On an 8-0 vote, the Illinois Board of Elections on Tuesday, January 22 dropped the Interstate Crosscheck voter purge program.
Greg Palast and the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Sr. are co-plaintiffs in a law suit against Illinois over the use of Crosscheck, a racially biased and thoroughly erroneous purge program.
The action brought by Rev. Jackson and Palast under the National Voter Registration Act, would require the state to reveal the reasons for the removal of each of 550,000 voters purged from the Illinois voter rolls in 2017.
Tens of thousands of these voters were removed because of the operation of the Crosscheck program. Purge lists were provided to the state of Illinois by the notorious former Secretary of State of Kansas, GOP operative Kris Kobach.
In Los Angeles, Greg Palast said, “While I applaud Illinois dropping this ugly, racist purge program, we will not rest until the thousands of voters wrongly removed have had their rights restored.”
Illinois voters may see if they were purged from the rolls by going to searching the Illinois Voter Purge List 2018 on GregPalast.com.
“If you’re on that list, re-register now,” said Palast. The Palast Investigative Fund has initiated litigation against Interstate Crosscheck in 25 states including Illinois, Georgia, Indiana and Kansas.