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Brazilian cops murdered more than 5,000 people in 2018, and promise to get even deadlier under right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro.…
#Brazil police forces under right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro murdered at least 434 people in the first 3 months of 2019 in #RiodeJaneiro alone.…
Rio governor confirms plans for shoot-to-kill policing policy. Which legalizes street executions by police forces under right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro. #Brazil…
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🤡Clown Car🤡

👨‍⚖️With this President, Clarence Thomas has finally found his comrade in arms

😱In Push for Trade Deal, Trump Administration Shelves Sanctions Over China’s Crackdown on Uighurs

📌The Russia Investigation Will Outlast Mueller's Report
🤡Clown Car 2🤡

Trump taps Mark Morgan, former Obama official who supports border wall, to head ICE

#BillBarr has ties to ultra-conservative Opus Dei — and that could explain his ‘ends justify the means’ corruption

What is Opus Dei?
🤡Clown Car 3🤡

I remain optimistic & hopeful as ever, but that doesn’t mean the danger isn’t real.

DOJ attorneys defend Mueller's ability to investigate Trump in Roger Stone filing

Mark your calendars for May 15th, 10 days!! Mueller is coming to the hill!
Read 54 tweets
#Breaking: just in - interim president Juan @jguaido is asking the Venezuelan military to join him to overthrow the Maduro regime as of from today! And calls for every citizen of the country to join with him in #Venezuela.
#Update: Just in - speculation in #Venezuela that around 10.000 to up to 15.000 military personnel have sided with, interim president Juan @jguaido to overthrow the Maduro regime today.
#Update: Just in - Reports that the defected soldiers and police officers who defected across the border to #Colombia and #Brazil, are willing to return back in #Venezuela to help to overthrow the Maduro regime.
Read 45 tweets
It Turns Out Google Co-founders Larry Page And Sergy Brin Are Actually Pretty Lousy Coders. | THREAD #G11000…
Sergey Brin’s first résumé contained hidden code view-source:… Well, they got everything they (Sergey and Larry) asked. 😎 #G11000
Read 110 tweets
By @jaarreaza
Inmenso honor haber sido recibidos por el hermano Presidente de la República Árabe🇸🇾,Bashar Al-Assad. Cuánta experiencia, sabiduría y consejos para la resistencia, la victoria y la Paz.Le transmitimos el abrazo solidario del Presidente @NicolasMaduro¡Que viva Siria!
.@marcorubio I advise you to find a psychologist. I think your case is more serious than initially thought. You're completely insane...Someone with a good head, in the 🇺🇸,please close his twitter, because he's embarrassing the 🇺🇸 to the whole world.…
Read 145 tweets
1️⃣ The son of the extremist #Brazil president @FlavioBolsonaro attacking #Hamas, because it rejected the unlimited support 2 the #Israeli occupation from the new #Brazilian administration, in contradiction 2 historical Brazilian supportive stance to the #Palestinian Rights, but..
2️⃣ but also in clear contradiction 2 international law, which guarantees the right of people under occupation to resist, with all available tools, including armed resistance, what #Hamas is only doing. We r struggling 4 our right of Freedom & independence,like all people on earth
3️⃣ #Jerusalem is an occupied territory according 2 intl law, & no one, including the @jairbolsonaro, have the right 2 legitimize the #Israeli occupation 2 the city. What he is doing isn’t harming only the historical relations between the 2 people of #Brazil & #Palestine, but ...
Read 4 tweets
🎉📣 Unveiling the Finalists of the 2019 UN #SDGAwards! 🔝 21 initiatives show how innovation, creativity & commitment lead to impactful SDG Action. 2000+ applications, the selection was harder than ever!
Support your favs on the People's Choice Award!
Drone-based projects, crowdsourced stories of harassment & indicators on SDG progress ➡#SDGAwards VISUALIZERS are making complex concepts more readily understandable & affecting real change.

🤳Like & RT your favourite for the People's Choice Award!
#SDGAwards STORYTELLERS are using #transmedia, immersive mediums & taking storytelling to the next level to make #inequalities, #migration, access to #water, or #climatechange impacts.

🤳Like & RT your favourite for the People's Choice Award
Read 30 tweets
I think we can all agree that food is pretty important for survival.

Climate Change is already impacting food security- it is not a distant, ambiguous concern: 

More than 1 million acres of US cropland ravaged by floods

#ClimateActionNow #foodsecurity
Cascading impacts of deadly flooding around the world includes "food supply shocks"

"A “whiplash” between very dry periods, followed by very wet periods, is exactly what we can expect from climate change"

#foodsecurity #ClimateChange #agriculture
...North America is not immune -

Already ‘There’s bleeding going on’ in U.S. farm economy, ag lender says, due in part to extreme weather

A prolonged downturn “has impacted farmers of all ages, experience levels and sizes”

