Our AI continuously monitors billions of data points about the global research ecosystem to provide actionable insights for your decision making

Continuously updating with billions of data points

Gain powerful insights about the past, present and future with the most comprehensive knowledge graph covering the entire universe of research

Using cutting edge machine learning algorithms, wizdom.ai continuously generates analytics about the scientific developments that are the harbingers of our future world to progress research in the right direction, further and faster

Your personal research assistant

With comprehensive and current insights, wizdom.ai helps you explore the rapidly evolving research landscape to assist with your next ground breaking idea

Excel globally with comprehensive research intelligence

Have all the critical insights about research at your institution and globally, to monitor, evaluate and boost your performance

Lead with the most impactful publications using big-data

wizdom.ai provides publishers invaluable intelligence about global research publishing to help them distinguish the most promising research

Have your finger on the pulse of global research

Lead your industry using comprehensive analytics to determine and shape the future of your breakthrough research

Cutting-edge analytics to step-up your funding performance

Optimally allocate and evaluate your grants using cutting-edge analytics about your funding portfolio in the context of global research trends

Tackle global policy challenges with intelligent foresight

From funding allocations to field expertise, wizdom.ai facilitates government institutions with insightful analyses to address crucial challenges

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