About headspace icon 4

About headspace

headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services. 

Information and services for young people, their families and friends can be accessed through our website, one of our headspace centres, our online counselling service eheadspace, the Digital Work and Study Service or through our post-vention suicide support program, headspace School Support.


Did you know?

One in four young people have experienced a mental health issue in the past 12 months – a higher prevalence than all other age groups. Alarmingly, suicide is the leading cause of death of young people, accounting for one third of all deaths.

Research shows that 75 per cent of mental health issues emerge before the age of 25. By treating these issues early and providing a holistic model of support, the risk of them developing into more serious problems is greatly decreased.


headspace outcomes

headspace undertakes a range of activities to increase the awareness of our services and how to access them among young people, their families, friends and the broader community.

A number of targeted national campaigns help headspace access hard to reach groups, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and the LGBTIQA+ community, and encourage them to seek support at headspace or other appropriate mental health services.

We’re proud to say that since establishment in 2006, headspace has provided over 2 million occasions of services (centres, online and phone) helping over 355,000 young people.

Steps to Fundraise icon 5

Thanks for choosing to support headspace National youth Mental Health Foundation. Your support is greatly appreciated.

First things first, you will need to decide if you want to raise funds for the national work of headspace or for your local headspace centre. If you want to support your local centre, then you will need to reach out to them directly, you can find their contact details here.

If you wish to raise funds for our national work then you’re in the right place.  Simply follow the steps below to  fundraising for headspace.

Step 1: Decide on your activity.

There are many different fundraising event ideas out there. You could host a trivia night, organise causal (green) dress day at your school or go big and organise a music event. You just need to pick the best event idea for you.

Step 2: Read through our fundraising guidelines

You must ensure that your activity complies with the relevant fundraising laws and legislations of your state. You can find our guidelines here: ACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWA

Step 3: Fundraising Application

Next step is to complete a headspace fundraising application, this is just a couple of questions about your event or activity. You can find the application form here. Once you submit your application it will go through the approvals process at headspace, this process usually takes 3 business days. 

Step 4: Set up your Online Fundraising Page

One of the best ways to share your fundraising event with your friends and family is to set up an online fundraising page. You could use Everyday Hero, Go Fundraise or My Cause as there is no cost to set up a fundraising page for your event. When setting up the page you just need to select headspace National youth Mental Health Foundation as your charity of choice, all funds raised through this page will be transferred directly to headspace, which means you won’t have to worry about the money collection and transfer to headspace.  

Fundraising Resources icon 6

Under construction 

Fun Runs and Sporting Events icon 7

Participating in a running, cycling or swimming event can improve your physical and mental health while also raising funds for headspace. There are plenty of events for all fitness levels around the nation.

All you need to do is sign up to your chosen sporting event and create your online fundraising page, this can all be done through the sporting events website. headspace provides an official sports singlet to each participant who raises $30.00 or more.

Please reach out to us via email if you need any assistance in coordinating your fundraising efforts for a fun run or sporting event: fundraising@headspace.org.au

Here are just some of the Fun Runs nationwide that you could participate in:


  • Colour Run Night Melbourne (April)
  • Stadium Stomp MCG (June)
  • Run Melbourne (July)
  • Medibank Melbourne Marathon (August)
  • Tough Mudder (October)
  • City2Sea (November)


  • Sydney Morning Herald Cole Classic (February)
  • Colour Run Night Sydney (February)
  • Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon (May)
  • Sun-Herald City2Surf (August)
  • Blackmores Sydney Running Festival (September)
  • Tough Mudder (November)


  • Tough Mudder (May)
  • Brisbane Times City2South (June)
  • Bridge to Brisbane (August)


  • HBF Run for a Reason Perth (May)
  • Chevron City to Surf (August)


  • Australian Corporate Triathlon (February)
  • Sunday Mail Bay-City Adelaide (March)
  • Stadium Stomp Adelaide Oval (July)


  • Beach to Bay Fun Run (November)
  • Cadbury Marathon (January)


  • Colour Run Canberra (February)
  • Australian Running Festival Canberra Times Canberra Marathon (April)
  • Canberra Times Fun Run (September)


  • Australian Outback Marathon (July) 
Top Tips icon 8

Set up an online fundraising page:

Setting up an online fundraising page is the easiest way to start fundraising right away! You can share your page link on your social channels to ask your friends and family to support your cause. Head over to everdayhero.com.au or gofundraise.com.au to set up your fundraising page for free today.

