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Archive for September, 2012

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Rough outline of the talking I’m giving in Dublin on 18 October. This is based on the Q&A sessions after similar talks in Cork and Galway. First draft hence its rough/badly-spelt nature.

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Census figures below.

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According to Eurointelligence’s morning paper review (shorter version):
“Bundesbank president insists that any bank legacy problems must remain the liability of national regulatory regimes; [he] says anything else – i.e. the explicit commitment by the eurozone summit in June to separate banking and sovereign risks – constituted a financial transfer.”
From the longer version […]

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We have ‘pro-poor growth’ as the moment, by the way. This is the world Gurdgiev wanted.

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Almost given up trying to explain how much this guy is a right-wing extremist but somehow he seems to have convinced people that he’s on their side. He may pat you on the back at the rallies, but inside he’s fucking laughing at you. Anyway, all of this from Constantin Gurdgiev, 19 December 2009, writing […]

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Found this letter while doing some research on James Connolly and the Irish Socialist Republican Party.
It’s from a party member, Edward Stewart, who wants to set the record straight on the bundling of socialists in with anarchists in the coverage of the assassination of President McKinley.
Mr. Stewart is not happy to be associated with […]

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Extract from the 2011 Financial Crisis Inquiry Report. Covers the rise of shadow banking in the US. The file can be downloaded here.

Open publication - Free publishing - More banking

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Great post by RepoWatch editor Mary Fricker on shadow banking.

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This audio clip here is from Howard Zinn, talking about the class nature of government legislation - in terms of economics, society, culture and education even the most cursory of glances at the history of Irish legislation reveals the embedded nature of class within the state.

icon for podpress  Howard Zinn on Class and Legislation: Play Now | Play in Popup

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