North America

Police and military crack down on spontaneous taxi strike in Matamoros, Mexico

By Eric London, 25 May 2019

Hundreds of taxi drivers blocked the international border crossing and several major thoroughfares in response to government efforts to decommission cabs.

UAW continues to isolate workers

Mercy Health workers continue strike as management digs in

By Shannon Jones, 25 May 2019

Three days of talks this week produced no agreement as management refused to seriously address workers’ concerns over understaffing while continuing operations with strikebreakers.

Management demands cuts to healthcare and pensions

United Steelworkers forcing 6,100 Alcoa and Arconic workers to work without a contract

By Steve Filips, 25 May 2019

Over 6,100 United Steelworkers members at Alcoa and Arconic are being told to continue working without a contract while the company prepares to bring in scabs in the event of a strike.

The class issues in the fight to free Julian Assange

By Joseph Kishore, 25 May 2019

Assange is the victim of one of the most massive political frame-ups in modern history, which has received the active support of the entire political establishment and the media.

New charges against Julian Assange under the Espionage Act criminalize journalism

By Andre Damon, 24 May 2019

The Trump administration’s persecution of Assange is a historic attack on the First Amendment of the US constitution, for which the media and the Democratic Party share responsibility.

Six immigrant children dead in US custody since September

By Eric London, 24 May 2019

Protecting the lives and democratic rights of immigrants requires a fight against imperialist war and the capitalist system.

Fearmongering accompanies release of John Walker Lindh after 17 years in prison

By John Andrews, 24 May 2019

Lindh, an American captured with other foreign Taliban fighters in 2001, was released from a federal penitentiary Thursday, having served his full sentence for carrying arms on behalf of the then government of Afghanistan.

“All schools aren’t created equal in Chicago”

Chicago teachers speak on inequality, attacks on public education at downtown rally

By Marcus Day, 24 May 2019

Teachers at a rally in downtown Chicago Wednesday described the deplorable conditions facing them and their students.

“They spit on our solidarity”

Lyft cuts drivers’ rates in weeks following global rideshare strike

By Kayla Costa, 24 May 2019

Since rideshare drivers participated in a global one-day strike on May 8 to oppose the billion-dollar market frenzy for Uber’s IPO, Lyft drivers have reported compensation cuts of up to 27 percent.

The millennial generation in the US: Life on the brink

By Genevieve Leigh, 24 May 2019

The conditions facing working class millennials are the same conditions facing the entire working class, of which those in the millennial generation are a particularly vulnerable layer.

Washington threatens new attack on Syria amid US war buildup in Persian Gulf

By Bill Van Auken, 22 May 2019

With the Trump administration threatening a new attack on Syria on the pretext of chemical weapons, Democrats signed a letter urging an even more aggressive policy.

As more Democrats call for impeachment inquiry

Former White House counsel refuses to testify before House committee

By Barry Grey, 22 May 2019

The Democrats are warning about a “constitutional crisis” and the threat of dictatorship, but their own fecklessness is bound up with the reactionary basis of their opposition to Trump.

Thousands rally across the US to defend abortion rights

By our reporters, 22 May 2019

The number of demonstrations reflect the broad popular support for the right of women to choose and in defense of democratic rights more generally.

“This is a horrible feeling”

Ford workers in Michigan respond to job cuts

By our reporters, 22 May 2019

Hundreds of white-collar workers at Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan received notice Tuesday that their jobs were being eliminated.

Teachers strike in New Haven School District, Northern California

By Dan Conway, 22 May 2019

The California Teachers Association is sponsoring a #RedForEd “Day of Action” at the state capital of Sacramento on Wednesday.

Over 240,000 people back Chinese tech worker protest

By Mike Ingram, 22 May 2019

Chinese tech workers protesting inhumane working conditions have received massive international support.

Canada’s Conservative leader lays out right-wing economic and foreign policy agenda

By Roger Jordan, 22 May 2019

Scheer pledged to step up military-security cooperation with the US, intensify Canada’s aggressive stance against China and Russia, and gut social spending.

Ford escalates jobs massacre

The global socialist strategy to fight auto layoffs

By Jerry White, 22 May 2019

The global integration of capitalist production has created the practical and technological means to unite workers in an internationally coordinated campaign to defend jobs and living standards.

“The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”

Video: Christoph Vandreier’s full lecture at Wayne State

By Christoph Vandreier, 21 May 2019

The WSWS makes the full recording of Vandreier’s April 11, 2019 lecture available.

