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Highlighted Content for Activists

Rebellion: Eco-action 
Greeman: Yellow Vests 
Kliff: Medical Madness
Zunes: Threat of War with Iran
Benjamin: Build Antiwar Movement
Hughes: Organising ‘unorganisable’
Russo: Locking people up
Feffer: Bolton in Wonderland
Albert: Socialism: Ecology or Nothing
Prashad: The Plot to Kill Venezuela
Lakey: Connect the pipeline fights
Greenberg: Redacting Democracy
Roy: Form of Religion
Rasmus: China-US Trade War
Falk: Required Reading 
Owliaei: Uber Drivers Strike
Albert: "Socialism" or What
Ferner: Save Lake Erie
Porter: Spinning Israeli ‘Intelligence’
Swanson: Forbiggen Facts
Taibbi: Sanders 2.0
Fuentes: Venezuela’s crisis
Nichols: Spanish elections
Slaughter: Toledoans Rally 
Bennis: Escalating Tensions
Hallinan: Lessons from Spain 
Day: Fighting Loan Sharks
Albert: Socialism: Kinship
Giroux: Hope in Dark Times
Halimi: As bellicose as ever
Feffer: Global Game of Thrones
Ellsberg: Assange’s case
Ross: Nurses To Big Pharma
Minter: African Development
Sanchez: Striking Against Uber
Albert: Socialism: Community
Kaminski: Citizen Assemblies 
Prashad: U.S. and Iran?
Foster: Eco-Revolution
Foley: Ireland’s Citizen Assembly
Albert: Socialism: The Polity
Kernan: Surveillance Capitalism
Cohen: “Troika of Tyranny” 
Joedan: Dear Xtinction Rebellion
Deen: Xtinction Rebellion
Orphan: Hopeful in Bad Times
Olson: Meritocracy is a Lie
Piggot: ER’s “regenerative culture”
Matin: Democracy from below
Many: Dear Extinction Rebellion
Flacks: Happy Birthday, Pete Seeger
Albert: Socialism: Strategy
Sachs: U.S. Has Devastated Venezuela
Lawrence: Rethinking ownership 
Parmenter: Letter to N.C. Students
Albert: Judging Participatory Socialism
Stannard: Symbiosis is Different
Bader: Restaurant Workers
Barkan:  Medicare for All
Monbiot: Problem is Capitalism
Grzegorczyk: Strike Sweeps Poland
Wittner: The Story of Vieques
Albert: Socialism: Disputing Planning
Climate emergency manifesto
Mesec: Building the Slovenian Left
Falk: Second Arab Spring?
Ehrenreich Interview on Parecon
Aronoff: Spanish Green New Deal 
Albert: Querying Young Chomsky
Douglas: To Parliament, and Beyond
Smith: Game Developers
Bacon: Organizing Farmworkers
Hallinan: Revenge of the Kurds
Wen: Trump’s “Pro-Life” Agenda
Albert: Socialism: Planning
Marin: Participatory Democracy
Yates: The Road Beckons
Leopold: Medicare for All
Berman: Prisoner Voting Rights
Albert: Socialism: Allocation?
Fletcher: 2020 Elections & Beyond
Taylor: Extinction Rebellion 
Grossman: Many Feet
Benjamin: Venezuelan Embassy
Hensby: Extinction Rebellion
Fletcher: Left Election Strategy
Hamouchene: Algerian revolution
Symborski: New York City nurses 
Albert: Socialism: Classlessness?
Piascik: Stop and Shop Strike
Bennaidja: Algerian Civil Resistance
Turse: AFRICOM & My “Elimination”
Contributors: Intl Rebellion #6
Kushner: Is Prison Necessary?
Monbiot: Only rebellion
Blakeley: Millennial socialism
Royle: Climate movement
Prashad: Hour of Madness
: Principals vs. Strategies

Chomsky: The Green New Deal
Chesler: American Schools 
Albert: Socialism: Disputing Jobs
International Rebellion Update #4
Klein: AOC's Message From the Future
International Rebellion: Update 3
Taylor: Extinction Rebellion protests
Feffer: The Dictator and the Nihilist
Albert: Socialism: Who Does What?
Bennis: Trump Embrace of Netanyahu
Ellner: Venezuela and setbacks
Arria: Stop & Shop Strike
Johnston: Strike Goes on
Pilger: Chelsea Manning 
Wetzel: Eco-syndicalist Alternative
Albert: Socialism: Who Decides What?
Falk: Assange: Criminal or Benefactor?
Glass: Assange in Prison
Ali: Outside the Gate of Hell
Jaunes: Assembly action
Bee: Youth Are Striking 
McAlevey: Why strikes 
Chomsky: “Ultranationalism"
Fuentes: Venezuela’s colectivos
Emersberger: Assange
Hallam: Why International Rebellion?
Clawson: Who Controls Our Time?
Pilger: The Assange arrest 
Cook: Media Rendition
Albert: Socialism: Property Problem
Mesec: Slovenian Left
Rachidi: Uprising in Algeria
Tchie: Sudan’s protesters 
Reichman: Academic Freedom
Greeman: Reinvent Democracy
Guimarães: Women driving resistance
Rosenberg: Consumer Drug Ads
Oberg: Addicted to Militarism
Rodriguez: Socialism Be Feminist
Albert: Socialism: Disputing Pie Slices

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