Recent Updates from Vimeo

  • A story of lowering quality for improving accessibility

    May 3, 2019

    Hello, I’m Vittorio Giovara. You may remember me from such blog posts as Vimeo joins the Alliance for Open Media and Luminous colors, stunning high quality: HDR has arrived. But today I’m covering an unusual topic: while I usually advocate for high-end video quality, next-generation video codecs, and…

  • Kotlin Coroutines @ Vimeo: A Case Study, Part 1

    Mar 26, 2019

    For the past couple of months, I’ve been battle-testing coroutines in simple and complex uses cases in our app and our open-source SDK. These use cases are bridging our callback-based SDK to coroutines, uploading videos, polling in our player, and interacting with our internal RxJava-based libraries.In…