“I would rather starve to death than change my opinion”

Chelsea Manning jailed again after refusing to testify against WikiLeaks

By Niles Niemuth, 17 May 2019

Manning has courageously insisted on principle that she will never testify before any grand jury about her possible contacts with Assange and WikiLeaks or anything else.

More migrant deaths as Trump unveils class-based immigration quota

By Eric London, 17 May 2019

Trump announced the new plan as the military agreed to build six new internment camps along the US-Mexico border.

US security forces storm Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C.

By Nick Barrickman, 17 May 2019

The raid of the embassy is of a piece with the reckless and illegal actions taken by the Trump administration in an effort to force a regime change in Venezuela.

University of California unions wear down workers with fifth one-day strike

By Evelyn Rios, 17 May 2019

Dwindling numbers participate in the fifth one-day, unpaid strike, as workers have been kept on the job without a contract for nearly two years.

With contract deadline approaching, Michigan auto parts workers vote by 97 percent to strike global parts maker

By James McDonald, 17 May 2019

Michigan auto parts workers, angry over deplorable conditions and years of UAW-backed concessions, face a contract expiration date of May 31.

Students for Justice in Palestine at New York University smeared as anti-Semitic

By Isaac Finn, 17 May 2019

The attack on the Students for Justice in Palestine is part of an international campaign to slander left-wing organizations that criticize the Israeli state.

Rising US health insurance costs take toll on workers

By Alex Johnson, 17 May 2019

Since 2007, annual deductibles for job-based health plans—the most common form of coverage—have increased fourfold, with the average for plans rising to an estimated $1,300.

Canada’s government uses bogus “foreign interference” claims to expand censorship ahead of federal election

By Penny Smith and Roger Jordan, 17 May 2019

The government’s reactionary campaign has the twin aims of legitimizing censorship of social media and whipping up hostility against Russia and China, which Canadian imperialism views as its most dangerous rivals.

The US war drive against Iran and the conflict with Europe

By Alex Lantier, 17 May 2019

Amid growing conflicts with its strategic rivals, including its European Union “allies,” Washington is seeking to reorganize Eurasian geopolitics, beginning with a war drive targeting Iran.

After shouting “I’m pregnant,” woman fatally shot by Texas police officer

By Marcus Day, 15 May 2019

Video recorded by a bystander and posted to Snapchat quickly went viral, prompting widespread outrage at the horrific killing.

US indicts whistleblower who exposed Obama’s drone assassination program

By Kevin Reed, 11 May 2019

Former US intelligence officer Daniel Hale was indicted and arrested on Thursday on charges of violating the Espionage Act.

New York City public housing fire kills six

By Tim Avery and Philip Guelpa, 11 May 2019

A fire in a Harlem building owned by the New York City Housing Authority killed two adults and four children.

Low-paid South Carolina teachers recruited for factory work

By Shelley Connor, 11 May 2019

South Carolina’s teachers, frustrated by pay that has not kept up with inflation, have become a reliable source of labor for a pharmaceutical company.

Trump rally roars approval for call to “shoot” immigrants

By Eric London, 10 May 2019

When an audience member at a Trump rally Wednesday yelled that the US should “shoot” immigrants, Trump laughed. Meanwhile, the government is arresting record numbers of families at the border.

US seizes North Korean ship

By Mike Head, 10 May 2019

This week’s developments demonstrate that the Trump administration has no intention of striking a deal with Pyongyang unless it involves a total capitulation and embrace of Washington’s offensive against China.

US tariff hike against China goes ahead

By Nick Beams, 10 May 2019

Trump said talks with Chinese representatives would proceed, but “I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“They depend on us for their wealth and power”

Uber and Lyft drivers in Chicago, New York and California speak out against exploitation of gig economy workers

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

Drivers across the United States spoke out against the classification of Uber drivers as independent contractors as Uber heads into an Initial Public Offering worth billions of dollars.

GM workers denounce deals to “save” token jobs in Lordstown and Oshawa

By Shannon Jones, 10 May 2019

The moves, which will retain at most a few hundred jobs out of the thousands that are being permanently eliminated, are being denounced by workers.

Venezuela tensions mount after arrest of coup leader

By Bill Van Auken, 10 May 2019

Washington continues to threaten military intervention in the oil-rich South American country.

Cell phone video from Sandra Bland’s 2015 traffic stop made public

By Anthony Bertolt, 10 May 2019

The video renews attention to her death in police custody and raises questions over the way it has been withheld for nearly four years.

Changing poverty formula, Trump administration to make millions ineligible for social programs

By Alex González, 10 May 2019

The “chained CPI” plan is based on a previous attack on the poor and elderly proposed by the Obama administration.

