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Calls for review of proposed tax changes

Tom McIlroy
Tom McIlroyPolitical reporter

The re-elected Morrison government should review more than 100 proposed tax changes announced by the Coalition but not yet enacted, a move tax experts say would help delivery certainty and clarity.

Measures covering all aspects of the tax system and dating back to the start of the Abbott government have been announced or included in consultations, but their future remain uncertain after little or no action in Parliament.

A list of tax measures announced but not enacted by publisher CCH includes 112 changes, with proposed application dates ranging from 2016 to July 2022.

BDO tax partner Mark Molesworth said the government's reelection should prompt a stocktake of the measures, and announcements about which will not be perused.

"There's a large backlog of tax legislation which we would call on the government to deal with quickly," he said.

"When the Coalition first came into office in 2013, they were rightly critical of the previous Labor government that had let some 80 or 90 measures accumulate.


"We seem to be back in that position again, with something in the order of 100 measures and announcements which are in a little bit of limbo."

He pointed to the proposed crack down on main residence capital gains tax exemptions for Australian expats, which former assistant treasurer Stuart Robert said would not be put to Parliament before the election.

Dating from Scott Morrison's 2017 budget housing affordability measures, the $581 million plan would changed the law for properties sold after June 30 this year.

Other measures yet to be dealt with include thin capitalisation rules, changes for charities and not-for-profits, hybrid mismatch rules and changes to higher education loans.

Mr Molesworth said the period immediately after a federal election was an appropriate time to conduct a review.

"I don't think there is any thought from our point of view that if you've said you're doing something once, you have to do it come hell or high water," he said.

Then assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos conducted a similar review after Tony Abbott's 2013 election victory, a move Mr Molesworth said helped deliver certainty to taxpayers across the economy.

"People can't plan. If they don't have certainty they can't do that forward planning and when they can't plan, the default is to do nothing.


"A lack of certainty leads to a lack of investment in things and a lack of business activity."

Tax Institute senior tax counsel Bob Deutsch said the wake of the election was an ideal time for a review of the list, with taxpayers entitled to know if some changes would not be made law.

"One example is the so-called superannuation guarantee amnesty, which has been there for a considerable period of time and I think a lot of people are in a position where they need to know," he said.

"I know for a fact that there are a number of organisations where, in complete innocence, they have made errors in their obligations and they're entitled to know if they need to take measures to fix them or if they can rely on this amnesty."

Professor Deutsch said some it was appropriate for some of the changes to be left waiting for the election outcome, but an ongoing "no comment" would be problematic.

Last week Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe told state and federal government the task of economic management required structural reform to boost growth and economic employment.

Dr Lowe highlighted education policy, entrepreneurship, infrastructure and the design of the tax system as drivers of economic growth.

Tom McIlroy is a political reporter for The Australian Financial Review in the federal press gallery at Parliament House. Connect with Tom on Facebook and Twitter. Email Tom at
Tom McIlroy

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