In the shadow of mass fish kills at the start of the year, residents of Menindee in NSW are now worried for the rich and rare birdlife that relies on the area to breed.

A regional New South Wales town is set to become a major player in oil production and the renewable fuels market with a plant using world-first technology to recycle thousands of used tyres a year.

Over the past year, I've been trying to cut my carbon footprint by 75 per cent through a different experiment each week. This is what I've discovered, writes Jo Clay.

With whale season upon us, all eyes are on the east coast of Australia in the hope of spotting Migaloo the albino humpback on his 30th birthday.

The death of a close friend in a mountain climbing accident was a life-changing moment for Brisbane doctor Andrew Peacock. Now he spends half the year globetrotting on grand adventures.

The recycling industry says it is ready to capitalise on election promises made by the Morrison Government to tackle Australia's waste crisis, but is warning they only address half the problem.

Australians are being encouraged to adopt a totem to protect plants, animals and landscapes.

The owner of a beachside cafe has come up with a waste-busting idea to swap buckets of rubbish for a scoop of gelato.

Many green groups invested significant resources ahead of the federal election, campaigning against the Adani mine and for stronger climate policies. But did they fail to read public sentiment and, in fact, help the Coalition to victory?

The world's largest macadamia processor turns to solar power in a bid to lower energy costs, lift profitability, and reduce its environmental footprint.

Amenities, wheelchair access and conservation work top the list of requests by visitors to Litchfield National Park if an access fee is introduced.

A final decision is yet to be made over whether a strain of the herpes virus will be released to control carp numbers in the Murray-Darling, as irrigators utilise a matured water market to help them negotiate low allocations.

Decades of rubbish, faeces, asbestos and medical waste is at risk of spilling into the Southern Ocean if a million-dollar rock wall in south-west Victoria is not built in time.

Adani needs just one more environmental approval before it can start building one of the country's biggest coal mines after the Queensland Government approves a crucial plan to protect an endangered bird.

The NEM has just celebrated its 20th anniversary and, while it has done a good job, it is now in need of a major overhaul to keep the lights on, a major new report warns.

From June 1, water restrictions will be in place across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. Here's what you need to know as well as some ideas for how you can save more water at home.

The head of the US Defence Intelligence Agency says Russia's nuclear activities would help improve weapons capabilities and says the country's actions have "strained" key pillars of a network of international arms control agreements.

Patchy mobile reception and an old hut have kept a Melbourne father and son safe and warm after they became trapped in snow in Victoria's high country.

Despite recent rain, and snow even in the past few days, soil moisture levels remain relatively low for large parts of the east and west coasts — and the BOM's latest outlook doesn't leave much room for optimism.

The newly sworn-in Water Minister David Littleproud is to order ACCC inquiry into water trading in southern basin.

Pastoralists west of Alice Springs haven't seen this many camels on their station in years, and say their neighbours should be doing more to prevent a boom in the feral population.

This is Phil Gregurke. He is having to travel 200km just to pick up a carton of beer and some toilet paper for his pub on the Birdsville Track.


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