Fundraise in a team:

Get your friends together to help organise your fundraiser.

Get the word out:

A great way to get the word out is with posters, flyers and social media around your chosen area. The internet is also a great way to push your fundraiser out to the world, be sure to tag headspace for further reach! @headspace_aus 

Get your school or workplace involved:

Make sure you let your school or workplace know about your fundraiser and make it easy for them to get involved. Something as easy as selling baked goods for a gold coin donation can be really effective.  

Ask local businesses for a donation:

It may be something as simple as bread for your sausage sizzle, or a voucher for the raffle, every little bit helps. You’ll be surprised at how supportive your community can be.

Personalise your fundraising page:

Make sure to add photos to your page and provide updates along your journey. If you have a personal experience with mental health please don’t feel pressured to talk about it in great detail. You might like to simply state why supporting headspace is important to you so that your supporters connect to your fundraising efforts.

Set a fundraising goal:

Be ambitious, this will get people’s attention and could inspire them to help you out.

Use social media:

Setting up a Facebook or Instagram page or a Facebook event for your fundraiser. Talk about what you are doing and update your supporters, be sure to tag headspace for further reach! @headspace_aus 

Thank your supporters:

Make this message personal, it could be a text, a Facebook or Instagram shout out or a simple page mention. This public thank you could motivate others to also give.

FAQs icon 9

Where do the funds raised for headspace go?

When you host a fundraiser on behalf of headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, the funds raised will help headspace to continue to promote at a national level the importance of seeking help for mental health issues, to break down the stigma, and make sure every young Australian knows there is help available.

How should I collect donations?

There are a few different ways that you can collect donations. If you wish to collect donations through an online portal we recommend you use Everyday Hero, Go Fundraise or My Cause. They are all easy secure tools to use and a great way to promote your fundraiser online. 

If you want to collect cash donations on the day of your fundraiser we recommend collecting all of your donations and donating these funds in one sum to the headspace bank account, either through a direct transfer or a cheque donation.

How can I donate the funds to headspace?

  1. Make a payment of the amount raised directly to the headspace secure online donation portal here. A tax deductible receipt will be emailed to the address that you provide.

  2. Make a bank transfer using the following headspace bank account details:



    Account Name

    headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation


    013 128

    Account Number

    439 102 847


    Insert name of Individual/workplace/school/community group


    Email your donation details to fundraising@headspace.org.au to ensure we can issue a tax deductible receipt.

  3. You can also send funds raised in the form of a cheque, please issue the cheque to headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, and mail this to the address below. 

    Attention: Fundraising                                               
    headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
    Level 2, South Tower                                                                
    485 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 

Does headspace provide tax receipts for donations?

When your supporters donate directly through an online platform like Everyday Hero they will automatically receive a receipt from that platform. If your supporters are donating directly to you, ensure that they complete the Donor Receipt Form so that headspace can provide them with a receipt. 

Does headspace have charitable status?

Yes, headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation is a registered charity in Australia (ABN 26 137 533 843).

Can I fundraise for a specific headspace Centre?

Yes, you can raise funds for your local headspace centre. Local fundraising is managed by the individual centres, to find the contact details for your local centre click here, you will then need to speak with the Centre Manager or the Community Awareness Worker.

How do I respond to someone seeking help?

In discussions with your supporters, you may inspire some people to open up to you about some mental health concerns they may have about themselves or a loved one. 

The best way to respond is to:

  • Listen
  • Validate their concerns
  • Encourage the person to seek professional support, a good place to start is the GP, eheadspace or their local headspace centre.
  • You can find some more information on tips for a healthy headspace here

The headspace fundraising team is here to help but there are a few things we cannot do:

  • headspace will not share mailing lists to third party fundraisers for the purpose of additional solicitation of funds.
  • headspace will not reimburse fundraisers for expenses incurred to put on an event.
  • headspace will not be able to provide t-shirts for your event workers.
  • headspace cannot guarantee promotion of your fundraiser in headspace publications, on our website or social media.
  • headspace will not be responsible for selling tickets to your event.
  • headspace will not be able to provide volunteers for your event.
  • headspace will not guarantee headspace staff attendance at your event.
  • headspace will not provide public liability insurance for your event.
  • headspace will not assist in the attainment of licencing, permits or permissions for your fundraising event i.e. liquor or food preparation.
  • headspace will not guarantee contacts or make contact with headspace Ambassadors or board members.