Chelsea Manning released, faces new imprisonment for refusing to testify against Assange

By Niles Niemuth, 10 May 2019

Even before she was released on Thursday, Manning was served with a new subpoena to demand testimony before a different grand jury. She could be returned to jail as early as next week.

Wild Nights with Emily: American poet Emily Dickinson undone by gender politics

By Joanne Laurier and David Walsh, 10 May 2019

By concentrating almost exclusively on Emily Dickinson’s supposed sexual relationship with her sister-in-law, filmmaker Madeleine Olnek and her collaborators recreate the poet in their own petty, self-absorbed image.

IYSSE in US holds successful meetings on postmodernism and identity politics

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

The meetings reviewed the right-wing, subjective idealist roots of the pseudo-left philosophies and politics that dominate college campuses.

After Matamoros strikes, Mexican government enacts bill for “democratic unions”

By Alex González, 7 May 2019

The bill is a response to the resurgence of the class struggle and a demand for the passage of the USMCA.

Washington political warfare intensifies with lawsuits, looming contempt charges

By Patrick Martin, 4 May 2019

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which would handle impeachment proceedings, warned that “the system of not having a president as a dictator is very much at stake.”

Bernie Sanders attacks Biden from the right on China trade

By Ben McGrath, 4 May 2019

In criticizing the former vice president, Sanders echoed Trump's anti-China demagogy and economic nationalism.

Neo-Nazi networks exposed across US military

By Jacob Crosse, 4 May 2019

Recent independent investigations have shown that multiple white supremacist groups are operating freely across all branches of the military.

Polls show growing sentiment for teachers strike in Mississippi

By J. L’Heureau, 4 May 2019

Mississippi educators, seeking to join the international strike wave of teachers, are demanding action against poverty wages and abysmal working conditions.

San Diego Sweetwater Teachers Union begins bargaining as false financial situation reported by district

By Evelyn Rios, 4 May 2019

The union and district are negotiating an austerity contract based on what is most likely fraudulent accounting, amidst allegations of fraud and mismanagement investigations.

US-China trade talks enter final phase

By Nick Beams, 4 May 2019

One of the main sticking points is agreement on the procedure by which US tariffs imposed on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods would be lifted if a trade agreement is reached.

The imperialist “lie in the soul”

Politicians celebrate “World Press Freedom Day” as Julian Assange languishes in prison

By David Walsh, 4 May 2019

No one associated with UNESCO or World Press Freedom Day made mention of the persecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during this week’s events.

Documentary about the brutal 2014 disappearance of teachers’ college students

The 43: A state massacre and cover-up in Mexico

By Rafael Azul and Don Knowland, 4 May 2019

The documentary on Netflix exposes the role of the military in the 2014 disappearance of 43 rural teaching students and the government’s cover-up of this atrocity.

Another school shooting claims two lives at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

By Jessica Goldstein, 3 May 2019

The shooting at UNCC is only the latest deadly mass shooting in the United States.

The manufactured case of Long Beach “terrorist” Marc Steven Domingo

By Rafael Azul, 3 May 2019

The arrest of the Afghan war veteran has the characteristics of an entrapment operation by the FBI and other police agencies.

US military set to loosen rules for troops operating along southern border

By Genevieve Leigh, 27 April 2019

The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security are clearing the way for Trump to escalate his anti-immigrant program amidst silence from Democrats.

Los Angeles universities quarantine 280 as US measles cases reach record levels

By Kate Randall, 27 April 2019

The CDC reports the number of measles cases has spiked to at least 695 so far this year, the highest number since the disease was declared eliminated in 2000.

Massachusetts judge and court officer charged with helping immigrant evade ICE officer

By Kevin Martinez, 27 April 2019

Newton District Court Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph and former trial court officer, Wesley MacGregor both face up to 20 years if found guilty of obstructing ICE.

US Navy SEAL officers attempted to cover up evidence of war crimes

By Josh Varlin, 27 April 2019

Navy SEAL officers told lower-ranking soldiers not to report war crimes, including the murder of civilians and a wounded teenager in Iraq.

New study documents over 1,600 killed in US siege of Raqqa, Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 26 April 2019

The killings in Raqqa, like those in Mosul, Iraq, constituted massive war crimes committed in the so-called war against ISIS.

Former Vice President Biden officially enters Democratic presidential race

By Tom Hall, 26 April 2019

Biden’s announcement video focuses on the danger of Trump while concealing the role of the Obama-Biden administration in paving the way for Trump’s authoritarian politics.

