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Archive for July, 2009

Losing a Leg…

I thoughts this was pretty stunning. Not the lagoon, but the LRB Diary from RW Johnson….
My wife, Irina, was teaching at Moscow’s new School of Economics when she heard the news and straight away flew back to Durban. She rang Margate from the airport and asked whether I was still alive. ‘He is critical,’ they […]

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I came across this while researching the Looking Left programme that was based on Z Magazine/Gralton. I thought it was interesting, so below is a thumbnail to the full-sized image. As far as I know, the family tree was designed by John Goodwillie, who also produced a glossary of the Left in Ireland in the […]

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Here’s the fourth and final programme in the Looking Left series, and the topic is the newspaper of the Communist Party of Ireland, the Irish Socialist. Cedarlounge has a great post on the paper here.
The panel is made up of Dr. Ann Matthews, Tom Redmond, Mick O’Reilly, and myself, and is presented by Daniel […]

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I have a couple of Fortet albums at home which got played steadily for about a year until every ounce of musical pleasure was squeezed out of them - and when it comes to music you either like Fortet man Kieran Hebden’s electro wizardry or you don’t. Here are two recent collaborations from May of […]

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I’ve long thought that the Sunday Independent front loads its crap in its opening pages, then pretty much layers it on thickly in the rest using only Gene Kerrigan’s column at the end as a kind of plug of sanity to stop it all spilling out on top of the reader when they open it […]

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There are strong structural differences in employment between the public and private sector - a fact that is recognised by some, and ignored by others.
The structural differences relate to the types of occupation, education standards, and length of service - all of which affect wage levels. The length of service of those in the […]

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There’s a great article over on Indymedia by James Connolly (deceased), which deals with questions that were asked of Tom Geraghty by Cathal MacCoile, on RTE’s Morning Ireland programme, yesterday, Thursday 16 July 2009.
Tom Geraghty is general secretary of the Public Service Executive Union (PSEU), and was asked his opinion on CSO figures which dealt […]

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This is how the former leader of Fianna Fail spent the last recession, with tax-breaks in place to benefit his benefactors.

Part II and II of this episode, below.

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Here’s the latest podcast in Paul Sheaky’s rather infrequent series The History of Electronic Music , which I have been posting whenever he manages to get around to another one (the previous one was posted on the 9th of February last – while the first appeared on the 12th of November 2007).
As requested by […]

icon for podpress  A History of Electronic Music Part 9: Ambient Music: Play Now | Play in Popup

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