Nationalism and the union bureaucracy

The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders

By Patrick Martin, 6 May 2019

Sanders presents Chinese workers, the largest single contingent of the international working class, as the enemy of American workers.

Australian trade unions hold pro-Labor “Change the Rules” rallies

By Patrick O’Connor, 11 April 2019

The union protests yesterday were called to promote the election of a yet another Labor government that will implement the demands of big business.

Norwood Jewell, the UAW and the Flint water crisis

By Jerry White, 10 April 2019

The conviction on bribery charges of Jewell sheds light on the close connections between the UAW and the Democratic politicians responsible for the lead poisoning of an entire city.

Christchurch terrorist’s fascist manifesto promotes trade unions

By Hayden Johns, 2 April 2019

The fascist gunman Brenton Tarrant, who killed 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand, advocates the anti-immigrant, nationalist policies of the trade unions.

Unifor announces bogus ‘job saving’ plan as GM moves to close Oshawa plant

By Carl Bronski, 22 March 2019

Unifor will suspend its Save Oshawa GM publicity campaign on the basis of nothing more than the possibility of a slight adjustment in the plant’s closing schedule.

How Norwood Jewell and the UAW pushed through the 2015 contract

By Jerry White, 22 March 2019

Throughout months of supposed negotiations and the campaign to sell the concessions contract to workers, Jewell and other UAW negotiators were on the payroll of Fiat Chrysler.

UAW corruption scandal expands to Vice President Norwood Jewell, who rammed through 2015 sellout

By Jerry White, 19 March 2019

Norwood Jewell is the highest United Auto Workers official to be indicted to date in the corruption scandal engulfing the entire organization.

“Think of how many lives and families were ruined”

Autoworkers react to new UAW corruption charges

By Marcus Day, 19 March 2019

The announcement of charges against former UAW Vice President Norwood Jewell has provoked widespread disgust and anger among workers.

More demagogy and bluster as UAW bargaining convention adjourns

By Shannon Jones, 14 March 2019

The supposed fight proclaimed by UAW leaders to “save jobs” is based on lowering the automakers' production costs in the US by imposing new give-backs on workers.

UAW bargaining convention sets course for new round of give-backs

By Jerry White, 13 March 2019

150,000 workers at GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler face a contract battle against the auto companies and the UAW this summer.

Aiming to quash strikes, US teacher union launches campaign to prop up Democrats

By Nancy Hanover, 12 March 2019

Amid increasing strikes and struggles in defense of public education across the US and the world, the teachers’ unions are launching a new initiative to stifle the class struggle and corral teachers behind the capitalist political parties.

Chicago Teachers Union shuts down strike at CICS charter schools

By Alexander Fangmann, 20 February 2019

Despite hailing it as yet another “victory,” the union agreed to a deal that leaves conditions and teacher compensation at charter schools well below traditional public schools.

Union federation stages national strike in South Africa

By Eddie Haywood, 14 February 2019

Tens of thousands of workers participated in the walkout, bringing economic activity to a near standstill across the country.

Autoworkers must prepare fight as UAW plans new givebacks in 2019 contracts

By Shannon Jones, 14 February 2019

An op-ed piece in the Detroit Free Press by United Auto Workers President Gary Jones makes it clear that the union plans to use the threat to jobs to blackmail workers into accepting a new round of concessions in the 2019 contracts.

The reality of capitalism: GM makes $11.8 billion in profits while closing plants, eliminating 14,000 jobs

By Jerry White, 7 February 2019

The huge profits, side-by-side with the destruction of entire communities, expose the real character of the capitalist system and why the working class must abolish it.

Stanley Hill, who presided over wholesale corruption in NYC unions, dead at 82

By Alan Whyte, 7 February 2019

Hill personified the transformed role of the unions, in both the public and private sectors, as junior partners of big business and the government in imposing attacks on jobs and living standards.

As Unifor escalates racist anti-Mexico campaign

Canadian union leader postures as supporter of Matamoros strikers

By Roger Jordan, 6 February 2019

Unifor’s near-total silence about the courageous struggle of the Matamoras workers is of a piece with their reactionary campaign attacking Mexican workers for GM’s job massacre.

