6 406
  • Why Study the Russian Revolution? - Live online lecture by David North

    11 061 vues il y a 2 ans
    The audio for the meeting begins at 2:49.

    David North, chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, delivers the first in a series of lectures marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution. More information at wsws.org/1917

    Works by David North:

    A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990 - 2016

    The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left: A Marxist Critique

    The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

    In Defense of Leon Trotsky

    World Socialist Website: https://www.wsws.org
    Donate: https://www.wsws.org/donate/

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