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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’m feeling nostalgic today so how about some of my favorite She-Hulk covers (in publication order). She-Hulk was my first ongoing gig and I owe my career to Jeanine Schaefer. She was the first editor to truly trust and believe in me. She gave me my first Marvel assignment and my first ongoing series. Best editor ever!

I learned so much doing She-Hulk and my watercolor skills grew incredibly fast. Forever grateful for the opportunity.

Source: kevinwada these are all SO GORGEOUS shes so hot im jennifer walters les tag art

the real “problem with political correctness” is not that it’s considered offensive to use slurs, but that there are now many “progressive” environments where saying the right things is more important than doing the right thing. it’s why it’s so easy for abusers to gain traction in leftist circles (they learn the right words quickly and employ them to frame their own behavior as progressive); it’s why so much potential activist energy gets poured into fighting about language; it’s why moderate liberals didn’t believe fer/guson had a problem until the police emails with actual racist language were leaked. (you can do racist things, you just can’t SAY racist things.) i don’t have a neat conclusion here but a related point is that i’m so much happier since i started focusing on like, being a good kind caring person instead of trying to remove the word “crazy” from the vocabulary of everyone in my family


Just saying this is truly one of the best “discourse” posts on this site like……this hits the nail directly on the head re: what is going on with language right now and everyone pushing back in the notes only serves to further prove the point it’s making

Source: sapphicscience !!!!!


These are $30 for one but stitches at the hospital are more expensive so this is pretty damn great


So what you’re saying is that someone in the free market has responded to high costs by developing a new product that is far less expensive, and can be applied by the injured person themselves not just a doctor or nurse.


This is neat AF

Its an advanced butterfly bandaid.



This isn’t ‘Neat’ this is horrifying. America is in shambles.


‘Oh drat! I’ve been stabbed and I can’t afford to go to hospital. Good thing I’ve brought my emergency DIY stitches.’

America… your health care system is fucked up. You know that, right?


Yes we know thank you


never gonna get over the cycle of

product invented -> problem with capitalist hellscape mildly circumvented -> americans celebrate because its incredibly good that this product exists -> non-americans telling us we’re dumbasses for? being happy theres a tiny little workaround for our shitty system? acting like we’re stupid for looking forward to a product that fixes an 800 dollar problem for a fraction of the cost?

extremely cool and sexy of you all to uhh *spins wheel* mock the citizens of a dystopian nightmare for *throws dart* being excited about the prospect of having one less thing to suffer for.


ALSO, this is just, like, cool and useful beyond the whole “emergency care is expensive” angle? Just in fucking general? Being able to quickly apply this in case of a kitchen or workplace accident rather than waiting for emergency aid which will take time to arrive and transport you to care even IF we didn’t live in a capitalist hellscape is pretty great-sounding to me… and then there’s having these on-hand if you’re out hiking or camping or something where emergency aid is gonna take even longer to arrive.

So… yeah, I can think of something y’all can stitch.

Source: twitter.com !!!! ref important