampfsstimmungsmache versucht darzustellen. Es darf nicht sein was ist: die antimuslimischen Kampagnen der FPÖ fĂŒhren zu rassistischer Gewalt auf der Straße.
Read 15 tweets
Well @Peston he's talking about the "Grand Wizards" chaired by Jacob-Rees-Mogg, who gave a speech to a NeoNazi group, proudly promoted #Christchurch attacker's inspiration Candice Owen, met with "Wear racism as a badge of honour" Bannon and just endorsed the AfD...
Now let's take two seconds to listen to Mr Rees-Mogg cooling off the debate.
Also comparing the European Union to Hitler...
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Weil hier einige GerĂŒchte herumschwirren, vielleicht doch ein paar Worte zu MARTIN SELLNER, den #IdentitĂ€ren und den Verbindungen zum AttentĂ€ter von #Christchurch sowie dem internationalen Vernetzungen der #IB. Ein Thread. Wird stĂ€ndig weitergefĂŒhrt. (1/10)
Sellner hatte 2018 eine Spende ĂŒber 1.500 đŸ’¶vom AttentĂ€ter von #Neuseeland bekommen und sich per Email bei ihm bedankt. Gegen ihn wird nun wegen Verdachts der Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung ermittelt. Der AttentĂ€ter reiste 2018 noch durch Österreich. (2/10)
Das Bekennerschreiben des AttentĂ€ters trug den Titel "Der große Austausch", eine Verschwörungstheorie der IdentitĂ€ren in Europa. Der Text des Franzosen Renaud Camus erschien auf Deutsch im #Antaios-Verlag von Götz #Kubitschek, genauso wie Martin Sellners Buch "IdentitĂ€r!" (3/10)
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1) @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @POTUS
#QAnon No. 3241...
Link 2 #POTUS' Tweet ==> #AdamSchiff "[knowingly] & unlawfully lying & leaking, should be forced 2resign from #Congress!"

He's been one of the "Gang of 8", & having pushed falsifications, must go!
2) #QAnon No. 3242...
Link 2 @RepDougCollins Tweet ==> Release of #NellieOhr transcripts.

Links 2 #DougCollins' Congressional home page ==>
Link 2 testimony ==>

Form this doc we fin numerous points of note.
3) Among them, #Q notes age 17 which has #NellieOhr confirming she works for the #C_A as an independent contractor.
Twitter thread on this topic...

#QAno @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @POTUS @Phase3 #Justice
Read 72 tweets
Sellner und andere IB-Kader betreiben gerade einigen Aufwand, um ihren Spin zu verbreiten: Der AttentĂ€ter von #Christchurch habe an Sellner gespendet, weil er „gemĂ€ĂŸigte“ Rechte nicht möge und er auf eine weitere Radikalisierung der Szene hoffe.
Im Grunde ist das, neben dem unter Völkischen ĂŒblichen Opfer-Diskurs (den gerade auch Kubitschek bedient), vor allem der durchsichtige Versuch, davon abzulenken, wie nah der AttentĂ€ter der IB ideologisch in vielen Punkten stand.
Wir sollten viel mehr ĂŒber die Überschneidungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Spielarten der extremen Rechten sprechen. So wie es z.B. @Matthias_Quent hier tut:

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Over the past three days I have been deluged with hateful messages from white nationalists for a post about osteoarchaeological research that confirms Roman Britain included people of black African and Middle Eastern descent. This is welcome news.

One common refrain was that in presenting scientifically verifiable evidence of the diverse past of Roman Britain, I was being "political", and that my status as an unbiased researcher was questionable.
But the ability to encounter, engage with, and assess a wide range of evidence is the essence of freedom of thought. The ability to encounter views and opinions that may differ from your own is the definition of what it means to live in an open society.
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The “act of conversion” is just that, an act behind which exist mitigating circumstances
Conversion is the most non-plural of rights. It just doesn't make sense in a pluralistic society . Your civic identity begets one one's rights & not the other way around.

A country like India with a cultural identity where religions exist with no space for "conversion" 1/n
In such a case, conversion has no core meaning , even & especially to an individuals civic identity where the state has no motivation to get in. Infact, it can even ascribe to derecognize the particular act of conversion 2/n
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@Matthias_Quent @MartinaRenner @reallyMrMonkey @LarsWienand @JulianRoepcke @GKDJournalisten @jlstro @SimonHurtz @hatr @sveckert @ph_reporterpool @MarcelRosenbach @sven_roebel @MartinKnobbe @write_restrain @FlorianHartleb @martinbernstei3 @Roter_Ritter @abususu @TGRuediger @messeticker @Belltower_News @aida_archiv @apabiz @PolizeiMuenchen Der AttentĂ€ter von Christchurch war in der Steam-Gruppe "White Power Australia" siehe auch
 Dieser "Maki" aus Sachsen am 15. MĂ€rz um 22:40 Uhr auf die Pinnwand von "byr0n": "BrentonTarrant good guy ♄♄♄♄♄"
Read 29 tweets
Ich könnte den Steam-Account von Brenton Tarrant #Christchurch gefunden haben:
 Er war Mitglied der Steam-Gruppe "White Power Australia": Er spielte 2015 als "Adolf Hi..", also vermutlich als "Adolf Hitler":

Der AttentĂ€ter von Christchurch war in der Steam-Gruppe "White Power Australia" siehe auch
 Dieser "Maki" aus Sachsen am 15. MĂ€rz um 22:40 Uhr auf die Pinnwand von "byr0n": "BrentonTarrant good guy ♄♄♄♄♄"
Zu der mutmaßlichen AnkĂŒndigung des Terroranschlags von Brenton Tarrant in #Christchurch auf 8chan und seiner Huldigung auf Steam siehe auch diesen Thread:
Read 31 tweets
Difficult to put into words the scenes we saw today as New Zealand marked the one week anniversary of the #Christchurch mosque massacres. For me it’s this photo I took shortly after prayers ended — to me it sums up how the nation has responded to the gunman’s race hatred 🇳🇿 🕌
The white supremacist racist gunman wanted to sow destruction and division. He may have succeeded on the first. But he has so far miserably failed on the latter.
Never have I seen so many non-Muslims flock to support Muslims as their pray.
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Transcript of the khutbah (sermon) given by the Imam today at #Christchurch, one week on from the terrorist attack that martyred 50 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 🕌🇳🇿
Arabic: All thanks and praise is due to Allah, we seek his help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and the consequences of our evil deeds. Whoever Allah guides will never be led astray, and whoever Allah leads astray will never find guidance.
Arabic: I bear witness there is no God but Allah, alone without any partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Servant and His Messenger.

#Christchurch 🕌🇳🇿đŸ€ČđŸŒ
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With breaking news—#Facebook releases new information about how it handled #ChristchurchTerrorAttack video—read @jgeltzer's analysis of this latest disclosure.

"Sizing Up Facebook's New Disclosures About the Christchurch Shooting"

Geltzer's analysis of Facebook's overnight disclosure of #Christchurch video includes reference to these great questions raised by @CraigSilverman:

Geltzer's analysis of Facebook's overnight disclosure of #Christchurch video also includes reference to this important set of points raised by @intelwire @selectedwisdom and @informor 👇
Read 3 tweets

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