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Here’s why the reported North Korean purges are bad news for Trump



Recent reports have suggested that Kim Jong-un is unsatisfied with the progress being made in international negotiations with President Donald Trump — and he is taking it out on his own advisers. Kim has allegedly executed his senior nuclear envoy and four foreign ministry officials, imprisoned two lower-level officials, and sent one of his senior aides to a labor camp.

As with much reporting on North Korea, these reports, which originate from the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, are hard to verify. But all of this spells trouble for the president’s ambitions to solve the turmoil on the Korean peninsula.

The problem is that Trump has spent months telling the American people that North Korean leadership is stable enough to negotiate with. If it is true that they are executing their own officials over lack of progress on the talks, that would undercut his notion.

North Korea has repeatedly made movements toward reunification or denuclearization over the past two decades, but has never followed through, pulling out over perceived slights or making demands that the United States cannot accommodate.

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Leadership and mimicry: What the Greek-Roman biographer Plutarch knew about Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes



Founder of the biotech company, Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes is currently awaiting trial for cheating investors and deceiving her clients. She claimed that her company was building a device that would revolutionize healthcare by running dozens of lab tests on a single drop of blood. This device, called the Edison, was to become widely available in a nation-wide chain of drug stores, providing nearly every American with quick, affordable access to important information about their health. Holmes appeared to be doing the impossible, and nearly everyone believed in her, from seasoned Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to wealthy investors to former Secretaries of State. By the time she was thirty she had accomplished another childhood dream: she had become a billionaire. But quick and easy blood testing, it turns out, really is impossible. While a legal decision about her behavior as CEO lies in the future, the verdict on her character appears to be in. Elizabeth Holmes is a fraud.

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‘Beyond barbaric’: Report shows reality inside overcrowded US detention center



A federal immigrant detention facility in El Paso, Texas is so unsanitary and overcrowded that migrants held by the Trump administration were forced to wear "soiled clothing for days or weeks" at a time and stand on toilets to find breathing space in their cells.

That's according to a not-yet-released report by the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general, which was obtained exclusively by CNN on Friday.

"The administration's continued treatment of immigrants is beyond barbaric—and shows exactly how racist and xenophobic Trump is."—Rep. Barbara Lee

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Rudy Giuliani threatens $17 million legal action against Robert Mueller during Fox News interview



Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's television defense attorney, said he was considering bringing a $17 million legal action against former special counsel Robert Mueller.

Giuliani was incensed that Mueller did not come to a prosecutorial conclusion on Trump's obstruction of justice. Mueller laid out over ten instances of such obstruction but said he was prevented from bringing charges due to a Department of Justice regulation.

"It was a dereliction of duty," Giuliani claimed.

"Why do you appoint an independent counsel, a special counsel? Theoretically there's some kind of conflict, they are supposed to make a decision," the former New York City mayor said.

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts