How Do We Defeat Voter Suppression?
A Tribute to the Spirit of Selma

Greg Palast

How do you defeat voter suppression tactics when it’s fueled by billionaires’ cash and partisan power? The same way the Voting Rights Act was first won 50 years ago.

Excerpt from the Activist Edition of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy – especially created for university, school and church screenings.

Thanks to support from the Goodman and Puffin Foundations and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, we offer the film to schools and churches without charge, just contact us.

Greg Palast

Greg Palast has written four New York Times bestsellers, including Armed Madhouse, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, now a major non-fiction movie, available on Amazon — and can be streamed for FREE by Prime members!

Stay informed, get the signed DVD of the updated, post-election edition of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of The Stolen Election, a signed copy of the companion book — or better still, get the Book & DVD combo.

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