Fed “pivot” promotes stock market surge

By Nick Beams, 26 April 2019

While share prices soar, the global economic outlook has worsened, with growing signs of a downturn.

Mexican police detain hundreds of Central American migrants during mass raid

By Alex González, 26 April 2019

The arrest of over 370 migrants, the largest in recent years, shows that the Mexican ruling class is subserviently implementing the Trump administration’s fascistic attacks on immigrants.

University of Illinois at Chicago faculty announces deal on eve of strike

By George Gallanis, 26 April 2019

More than 1,100 professors, lecturers, instructors and assistant professors are voting on a concessionary contract being pushed by the UIC United Faculty union, an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers.

Forty hospitalized after toxic chemical leak in Chicago suburb

By Jessica Goldstein, 26 April 2019

Residents of Beach Park, Illinois were ordered to stay inside and 40 people were hospitalized after toxic anhydrous ammonia leaked into the air during a chemical spill.

Ontario Tory government intensifies assault on workers’ rights

By Penny Smith, 26 April 2019

Ford’s thinly veiled threat to criminalize teachers’ strikes must be taken as a serious warning: emboldened by the unions’ complicity, the Tories are escalating their class-war assault.

Hillary Clinton’s McCarthyite rant

By Joseph Kishore, 26 April 2019

In a column published Wednesday in the Washington Post, the former Democratic Party presidential candidate resurrects the conspiracy theories that were the staple of Cold War anticommunism.

Conflict mounts between White House and Congress over subpoenas

By Patrick Martin, 25 April 2019

President Trump has ordered lower-ranking officials to refuse to testify or supply documents to any investigation by the House of Representatives into his business and political activities.

Rutgers University faculty union blocks strike by professors and teaching assistants

By Owen Mullan, 25 April 2019

The American Federation of Teachers acted to prevent a coordinated fight by educators against the Democrats’ austerity measures.

The Mueller report and the campaign against Russia

By Joseph Kishore, 20 April 2019

An editorial in the New York Times makes clear that the central purpose of the Democrats’ campaign against Trump has been to demand more aggressive action against Russia.

Armed militia detaining asylum seekers at gunpoint along US-Mexico border

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan and Niles Niemuth, 20 April 2019

An armed militia calling itself the United Constitutional Patriots posted videos of its members detaining hundreds of migrants at the New Mexico border, in actions seemingly coordinated with the Border Patrol.

CIA director called out for complicity in torture

By Trévon Austin, 20 April 2019

US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel was delivering a recruiting pitch to students at Auburn University on Thursday where she was called out by an audience member for her participation in torture and other crimes.

“Why did Boeing make it like that? Pure negligence and greed. There is simply no other answer.”

Aviation reporter Rytis Beresnevičius speaks to WSWS on Boeing 737 crashes

By Bryan Dyne, 20 April 2019

Rytis Beresnevičius has closely followed the two recent Boeing 737 Max 8 crashes and the engineering, executive and regulatory decisions that led to these disasters.

Rising death toll in San Diego jails

By Norisa Diaz, 20 April 2019

Within the short span of six weeks, four people have died while in custody in San Diego, California jails.

US education secretary to gut regulations, seek a “major shift” in higher education—Part 1

By Nancy Hanover, 20 April 2019

A crude assault on educational standards, which hardens the class divide in educational access and spurs the plundering of the “education market,” is being enacted under the cover of “rule-making” by the US Department of Education.

US Gulf Coast still devastated six months after Hurricane Michael

By Matthew Taylor, 20 April 2019

Those left homeless in the aftermath of one of the strongest storms in US history have been forgotten by the media.

Right-wing populist United Conservatives win Alberta election as NDP vote plummets

By Roger Jordan, 20 April 2019

The election’s outcome represents a further shift to the right within establishment politics, and will exacerbate regional tensions within Canada’s ruling elite and its federal state.

Trump administration escalates threats against Cuba

By Alexander Fangmann, 20 April 2019

The Trump administration is imposing unilateral sanctions aimed at punishing foreign corporations, particularly European and Canadian, with investments in Cuba.

Protests force American Museum of Natural History to cancel event with Brazil’s Bolsonaro

By Miguel Andrade, 20 April 2019

In face of fierce popular reaction, the ruling elites in New York have been forced to disassociate themselves from the fascistic Brazilian president.

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”

David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

North, the Chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, urged a meeting of students and workers at Wayne State University to build the Socialist Equality Party in order to fight against the threat of fascism and war.

The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It

North and Vandreier conclude US tour at New York University

By our reporters, 20 April 2019

Christoph Vandreier, deputy national secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, and WSWS chairman David North concluded their lecture tour with a well-attended meeting at New York University.