GM to lay off 4,250 salaried workers in North America starting Monday

By Shannon Jones, 2 February 2019

As anger mounts over the GM’s plans to cut 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, the United Auto Workers and Unifor are ramping up their anti-Mexican campaign to split autoworkers along national lines and block united action to fight the layoffs.

Los Angeles teachers battle privatization as union vies to be partner in LAUSD restructuring

By Jerry White, 18 January 2019

The five-day strike by Los Angeles teachers has thrust educators into a direct conflict with the Democratic Party, which has used the city and the state as a test case for school privatization.

Following Oshawa GM sitdown protest, autoworkers fed poison of Canadian nationalism at Windsor rally

By Shannon Jones, 12 January 2019

Autoworkers attending a rally called by Unifor in Windsor, Ontario who were looking for a way to fight GM plant closures were instead hit with a strong dose of Canadian nationalism by union officials.

UAW lawsuit against GM pits temporary part-time workers against laid-off Lordstown workers over jobs

By Shannon Jones, 5 January 2019

In an effort to divert anger over its refusal to fight impending GM plant closures, the UAW has filed a lawsuit to force the dismissal of hundreds of temporary part-time workers in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Echoing Trump, Unifor pleads for GM to cut Mexican auto jobs

By Carl Bronski, 22 December 2018

For decades, Unifor and the UAW have pitted workers against each other, helping the automakers to whip-saw jobs, wages, pensions and benefits back and forth across borders in a never-ending race to the bottom.

At meeting on GM plant closings, DSA covers for UAW and Democrats

By Jerry White, 20 December 2018

Congresswoman-elect Tlaib and the other speakers accepted GM's destruction of jobs as an accomplished fact.

Union isolates Cambria hotel workers in Chicago as British Columbia and Los Angeles hotel employees protest

By Michael Walters, 15 December 2018

Hotel workers have been on strike for three months at the Cambria Hotel in Chicago under conditions where the UNITE HERE union has systemically shut down hotel strikes nationally.

Unions call off general strike in Catalonia

By Carlos Hernández and Paul Mitchell, 14 December 2018

Union leaders made clear they called off the strike because of the political and social crisis that threatens the rule of the minority Socialist Party government.

Form rank-and-file committees

Reject the UAW-Lear sellout contract! Unite with GM and other autoworkers in a common fight!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 28 November 2018

The UAW, defying the will of its membership, is forcing a vote on virtually the same rotten deal Lear workers overwhelmingly rejected in October.

Prosecutor points to UAW “culture of corruption” as union officials face sentencing

By Shannon Jones, 7 November 2018

Federal prosecutors are pointing to the systematic and pervasive character of the corruption revealed in the bribery scandal that has rocked the UAW leadership.

Royal College of Nursing leadership in UK seeks re-election in defiance of no confidence vote

By Ajanta Silva, 7 November 2018

These are the same people who deliberately sold a rotten pay offer and were the subject of members’ outrage when the real details of the deal came to light.

UAW building luxury “cottage” for ex-president Dennis Williams

By Shannon Jones, 29 October 2018

The 1,885-square-foot residence features granite countertops, cherry cabinets with a “chocolate glaze finish,” three and one half baths and a patio overlooking Black Lake.

Unions to “work with” Quebec’s new right-wing populist government

By Laurent Lafrance, 15 October 2018

After decades of suppressing working class opposition to Liberal and PQ-led austerity governments, the unions are now offering their services to François Legault and his right-wing populist CAQ government.

Vote “yes” on resolution to force out Royal College of Nursing leadership! Build rank-and-file committees!

By NHS FightBack, 28 September 2018

The resolution gives voice to the growing rebellion among nurses and health workers against the RCN executive’s collusion with the Conservative government.

Australian unions amass wealth as membership plummets

By Mike Head, 14 September 2018

The transformation of the unions into corporate operations cannot be explained by corruption and it is not unique to Australia.

