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A Film by Greg Palast

Featuring Rosario Dawson, Shailene Woodley, Willie Nelson, Ice T, Richard Belzer and Ed Asner

When Donald Trump said, “This election is rigged”—he should know.
His buddies rigged it.

Rolling Stone investigative reporter Greg Palast busted Jeb Bush for stealing the 2000 election by purging Black voters from Florida’s electoral rolls. Now Palast is back to take a deep dive into the Republicans’ dark operation, Crosscheck, the secret purge list that helped steal the 2016 Election.

Crosscheck is controlled by a Trump henchman, Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State who claims his computer program has identified 7.2 million people in 29 states who may have voted twice in the same election–a felony crime. The catch? Most of these “suspects” are minorities—in other words, mainly Democratic voters. Yet the lists and the evidence remain “confidential”.

Palast and his investigative side-kick Badpenny do what it takes to get their hands on the data, analyze it and go find some of these 7.2 million Americans tagged “suspects” and “potential duplicate voters”.

They hunt down and confront Kobach with the evidence of his “lynching by laptop.” Then they are off to find the billionaires behind this voting scam. The search takes Palast from Kansas to the Arctic, the Congo, and to a swanky Hamptons dinner party held by Trump’s sugar-daddy, John Paulson, a.k.a. “JP The Foreclosure King.”

Palast and Badpenny stake out top GOP donors, the billionaire known as “The Vulture” and the Koch brothers, whom Palast nails with a damning tape recording.

This real life detective story is told in a film noir style with cartoon animations, secret documents, hidden cameras, and a little help from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit detectives, Ice-T and Richard Belzer, Shailene Woodley, Rosario Dawson, Willie Nelson and Ed Asner, Palast and his associates expose the darkest plans of the uber-rich to steal America’s democracy.


Palast is exactly what a journalist is supposed to be – a truth hound, doggedly independent, undaunted by power. His stories bite. They’re so relevant they threaten to alter history.

Chicago Tribune

The most important investigative reporter of our time – up there with Woodward and Bernstein.

The Guardian

Palast’s amazing, mind-blowing, literate and disturbingly funny account of what has happened to this country has left me dizzy.
Meanwhile, thanks for f#@king up my life.

Jason Alexander