Select 1.3.0

DataTables CDN files for Select 1.3.0. This software was originally released on 8th March, 2019.

Release notes

Overall this is a minor release of Select, but there is a small change to the implementation which requires the 1.x release. When initialising Select if you give a select option to the DataTable configuration it will automatically default to os style selection unless otherwise specified. If no select option is given, the style will be api still (i.e. no end user interaction).

  • Fix: Clean up wrapper class string before using it as a selector (2b710c7).
  • Fix: Initialisation when specifying a select option will always default to style: 'os' now if no style option is specified. 'api' is still the default is select is not defined. (1447990).
  • Fix: Programmatically triggering a click event to select a row would not work until the DataTables container had been clicked on somewhere by the end user. (b4c4b36).
  • Fix - docs: Syntax errors (e4fcc69).
  • Fix docs: Typo in example (78363fc).


