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Archive for February, 2013

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These are the PDfs I’m drawing upon for today’s work - which for me is based around the issue of social reproduction.
A couple of articles I found handy:
‘Cuts Are A Feminist Issue’ by the Feminist Fightback Collective, an anti-capitalist collective based in East London. The article first appeared in Soundings, December 2011.

‘Affect, Race and […]

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From Donal Higgins on twitter - Lots of talk in papers lately on Direct Provision of Asylum seekers. Here’s a show @Live_Reg did on that subject

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The Irish State will make REITS legal in Ireland in April this year. And REITS will make it possible, albeit indirectly, to monetize distressed mortgages and repossessed homes.
Patrick Honohan - cuddly aul Honohan - is pushing for repossessions.
REITS are also seen as a way of ‘winding down’ NAMA. The vulture fund group, Blackstone, […]

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Economics as if People Really Mattered - Week One from conormccabe
[Update: slides from week one]
Myself and Vicky Donnelly of the Galway One World Centre are starting a series of workshops on Tuesday entitled, ‘Economics As If People Really Mattered,‘ and I thought I’d start posting material relating to it here.
The […]

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You know, for a deal that was supposedly forced on us by dose dam Rupeans in de Easy Bee they’re doing a pretty good job of pulling the wool over our eyes and acting as if this was another stoke, another act of self-preservation, pulled by the Irish moneyed classes, same as the bank guarantee […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility is a tricky one to define. There is no doubt that large companies and corporations can have considerable power within economies and societies and that this is particularly the case if the economy and the society is weak or weakened by a systemic shock. The ethos of CSR is supposed to temper […]

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Audio recording of Prof. Terrence McDonough’s talk in Galway tonight, “What the !$%! just Happened? A Discussion on the Recent Debt Deal.” Thanks to Vicky Donnelly of Galway Debt Justice for organizing the event.
Prof. Mcdonough’s talk is also available on soundcloud, where it can be downloaded here.

Mcdonough12-02-13-talk by Conormccabe on Mixcloud

McdonoughQ&A-12-02-13 by Conormccabe on […]

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Started moving all my files from home to UCD. Today it was the folders with material relating to IFSC, money and finance in Ireland. Just down from the office is a printer that also scans documents so i’m hoping to put up as much as I possibly can of the primary and secondary material that […]

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