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  • Hunter Hastings

Hunter Hastings

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Works Published inMises Daily Article

Hunter Hastings is a member of the Mises Institute, Business Consultant, and co-chair of the Rescue California Educational Foundation. He is also host of the Economics for Entrepreneurs podcast.

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Peter Klein on Organization

The EntrepreneurStrategyEntrepreneurship

Hunter Hastings and Peter Klein discuss why Organization can make a crucial difference to entrepreneurial success.
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Smita Bakshi on The Entrepreneurial Journey

The EntrepreneurStrategyEntrepreneurship

Dr. Smita Bakshi, an engineer passionate about her mission, makes an impact by combining what the world needs and what the world will pay for.
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Per Bylund on Entrepreneurial Strategy

The EntrepreneurStrategyEntrepreneurship

Austrian Entrepreneurial Strategy is a lot different — and better — than traditional business school approaches.
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Austrian-Style Entrepreneurship Explains Much of China’s Growth

The EntrepreneurEntrepreneurship


For centuries, entrepreneurial talents in China were diverted to military wars, political struggles, and government services. But now things are changing.

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Steven Phelan on Managing Expectations

The EntrepreneurEntrepreneurship

Hunter Hastings and Steve Phelan discuss the task for entrepreneurs and business owners — in fact anyone in business — that is often overlooked and equally as often mis-executed.
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