Labor Day 2018: The growth of the class struggle and the case for rank-and-file committees

By Jerry White, 3 September 2018

This year, Labor Day takes place amid a resurgence of class struggle in the US, bringing workers into direct conflict with the corporatist and anti-working class trade unions.

Steelmakers in US demand historic concessions as contracts for 31,000 workers set to expire

By Samuel Davidson, 31 August 2018

With US Steel and Arcelor demanding deep givebacks, the United Steelworkers union has made it clear it is opposed to any strike.

Unions stump for big business PQ in Quebec’s October election

By Félix Gauthier, 24 August 2018

The entire history of the PQ shows it to be a faithful and ruthless defender of the interests of the Quebec bourgeoisie.

Late Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne lied to federal investigators about gift to UAW official

By Marcus Day, 17 August 2018

The latest revelation of bribery in the UAW corruption scandal follows Monday’s statement by lawyers for an indicted Chrysler executive that the conspiracy “started long before” 2009.

Who is UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada?

By Tim Rivers, 6 August 2018

In a career spanning two decades, Estrada, hailed in 2014 as the first Latina woman to join the union’s elite executive committee, has demonstrated that she is a typical bureaucratic hack.

Teamsters union blames opposition to sellout contract on “internet trolls”

By Will Morrow, 30 July 2018

The union’s campaign recalls the United Auto Workers’ denunciations of exposures of its 2015 sellout contract as “fake news.”

Mobilize the working class behind Indiana autoworkers

Kokomo Fiat Chrysler workers: Form a rank-and-file strike committee to fight for jobs and safety!

By the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter, 30 July 2018

If autoworkers are to prevent another sellout by the UAW, they must take control of the struggle into their own hands by electing rank-and-file strike committee.

UAW corruption scandal reaches the top

By Shannon Jones, 27 July 2018

The revelation that the just-retired UAW president authorized the illegal use of money from company-funded joint training centers demonstrates that the organization is engaged in a criminal conspiracy against auto workers.

Top aide to former UAW vice president makes plea deal

By Shannon Jones, 25 July 2018

Nancy Johnson pleaded guilty to charges related to the illegal payout of more than $1.5 million by Fiat Chrysler aimed at securing favorable contract terms from the United Auto Workers.

Argentine unions and pseudo-left scrambling to prevent social explosion

By Andrea Lobo, 22 June 2018

While the Macri administration deploys its armed forces to repress an upcoming upsurge in workers’ struggles, the trade unions, Peronism, and the Left and Workers Front have formed new coalitions to betray the working class.

“Everything they took from us needs to be returned, plus the money they stole”

Growing outrage from autoworkers over UAW bribery scandal

By a WSWS reporting team, 15 June 2018

Autoworkers at Fiat Chrysler’s Warren Truck Assembly Plant in suburban Detroit spoke to the WSWS about the naming of the UAW as a “co-conspirator” in the corruption scandal.

UK: Bureaucrats walk out of University and College Union congress

By Alice Summers, 8 June 2018

Union leaders walked out of the UCU congress after motions were put forward criticising their sell-out of the lecturers’ strike.

Opposition mounting to Teamsters deal to cut pensions at ABF Freight

By Steve Filips, 27 April 2018

Workers are denouncing the five-year tentative deal signed by the Teamsters, which imposes more concessions on 8,600 drivers and other workers at the trucking company.

UAW secretary-treasurer Gary Casteel will not seek re-election

By Jessica Goldstein, 20 April 2018

UAW Secretary-Treasurer Gary Casteel made the abrupt announcement this week that he will not to seek re-election amidst an ongoing federal probe into rampant UAW corruption.

Teachers unions intensify efforts to suppress growing class struggle in the US

By Jerry White, 20 March 2018

A recent article by a former top executive at the American Federation of Teachers argues that the unions exist to “maintain labor peace” and “tamp down rank-and-file gripes and discord.”

As teacher struggles spread, unions redouble effort to suppress class struggle

By Jerry White, 9 March 2018

In the aftermath of the nine-day strike by West Virginia teachers, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said that the unions are necessary to contain opposition.

