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Generate sales leads.

Less than 2% of your website visitors are contacting you.

Statistically, less than 2% of your website visitors get in touch with you while 98% remain anonymous. Considering the significant investment you've made in building and marketing your website, wouldn't it be great if you had the opportunity to convert everyone who has shown interest? Statcounter's B2B lead generation software helps you identify and track anonymous visitors in real time so you can reach out to them before they reach out to your competitors.

Target the missing 98% with Statcounter.

Identify and track qualified leads in real time

Access the detailed information you need to identify your most highly qualified leads, such as City, ISP and IP address. Track your visitors' activity in real time as they navigate through your website.

Set alerts for when leads revisit your site

Get email and mobile notifications when the visitors you have identified return to your website. Time your follow-ups perfectly — never miss an important lead again!

Identify opportunities in new markets

Watch for interest in your website from across the globe to help you identify opportunities in new markets.

Try Statcounter free for 30 days

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How does it work?

Trusted on over 2 Million websites.

With Statcounter, we don't have to dig for what we want to see, and that has enabled us to react quickly to problems and take advantage of opportunities we may have otherwise missed.
Chance Agrella
Freerange Stock
...fast knowledge about website information that can help us increase our business without us having to get headaches trying to understand how analytic programs work.
Oscar Helm

Try Statcounter free for 30 days

No Credit Card required. Downgrade to the free plan anytime.
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