
Tag: Presidential Election Integrity Commission

Court Checks Crosscheck In Indiana

Greg Palast 

A federal judge has enjoined Indiana from purging voters just because they are on Kris Kobach’s Crosscheck list. The winning suit was brought by Common Cause. Their complaint extensively cited the work of the Palast Investigations Fund. This means Crosscheck is wounded, but ...more

Kris Kobach’s Toy Machine Gun

Greg Palast 

Kris Kobach has brought a new weapon to his hunt for the chimerical Fraudulent Voter: A flag-covered military jeep with a mounted 50-caliber machine gun ”” a toy one. It’s a fitting symbol for Kobach, whose hunt for Trump's claimed 3 million fraudulent voters has only shot blanks. Kobach, once thought the obvious successor to ...more

Kris Kobach’s Brilliant Chess Move

Greg Palast 

Progressives are always looking for a "victory," a pony hiding in the horseshit. We saw this when most states claimed to reject Kris Kobach’s request to turn over their voter rolls. In fact, governors were lying (Mississippi and Louisiana) or too ignorant (Virginia) to ...more

New-TrumpStolelt, Post-Election Edition
Of "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" Available Now!

Greg Palast 

The massive success of our film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy ”” which was first released two months BEFORE the 2016 election and predicted Trump would win (and how!) ”” has led to demands from NAACP, ACLU, Transformative Justice Coalition for an update. This post-election edition is subtitled: The Case of the Stolen Election.

Over TWO MILLION have seen the original version of our film ”” and it’s had one hell of an impact: The NAACP and League of Women Voters have sued the ...more

Do I have to set my hat on fire?

Greg Palast 

Do I have to set my hat on fire to get America’s attention?

I released a movie last year, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, that told exactly how Trump and his billionaire buddies were going to steal the election.

DID ANYONE LISTEN? YOU did – but the Dummycrats and the pin-head media already bought their party dress for Hillary’s inauguration.

So I’m trying again:

Today, this moment, I’m releasing the new Trump-Stole-It update of our hit film. DOWNLOAD  IT HERE NOW

I was going to sub-title it: “This time, pay attention!” But instead, the new subtitle is: The Case of the Stolen Election.

It will be released commercially next year. But you can get it right now – here, and only here, for a tax-deductible donation to the Palast Investigative Fund.

Warning: If you get “Best Democracy” on Amazon or iTunes, you’re getting the OLD version.

The NEW edition tells you exactly how Trump pulled off the heist. Follow me as I hunt for 75,355 missing ballots in the snows of Michigan. And as I find the voters from Ohio to Arizona who were shafted out of their vote. Voters of color – Hispanic, Asian-American, Black – and all “Blue.”

Get the download of the feature length film right now, right here; or donate for the DVD which comes off the presses in …more

Crosscheck Overwhelmingly Purges Legitimate Voters, New Study Finds
Researchers From Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Penn, and Microsoft Independently Corroborate Our Work

Greg Palast 

Hall-Trump-elujah! Profs finally back up what I’ve been screaming for years. The Kobach-Trump Crosscheck program is the Alt-Right Godzilla of voter suppression.

One Person, One Vote ”” Crosscheck Study

“We find that one of Crosscheck’s proposed purging strategies would eliminate about 300 registrations used to cast a seemingly legitimate vote for every one registration used to cast a double vote.”

And even that 1 in 300, say the profs from Stanford, Harvard, Penn, Yale and Microsoft, is probably just clerical error. …more

Unsealed Kobach Docs Shed More Light On Tactics
For Trump's War On Voting Rights

Greg Palast 

Kobach memos unsealed.

On Friday, August 6, thanks to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, a federal judge unsealed two documents relating to Kris Kobach’s proposed amendments to the National Voter Registration Act (a.k.a. the “motor-voter law”).

The first document was a memo that Kobach brought to a meeting with President-elect Trump in November 2016, which was partially exposed during a photo op and revealed that Kobach wants to “stop aliens from voting” by drafting amendments to the National Voter Registration Act “to promote proof of citizenship requirements.” The second unsealed document offers more insight into precisely how Kobach intends to do this. …more

Kobach “Election Integrity” Commission Discuss Obviously Bogus Claims Of Voter Fraud in NH
Republicans Aren’t Fools, Misdirection is Intentional

Greg Palast 

By Nicole Powers

Kris Kobach’s so-called “Election Integrity” Commission had their first public meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday. One of the topics they discussed was claims made by a bogus Koch-funded Heritage Foundation report that 1,100 people in New Hampshire voted illegally (which Kobach repeated in his similarly bogus September 7 Breitbart column). The “evidence” that they used to back this claim up was that some people used out of state DMV ID to vote. On yesterday’s edition of the Thom Hartmann Program, Greg and Thom quickly debunk the Heritage Foundation and Kobach’s assertion that illegal out of state voters changed the outcome of the 2016 New Hampshire Senate race. …more

Civil Rights Center Calls On Governor McAuliffe (D) To Withdraw Virginia From Racist GOP Voter Purging Program

Greg Palast 

By Nicole Powers

After spearheading the launch of The Voting Rights Project in Virginia at an event on Saturday, September 9, DC’s Civil Rights Center has called for the state to withdraw from Interstate Crosscheck.

In an open letter, submitted on September 12, 2016, the Executive Director of the Civil Rights Center, Dee Hunter, asked Virginia’s Democratic Governor, Terry McAuliffe, to terminate the state’s participation in the GOP’s racially-biased-by-design voter purging program.

“Terry McAuliffe has called the Trump-Kobach vote fraud commission a machine of ‘vote suppression’. Yet McAuliffe is one of the last Democratic governors to insist …more

Watch The Voting Rights Project Virginia Panel Feat. Palast – Plus Representatives From NAACP, VoteRiders, People Demanding Action & More

Greg Palast 

On Saturday, September 9, 2017 we took the Voting Rights Project to the First African Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. A screening of a brand new activist cut of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy was followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by Dee Hunter of the Civil Rights Center, it featured Palast, Kathleen Unger (VoteRiders), Andrea Miller (People Demanding Action), Brian Cannon (OneVirginia2021), Gus Semba (The Semba Foundation), and Greg Moore (NAACP).

The event had one main goal: To put pressure on the Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe – a Democrat – to remove the state from Kris Kobach’s stealth voter-purging system. Over a million voters have quietly …more