Union lawyer tells US Supreme Court: “Union security is the tradeoff for no strikes”

By Joseph Kishore, 28 February 2018

In Supreme Court arguments, a lawyer for the public-sector union AFSCME argued that without the trade unions there would be “an untold specter of labor unrest throughout the country.”

Workers discuss UAW corruption scandal at WSWS Autoworker Newsletter call-in meeting

By our reporters, 2 February 2018

Autoworkers discussed the significance of the scandal and the Autoworker Newsletter’s call for the formation of rank-and-file committees, independent of the United Auto Workers union.

Fiat Chrysler workers file class action against UAW demanding return of union dues

By Jerry White, 31 January 2018

A legal complaint by three autoworkers charges the union with colluding to destroy wages and rights, and defrauding workers of hundreds of millions of dollars in union dues.

The UAW corruption scandal: The case for workers’ committees

By Joseph Kishore, 26 January 2018

Fiat Chrysler’s bribery of UAW officials involved in contract negotiations exposes the anti-working-class character of the entire trade union apparatus.

Germany: IG Metall seeks to impose new contract

By Gustav Kemper, 24 January 2018

The IG Metall leadership, which supports the formation of a new grand coalition government, is opposed to a broad mobilisation of workers against job cuts.

Growing numbers of US teachers abandon unions

By Nancy Hanover, 7 December 2017

The historic decline of union membership among teachers highlights the extent to which these unions exist only at the behest of the government.

“This is one smart guy”

US teachers union chief Randi Weingarten held secret meeting with Steve Bannon

By Jerry White, 4 November 2017

For over six months, the AFT president sought to conceal her meeting with Trump’s fascistic aide who was at the time the top White House strategist.

AFL-CIO leaders offer demagogy, nationalism at convention in St. Louis

By Trévon Austin, 27 October 2017

A signification section of the union bureaucracy is openly allied with Trump on the basis of “America First” nationalism.

New Zealand rail union blocks struggle against attacks on conditions

By our reporters, 13 October 2017

A two-hour work stoppage was called to lay the basis for another union-employer sellout deal.

Former UAW official pleads guilty as corruption scandal threatens top union executives

By Jerry White, 31 August 2017

The plea deal by United Auto Workers Associate Director Virdell King could open the way for the indictment of other senior union officials.

“Everyone high up in the UAW must have known what was going on”

US autoworkers react to new UAW corruption indictments

By a WSWS reporting team, 25 August 2017

US autoworkers contacted by the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter expressed disgust and anger over the results of a federal investigation into allegations of bribery of top United Auto Workers officials by Fiat Chrysler executives.

AFL-CIO president leaves Trump’s Manufacturing Council: An exercise in hypocrisy and damage control

By Shannon Jones, 17 August 2017

Trumka left the panel as a face-saving measure, following the departure of several corporate CEOs.

New Zealand rail union seeks to renew pay deal with private operator

By our correspondents, 7 August 2017

The RMTU is collaborating with multinational private operator Transdev to impose a new agreement which will continue to attack workers’ conditions.

UAW debacle at Mississippi Nissan plant

By Jerry White, 7 August 2017

Workers have drawn conclusions about the UAW after decades in which it has focused all of its efforts on suppressing the class struggle and partnering with the auto companies to destroy jobs and living standards.

As Wall Street demands new auto job cuts, UAW rants against Mexico and China

By Jerry White, 26 July 2017

General Motors has announced plans to reduce production as US automakers prepare a new onslaught on jobs.

Illinois unions endorse billionaire J.B. Pritzker for governor

By Kristina Betinis and Alexander Fangmann, 12 June 2017

Pritzker, an heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, has been enlisted by the Democratic Party to take on Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, another billionaire, whom the Democrats are attacking as “bad for business.”

New evidence of UAW vote-rigging in 2015 Ford contract

Part One

By Eric London, 9 May 2017

Information provided to the World Socialist Web Site shows a UAW conspiracy to silence autoworkers with evidence that the UAW committed election fraud to pass the 2015 Ford contract.