“We’re all in this together. That is how I see it.”

Detroit Fiat Chrysler autoworkers defend Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

By a WSWS reporting team, 20 April 2019

A WSWS Autoworker Newsletter campaign team spoke to workers Thursday at the Warren Stamping plant outside of Detroit about the importance of the defense of whistleblowers Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.

The stagnation of American poetry: The Best American Poetry 2018

By James McDonald, 20 April 2019

For the most part, these are eminently safe poems, carefully dressed, peer reviewed and scrupulously attentive to contemporary cultural regulations of taste.

Twenty years since the Columbine High School massacre

By David Walsh, 19 April 2019

The Colorado event, in which two high school seniors shot and killed 12 of their fellow students and one teacher before committing suicide, represented something qualitatively new and disturbing in American social life.

Mueller report re-ignites political warfare in Washington

By Patrick Martin, 19 April 2019

Congressional Democrats and their media backers are seeking to use the findings of the investigation to boost their right-wing anti-Russia campaign.

US preparing more charges against Julian Assange

By Kristina Betinis, 19 April 2019

A report by CNN confirms the warnings made by the WSWS that if the journalist is extradited to the United States, additional, possibly capital, charges would be brought against him.

New round of US-China trade talks

By Nick Beams, 19 April 2019

Among the most contentious issues that remain unresolved are which US tariffs would continue force and the establishment of an enforcement mechanism.

USW forces rotten deal on Harley-Davidson workers in Wisconsin

By Jacob Crosse, 19 April 2019

The union rejected its membership’s demands for an improved contract and instead forced through the same concessions-filled deal workers rejected less than two weeks earlier.

“Without truth and a free press we are doomed to further oppression”

Teachers demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 19 April 2019

Teachers have been in the forefront of a wave of global strikes and struggles over the last year, which terrifies the ruling class and is motivating its attack on free speech and democratic rights.

Strike of 31,000 New England Stop & Shop workers in sixth day

By our reporters, 17 April 2019

Despite reporting profits of more than $2 billion last year, the multinational owner of Stop & Shop is seeking to drive down the wages and benefits of workers.

Over 140 attend lecture by Christoph Vandreier in Michigan on “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”

By our reporters, 17 April 2019

Vandreier, deputy national secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, and WSWS chairman David North related the arrest and persecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the global turn to authoritarianism.

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?

Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part five

By Andrea Lobo, 17 April 2019

This is the fifth and concluding part of a series of articles on the wave of strikes carried out by maquiladora workers in the Mexican border town of Matamoros. The lessons of this struggle are essential for not only Mexican workers, but for workers internationally.

Trump, the Fed and the New York Times

By Nick Beams, 17 April 2019

Trump has repeatedly attacked the Fed after Wall Street last year experienced its worst December result since the depths of the Great Depression in 1931.

Trump officials discussed using troops to run migrant detention camps

By Barry Grey, 13 April 2019

Trump has been able to carry through his anti-immigrant program, despite popular opposition, because the Democrats have done nothing to seriously oppose it.

Chicago symphony musicians strike defies aristocratic principle

By Kristina Betinis, 13 April 2019

As CSO strike enters sixth week, a right-wing pressure campaign is being mounted to try to force the musicians to make concessions on their pensions.

New video emerges of Chicago police officers tasing and beating high school student

By Jacob Crosse, 13 April 2019

The revelation of the incident which took place at the end of January has exposed yet another attempted cover-up inside the Chicago Police Department.

In 3 A.M. ruling, Supreme Court allows Alabama execution to proceed

By Dan Conway, 13 April 2019

For the second time in as many weeks, the US Supreme Court has ruled that the execution of a death row inmate can proceed despite claims that the method of execution, lethal injection, will cause intense pain and suffering.

070 UIC faculty vote to strike

13 April 2019

George Mason University law school receives largest donation in school’s history from estate of far-right judge

By Nick Barrickman and Rhiannon Jones, 13 April 2019

With an influx of tens of millions of dollars from far-right conservative donors, the Antonin Scalia Law School is situating itself as a center of reactionary legal views.

Ontario Tories’ budget: Cuts to public services, tax handouts for big business

By Roger Jordan, 13 April 2019

The media’s claim that the budget contains “no major cuts” is aimed at concealing the fact that the government is engaged in a vast transfer of wealth from workers to the rich.

Julian Assange’s life is in danger

By Eric London, 13 April 2019

The official indictment by the US government against Assange is a transparent lie, aimed at providing the UK with a legal cover to extradite the WikiLeaks founder.