Animelo Summer Live, abbreviated as Anisama (アニサマ, Anisama), is the biggest annual anime songs music festival in Japan hosted by Dwango and Nippon Cultural Broadcasting. Animelo Summer Live has been held every summer since 2005.
Animelo performers are singers and voice actors that specialize in singing anime or game theme songs; however, they also both present and perform new original and tokusatsu songs as well. The performers are not necessarily under the same record label. Animelo has a different theme song for each year, which is sung by all performers in the end of the concert.
More general artists who have performed anime songs have also performed, including Rina Aiuchi, m.o.v.e, AAA, Shoko Nakagawa, Kenji Ohtsuki, Gackt, and Momoiro Clover Z. Due to various copyrights and contracts, some performances belonging to certain record labels are have sometimes not been included on the video distributed on DVDs and Blu-Rays. This factored into the lack of a video release for 2005.
Animelo Summer Live, abbreviated as Anisama (アニサマ, Anisama), is the biggest annual anime songs music festival in Japan hosted by Dwango and Nippon Cultural Broadcasting. Animelo Summer Live has been held every summer since 2005.
Animelo performers are singers and voice actors that specialize in singing anime or game theme songs; however, they also both present and perform new original and tokusatsu songs as well. The performers are not necessarily under the same record label. Animelo has a different theme song for each year, which is sung by all performers in the end of the concert.
More general artists who have performed anime songs have also performed, including Rina Aiuchi, m.o.v.e, AAA, Shoko Nakagawa, Kenji Ohtsuki, Gackt, and Momoiro Clover Z. Due to various copyrights and contracts, some performances belonging to certain record labels are have sometimes not been included on the video distributed on DVDs and Blu-Rays. This factored into the lack of a video release for 2005. | 07 Jun 2019 | 07 Jun 2019 | 07 Jun 2019
Yahoo Daily News | 07 Jun 2019
The Independent | 08 Jun 2019 | 07 Jun 2019
IFL Science | 07 Jun 2019