Editor's Picks


"Sovereignty is a spiritual notion"

Under Aboriginal tradition, there are no meaningful separations between land ownership, natural resource management, cultural heritage and religious practice. So the recent debates surrounding freedom of religion, focussed as they are on the state's extension of its jurisdiction over religious institutions, must be extended to include the claim of spiritual sovereignty by the First Nations.

Graduating in possum skin

After four months of sewing until her fingers tingled, Theresa Ardler has a graduation cloak that tells a story dating back many generations.


Common humanity as the basis of a community of nations

If we rely too heavily on the concept of rights to do much of the ethical work, we will find ourselves ethically illiterate in the characterisation of the terrible wrongs people suffer. We will then undermine the prospects of the kind of conversation between the peoples of the earth that would give us reason to hope that we could become genuinely a community of nations.

Can fashion labels ever be ethical?

From dangerous sweatshops to 'blackface' sweaters, the fashion industry is never far from an ethical quagmire. So, is there a way to buy clothes with a clear conscience?


"Our story is in the land"

Indigenous people's sense of belonging is derived from an ontological relationship to country derived from the Dreaming. The premise of colonisation ― that Australia belonged to no one ― informed the relationship between Indigenous people and the nation-state from its very inception. And it continues to do so.


"Magic never truly vanished"

Modernity may be disenchanting, argues philosopher of religion Jason Josephson-Storm, but that does not mean that it is wholly disenchanted. The modern world remains full of religion, even among its most modern expressions.


Why is humanity so irrational?

Democracy in Australia, Europe and America seems a little unhinged at the moment. Is it because irrationality is coded into the DNA of Western civilisation? Quite possibly, says one philosopher.


Jihad in Sri Lanka ― a new context, but same old themes

The identities of all nine of the Sri Lankan jihadists who attacked various locations on the island on Easter Sunday have now been released. Because Sri Lanka hasn't had a history of political violence associated with al-Qa'eda or Islamic State, these attacks initially seemed strange. But upon closer inspection, a familiar story begins to emerge.

  • Coming Up: A Peace Of Nourishment - Part 2

    With help from Rebecca Gibney and eating disorder experts around the world, Kylie starts to find some answers as she provides an intimate insight into one of the world’s deadliest mental illnesses.

    Coming up on 9 June

  • A Peace Of Nourishment - Part 1

    With Rebecca Gibney presenting this is the raw and revealing story of Kylie who has suffered with anorexia and binge eating disorder since she was 15. With serious health issues and nowhere left to hide, Kylie is compelled to start searching for answers.

    27mins 30secs
  • Leagueability

    Take the hard, tough game of rugby league. Toss in a bunch of young blokes who live for the game but have never been allowed to play and start a physical disability rugby league competition in regional Australia. This is a heart-warming, inspirational story about much more than football.

    27mins 30secs
  • From Boys To Men

    How can parents and communities help transition boys into manhood to build independent, responsible and resilient men? At Christian Brothers College in Fremantle WA, boys are guided by mentors and teachers through a year-long program of ritual, self-reflection and challenge to shape and define the type of man they want to be.

    27mins 30secs


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Compass returned to ABC TV, Sunday 12 May with a brand new series in a brand new timeslot. Sunday 6.30pm or anytime on iview. We look forward to enlightening, inspiring and entertaining you throughout 2019 until the end of October.


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