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Banner Drop at Harvard Against Prison Investment
harvard_banner.jpegA group at Harvard University called Harvard Prison Divestment dropped two banners demanding the university cease investing in the prison industrial complex. Their report is reposted here.
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01 May 2019 | Filed under: News / Education : Police and Prisons
Interview With a Striking Stop and Shop Worker
Stop-Shop-Strike2.jpgStarting Thursday, April 11th, 31,000 Stop & Shop grocery store workers at over 240 stores throughout New England went on strike to fight for a fair contract— what will be the largest strike in the U.S. since a 2016 walkout by Verizon workers. Stop & Shop workers are members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) and are holding the picket line as of this writing. The primary issues are wages and rising health care costs as the parent company of Stop & Shop, Ahold Delhaize, reaped $2 billion in profits last year. Erin Flaherty spoke with Demi, a Stop & Shop worker and rank-and-file striker in the Greater Boston Area, about their thoughts and experiences during this strike.
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16 Apr 2019 | Filed under: Interview / Labor : Organizing
Angola 3 Update: Albert Woodfox's Birthday, Book Release and Tour
Today marks the third anniversary of Albert Woodfox's release (and his 72nd Birthday), and February 8 marked the eighteenth anniversary of Robert King's release. Albert Woodfox's new book "Solitary," will be released by Grove Atlantic Press on March 5, and Albert will begin a book tour around the country.
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20 Feb 2019 | Filed under: News / Police and Prisons
ICE Prisoners in Suffolk County Jail Launch Hunger Strike
Approximately 70 ICE detainees at the Suffolk County House of Correction (SCHC) have launched a hunger strike calling for an end to abuse and inhumane conditions.

FOUR PEOPLE are currently being held in solitary confinement in direct retaliation for participating in this hunger strike.

Additionally, according to detainees inside, SCHC is illegally detaining people beyond the amount of time that the facility is allowed.
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19 Feb 2019 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : Police and Prisons
Prevent Fascist Haters From Disrupting the Boston Women's March!
Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM at the Parkman Bandstand in Boston Common

We must show the haters that they have no place in our city! Resist Marxism and their fellow hate groups are planning to disrupt the Women's March on 1/19. We will find them and prevent them from engaging in hate speech and harassment towards march attendees. Join us in blockading the alt-right and preventing them from gaining ground!
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18 Jan 2019 | Filed under: Announcement / Organizing : Race
Radio Silence: On the End of Radio Klaxon, the ZAD’s Pirate Radio
The following report from the ZAD is reposted from IGD. Since the original authors plan to post it on Indymedia we figured we'd throw it up here.

This statement comes from the team that operated Radio Klaxon, the pirate radio station on the ZAD in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France. It explains why they’ve gone off air and don’t foresee continuing the project, which has been a vital part of the community of struggle on the ZAD for many years.
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29 Dec 2018 | Filed under: News / International : Media : Organizing
FANG Collective Holds Home Demo at Sheriff's House
fang01.jpgYesterday in Dartmouth, Massachusetts we demonstrated outside of the home of Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, who is notorious for his close relationships to ICE and Trump, and for the horrific conditions at the prisons he oversees.
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24 Nov 2018 | Filed under: News / Police and Prisons : Race
2018 Boston Anarchist Bookfair November 17 - 18 UPDATED
bookfair.jpgThe 2018 Boston Anarchist Bookfair will take place the weekend of November 17th and 18th at Boston University's George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, from 10AM to 8PM both days.
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06 Oct 2018 | Filed under: Announcement / Media : Organizing
Local Interest
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Boston Area Fascists Exposed ("1")
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Two Films by Peter Miller: Sacco and Vanzetti/The Internationale ("0")
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1934 – the year of the strike ("1")
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No War on Iran Rally - Kendall Square T - 3 Aug Friday 5-6pm ("0")
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US Backed Saudi War on Yemen Armed by Raytheon - Protest 31 July 5-6pm South Station Boston ("0")
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Defend Immigrant Rights! Protest Northeastern U Collaboration with ICE - 31 July - 5:30-8:30pm ("0")
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Craniothérapie du malheur ("0")
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Paraphysique d'amphibologie polysémique ("0")
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House Delays Disaster Package for Puerto Rico, US States and Territories ("0")
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Congress, White House Move Disaster Relief for Puerto Rico, US States and Territories ("0")
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We the Scattered in the Insult Society ("1")
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Big bounce, aporie du bégaiement ("0")
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Agonistes de pharmacopée marchande ("0")
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The Women Of Alabama. ("0")
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The Shortwave Report 05/17/19 Listen Globally! ("0")
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Paraphysique de l'acentrisme ("0")
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