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Archive for April, 2007

Ditching the Diaspora

Seanachie, of the superlative Pleasures of Underachievement highlights something that perhaps should be getting as much prominence as the Weekend vote issue but has, so far, managed to go completely under the electoral radar.
There are still no facilities for Irish citizens living outside the island of Ireland to vote. Seanachie, who lives in Paris, […]

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I watched the second part of “The State of Us” with a couple of friends last night. We couldn’t really find the words to review it, so we made a video tribute instead. Enjoy.

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Bertie’s election call is somewhat bizzare, to say the least. Were it called last Sunday, the Mahon tribunal would have been suspended. This is not the first time Bertie has lost his nerve - remember his party address? Reminds me that Bertie might not be the political genius that he believes himself to be.

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John Dwyer, the Sinn Féin candidate for Wexford, has an interesting election poster.
At the moment only Fine Gael and the PDs have put billboards up in the town, and both are calling for your no.1, reminding us how great they are as people and as public representatives. The Fine Gaelers all wear suits, while […]

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National Unknowing

How many people do you know who have mental health problems? I personally know quite a few, including members of my own family. None of my family, thankfully, has had acute problems and conventional treatment has worked well. I also have a friend who has had a hard time of it, but luckily, with medication […]

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I had long intended to write the odd contribution to DO concerning the French presidential election campaign which has been rumbling on here for at least the last 18 months. Like all good intentions, though, I didn’t even manage to attend the funeral (of this particular intention) - I have it on good authority the […]

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Almost all TV critics, when under whelmed by the first offering of a new series that they expected to be great because of the pedigree of those involved, will tell us that they would prefer to restrain their full fury about its lack of worth until after more episodes have aired.
‘The series needs to […]

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It must be a bitch to date Fine Gael.
I mean, one day she’s promising to get all down and dirty, the next she’s in the church saying rosaries for our souls. All hard-on and no pay-off. It’s enough to make any sane man despair.
The allegations in the Sunday independent regarding Bertie Ahern – allegations involving, […]

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Having musical heroes is a field sown with mines, mainly because you’ve no clear idea which heroes your heroes have. And even when you do find out that, lets say, Lou Reed has in his later years developed a passion for Pinochet, does this make White Light/White Heat suddenly unlistenable - assuming of course that […]

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The Irish fear crime with as much passion as they love property: no strange wonder, as both are based on speculation.
When it comes to irrational behaviour why hold back? Once you’ve committed yourself, make the tackle and hang the cost. And across the main political parties, regardless of the font size and headed […]

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