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Đã tham gia tháng 10 năm 2008


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  2. Climate activist saw major victories for the Green Party in her native Germany, but she wants to see environmentalism take hold across the entire continent. "We need European Green Parties across all countries to push conservatives, to push climate blockers."

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  3. The European Union elections are the "world's second-largest exercise of democracy" after India, explains David Adler () of . "The stakes of this are really who can speak for Europe."

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  4. Then: At Morehouse College graduation, billionaire Robert F. Smith announced plans to pay off the student debt of the entire graduating class. We'll speak to one of the graduates, as well as , former president of the NAACP. Watch 8-9AM ET:

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  5. TODAY: We'll hear updates on this weekend's European Union elections from Paul Mason () in London, David Adler () in Greece and Luisa Neubauer () in Germany. Watch 8-9AM ET:

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    2 giờ trước

    I'll be on at 8 am EST (13:00 BST) to discuss the European Parliament elections!

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  7. Chomsky: By Focusing on Russia, Democrats Handed Trump a "Huge Gift" & Possibly the 2020 Election

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  8. Hoàn tác
  9. Chomsky: Trump Radically Interfered with Israel's Election to Help Re-elect Netanyahu

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  10. Noam Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is "Scandalous" and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.

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  11. Chomsky: Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change & the Undermining of Democracy Threaten Future of Planet

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  12. Noam Chomsky: We Must Confront the "Ultranationalist, Reactionary" Movements Growing Across the Globe

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  13. Allan Nairn says the Indonesian election was "a turning point" for the country "because if General Prabowo had won, it would have opened the door to a return to a kind of neo-fascism in Indonesia, a return to the ways of the old Suharto dictatorship."

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  14. "The impeachable offenses are many," says Texas Rep. Al Green, who has been calling for Trump's impeachment since 2017. "His bigotry is worthy of his being impeached."

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  15. . explains that her client Julian Assage is only at the start of "what will be quite a long process," as he begins to fight the charges leveled against him by the Justice Department under the Espionage Act.

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  16. . says the U.S coalition has killed at least 1,600 civilians in Raqqa, Syria. "We’ve been presenting our cases to the U.S. coalition, asking them to acknowledge them and to move forward with some form of restitution and reparations."

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  17. “There hasn’t actually been such a significant attack on the freedom of the press … since my case in 1971.”

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  18. . reacts to the indictment of Julian Assange under the World War I-era Espionage Act: "This is not just about press freedom. This is about a democratic society and a major frontal assault on our basic liberties and free speech."

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  20. . warns of a likely "chilling effect" that Assange's indictment will have on the media broadly. For this reason, she says, "it’s very important that The New York Times and other major media organizations ... stand against this prosecution."

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  21. “Modern-day indentured servitude”: How predatory lenders devastated New York City’s mostly-immigrant taxi drivers

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