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               googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1430377943388-2'); });       .oryx-bg { background-image: url(/web/20190601210456im_/; }   Home Episodes LATEST RenderPagesVideo('5527632478001', 0, '100%', 473, 'vdoContainer'); Drugs: Cannabis country, heroin fix and India's addicts Three short docs about prescription drugs in India, a cannabis connoisseur in Uruguay and heroin addiction in Tanzania.

 01 Aug 2017 13:23 GMT |   Drugs, India, Uruguay, Tanzania, Health

  .follow-item-style li { display: block; float: right; margin-right: .5em; font-size: 16px; } .follow-item-style li a { width: 24px; height: 24px; display: block; overflow: hidden; background-image: url('/web/20190601210456im_/'); background-repeat: no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; } .social-twitter { background-position: 0 0; } .social-facebook { background-position: -24px 0; } .social-google { background-position: -48px 0; } .social-youtube { background-position: -72px 0; } .social-rss { background-position: -96px 0; } .social-contactus { background-position: -120px 0; } About Al Jazeera Selects     Al Jazeera Selects celebrates the rise of the short documentary. It brings short films that combine dynamic storytelling and fresh perspectives to your screen.  Each episode curates films from independent directors around the world to provide diverse lenses on a pressing global issue. This six part series covers: sports, girls, resistance, drugs, refugees and journalism.   Airing Times   Monday 22:30 GMT   Tuesday 09:30 GMT   Wednesday 03:30 GMT   Thursday 16:30 GMT   Friday 05:30 GMT   New Episode

Show full TV schedule var jQueryScriptOutputted = false; function initJQuery() { if (typeof (jQuery) === 'undefined') { if (!jQueryScriptOutputted) { //only output the script once.. jQueryScriptOutputted = true; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "/assets/scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"; document.body.appendChild(script); } setTimeout("initJQuery()", 50); } else { (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("#about-programme").mCustomScrollbar({ scrollButtons:{ enable:true }, theme:"light-thick" }); }); })(jQuery); } } initJQuery(); More Palestinians: Stories of resistance  A mother protests, a teenager comes of age, and a cameraman records his final moments – life in occupied Palestine.

  Palestine, Gaza, Human Rights, Gaza: After the war, Middle East

  Gangs: Beyond Drugs and Violence Interrupting violence in South Africa, overcoming gang life in LA, and making peace in Ecuador's toughest streets.

  Gang violence, Latin America, United States, Drugs

  Hunted: Law of the jungle From hunting in Siberia to poaching in the jungles of Myanmar, we explore the relationship between humans and wildlife. 

  Wild Animals, Russia, Myanmar

  Express Yourself: Changing Perceptions Through Art A South African singer, an Indonesian photographer and a Somali filmmaker use their talents to challenge the status quo.

  Arts & Culture, Asia Pacific, Africa, South Africa, Indonesia

  Seeking Justice in Mexico, US and Turkey Mothers march against US police violence; activists lobby for change in Turkey; friends search for Mexico's disappeared.

  Corruption, Gun violence, Mexico, United States, Turkey

  Changemakers A mental health worker in Somalia, a first responder in India, and a domestic worker in the UK all making a difference.

  Human Rights, Somalia, India, United Kingdom

  Journalists on the frontline From Syria, to Mexico and Sudan, we tell the story of those who risk their lives to cover conflict.

  Journalism, Media, Journalism under fire, War & Conflict

  Refugees: Between worlds in Israel, Turkey and Greece Short docs about an Eritrean boarding school in Israel, refugee children in Turkey and a hotel-turned-squat in Greece.

  Refugees, Turkey, Israel, Greece, Syria's War

  Resistance: Fighting back in India, Canada and Russia Stories of resistance from Indian toxic gas survivors, a First Nation clan in Canada, and a Russian democracy activist.

  Human Rights, Russia, India, Canada

 Staff PicksStreet Food A taste of conflict: The politics of food in Jerusalem In an ancient city torn apart by modern conflict, can food help to bridge political and religious divisions?

 Talk to Al Jazeera Nadezhda Kutepova: Life in Russia's secret nuclear city Activist Kutepova on growing up in a city that saw the world's third-worst nuclear accident and being exiled as traitor.

 101 East India's Miracle Babies India's elderly new mothers: Are doctors playing God, or does every woman have the right to bear a child?

 Related content Jordan's economic crisis threatens political stability Anger simmers after the government hiked taxes between 50-100 percent on key food staples such as bread. 

 Jordan ,  Middle East ,  US & Canada ,  Business & Economy

      MUST-SEE PROGRAMMESPeople & PowerDelhi's Deadly AirPeople and Power investigates the shocking levels of air pollution making it deadly to breathe in India's capital.

Pollution, India, Health

People & PowerPeacekillers Insight into the remarkable attempt to bring peacekeepers who committed crimes against the most vulnerable to justice.

Nigeria, Sierra Leone, United Nations

Featured DocumentariesOur Man in Cairo: El-Sisi and the WestHow the US and EU are turning a blind eye on Egypt's human rights record for their own economic and political interests.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt, Human Rights

Featured DocumentariesIran 1979: Legacy of a RevolutionWhat is the legacy of Iran's Islamic revolution and how does it affect Iranian society more than three decades later?

Middle East, Iran


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