#extremeweather #farming #farm
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#Brazil 1/1 Human Rights Watch: President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil has reinstated commemorations of the 1964 coup that inaugurated two decades of military dictatorship marked by widespread torture and killings, Human Rights Watch said today.
2/2 “Bolsonaro rightly criticizes the Cuban and Venezuelan governments for violating their people´s basic rights,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch.
3/3 “But at the same time, he celebrates a military dictatorship in Brazil that caused untold suffering to tens of thousands of Brazilians. It is hard to imagine a clearer example of a double standard.”
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❤️🇺🇸President Trump Meets with the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro 🇧🇷
via @YouTube
❤️🇺🇸 President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro 🇧🇷
via @YouTube
“A strong and thriving friendship between the United States and Brazil is essential to a future of security and prosperity for all of our citizens.”
Read 6 tweets
😆😆😆😅😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Bolsonaro @jairbolsonaro to Guaidó @jguaido : "self-proclaiming president is easy, I want to see govern🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
y @telesurenglish
The attack on #Venezuela’s electrical system was carried out in three phases. #HandsOffVenezuela
Read 215 tweets
1. Toxic masculinity killed 25 people
2. State negligence and refusal to invest in the train system continues to kill #Egyptians
Clearly, the long-running neglect by successive #Egyptian regimes of the rail network has claimed too many lives. And re yesterday’s tragedy, the long-running refusal to confront patriarchy & toxic masculinity - on state and street level - will also continue to claim lives.
A fight between 2 men killed 25 people. When I write or talk about feminism and the need to dismantle patriarchy, I hear “This isn’t the time!” When is the time? Men who benefit from patriarchy don’t care about its toll on others. It took a toll on 25 people yesterday. #Egypt
Read 11 tweets
Even anti-#Maduro & pro-regime change #CNN said they could attest that no truck had crossed the border #Brazil - #Venezuela, ensuring that they had people on the ground that confirmed this information:…

#SantaElenaDeUairen #HandsOffVenezuela
"Our (#CNN) reporter Marcos Moreno reports from #Pacaraima that although #JuanGuaidó tweeted that Humanitarian Aid had crossed the border between #Brazil & #Venezuela, HE HAS NOT SEEN THE TRUCKS CROSSING YET."…👈LINK🤨

#FakeNews #HandsOffVenezuela

The #CNN team in #Paracaima, Roraima state, #Brazil, has NOT observed that trucks with aid have entered #Venezuela.…👈LINK

#HandsOffVenezuela #FakeNews
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Just in - American Vice President Mike Pence has arrived in #Bogotá in #Colombia to join the Lima Group meeting.
#Update: Video of American Vice President Mike Pence has arriving in #Bogotá in #Colombia.
#Update: @VP told President @Jguaido: “@POTUS sent me here to stand with you & stand with our friends and allies of Venezuela. We are with you 100%.Via: @VPPressSec
Read 36 tweets
By @BenjaminNorton
Reporting from International People's Assembly in Venezuela. President Maduro about to speak…
By @DidjaThinktwice
#RWO Real People with Real Values rising up for Real Democracy
"People in 150 cities around the world oppose US intervention in Venezuela"
Read 245 tweets
#Breaking: Just in - The Venezuelan Military is mobilizing towards Santa Elena and is heading towards the border of #Brazil, after being deployed from this morning in #Caracas in #Venezuela.
#Update: Also from earlier today in the morning in #Brazil, the Brazilian Força Nacional troops has been deployed towards the border of #Venezuela. Video Credit: @GEDV86
#Update: Deleted previous video was from 2018!
Read 7 tweets
It is D-day in #Venezuela 🇻🇪. Thousands of Venezuelan volunteers will try to get humanitarian aid across the border as #Maduro has closed all border crossings with 🇨🇴🇧🇷🇳🇱-🇨🇼.

Protesters at the Simon Bolivar bridge near #Cúcuta are trying to cross over from the Colombian side.
#Venezuela 🇻🇪: At least 3 National Guards soldiers have already defected from the #Maduro regime this morning, heading into #Colombia
#Venezuela 🇻🇪: National Guard blocking the border with #Brazil in Gran Sabana (#Bolivar state). The mayor of municipality calls on the soldiers to open the border and let the humanitarian aid come in.
Read 45 tweets
The Venezuelan people are early up and running, and are already close to the borders in #Venezuela and #Colombia.
#Update: First clashes and riots in #Ureña in #Venezuela what borders with #Colombia. Video Credit: @StePozzebon
#Breaking: One border crossing in #Venezuela into #Colombia has fallen!. One protestor injured! Two Venezuelan National Guard soldiers are also injured. #23Feb Video Credit: @VictoriaInojosa
Read 99 tweets
Happening now in #Venezuela!

Protestors and civilians are flipping over jeeps and slashing tires from the Venezuelan National Guards and lighting some of them on fire! Close at the #Colombia borders. In order that they cannot not mobilize for tomorrow.
#Update: This is the picture of that jeep on fire, from the Venezuelan National Guard.
#Update: New video showing American bought school buses to be used to block some certain parts of roads in #Venezuela, from preventing the humanitarian aid to pass from #Colombia.
Read 12 tweets
#Venezuela 🇻🇪: #VenezuelaAidLive is about to kick off in #Cúcuta (#Colombia) as thousands of people are gathering at the main stage.

Important figures like OAS Secretary General @Almagro_OEA2015, Colombian President @IvanDuque & billionaire @richardbranson are at the border
#Venezuela 🇻🇪: The #VenezuelaAidLive concert can be watched live here on YouTube
#Venezuela 🇻🇪: the #VenezuelaAidLive concert is taking place just meteres from the 🇻🇪-🇨🇴 border bridge which the #Maduro regime blocked with trucks
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#Breaking: Just in - The thugs of the Venezuelan Nation guard or GNB is started to shoot at his own people in #Venezuela in order to try to bring humanitarian aid in, and blocking the military forces! Video Credit: @cristiancrespoj
#Update: Reports of shooting still going on close at the border from #Venezuela/#Colombia were the delegation was heading.
#Update: The concert Stage in #Colombia where the bridge crosses over to #Venezuela is ready for tomorrow! They are expecting over 250.000 people or over more then 500.00 people in order to bring at least over 100 million$ in charity to support for humanitarian aid.
Read 19 tweets

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