Unions collaborate with Trump to push trade war and militarism

By Jerry White, 21 April 2017

The anti-working class AFL-CIO is providing the deeply hated president with critical political support as he prepares for war and a massive assault on jobs and social programs.

Burqa ban included in German union contract

By Marianne Arens, 20 April 2017

Five unions in the German state of Hesse have accepted a burqa ban in a public sector contract.

UAW executives get pay raises as worker pay tumbles

By Shannon Jones, 14 April 2017

An analysis of its 2016 US Labor Department filing makes clear the UAW is not a workers’ organization but a business largely funded by the auto bosses.

US unions deepen ties to Trump administration

By Jerry White, 7 April 2017

The American trade union bureaucracy spent much of this week praising Trump and bolstering the billionaire president’s claim that he is champion of American workers.

The UAW’s corporatist alliance with Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 17 March 2017

UAW President Dennis Williams’ appearance Wednesday with President Donald Trump and the Big Three auto bosses to promote “American First” nationalism is further confirmation of the anti-working class character of the unions.

Auto bosses, UAW join Trump at Michigan event to push nationalism and militarism

By Niles Niemuth, 16 March 2017

While signaling his readiness to boost company profits by weakening fuel economy standards, Trump called for the unity of employers and workers on the basis of economic nationalism.

US unions back Trump’s ultra-right “America First” program

By Jerry White, 23 February 2017

It was the socialists who opposed nativism and racism and waged a struggle to unify all workers, black and white, native-born and immigrant, against the divide-and-conquer strategy of the employers.

Union seeks to block strike, impose givebacks on Rockford, Illinois school employees

By George Gallanis, 21 February 2017

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is attempting to force a sellout contract on the 900 bus drivers, paraprofessionals and food service workers.

As Trump promotes America First nationalism at South Carolina Boeing plant

UAW to launch “Buy American” campaign

By Shannon Jones, 18 February 2017

The UAW is ramping up its promotion of economic nationalism in line with the reactionary America First demagogy of the Trump administration.

Harley-Davidson execs, union leaders meet with Trump at the White House

By Jerry White, 3 February 2017

The public relations exercise was a further demonstration of the complete prostration of American unions to the corporations and the government.

California state workers voting on new contract

By Dan Conway, 13 January 2017

More than 96,000 state workers are voting this week on a new contract between Service Workers International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 and the state government, led by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.

UK rail union TSSA and pro-Corbyn Momentum stoke up anti-European sentiment

By Paul Mitchell, 10 January 2017

A video posted by the pro-Corbyn Momentum organization seeks to portray the population of Europe as benefitting from the privatization if the UK’s rail network.

US unions praise Trump and his “America-First” nationalism

By Jerry White, 12 November 2016

It did not take long for the executives that run the trade unions to offer their loyal services to President-elect Donald Trump.

Unions at Germany’s TUIfly airlines act as strikebreakers

By Ulrich Rippert, 14 October 2016

The workers at TUIfly are putting up fierce opposition to a restructuring plan accompanied by extensive job and wage cuts.

French unions join far-right movement against refugees in Calais

By Anthony Torres, 12 September 2016

The CGT is inciting nationalist hatred to divide the workers and disorient their opposition to the wars and social cuts of the French government, which it helped elect.

IG Metall trade union backs Volkswagen board

By Dietmar Henning, 28 June 2016

IG Metall sprang to the support of management, which is exploiting the emission scandal to impose the biggest ever attacks on jobs, wages and conditions.

German unions call for steel trade war against China

By Jan Peters and Dietmar Henning, 16 June 2016

In a new burst of reactionary economic nationalism, the Social Democratic Party and German trade unions are calling for US-type trade war measures against China.

Strikes against austerity in France and Belgium defy union pressure for sellout

By Alex Lantier, 9 June 2016

Garbage workers took strike action in several cities across France, joining rail, port and oil workers in France and rail workers in Belgium.

“It’s reached a point where we had to stand up to them, and we are”

Striking Verizon workers speak out in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York

By our reporters, 21 April 2016

Hundreds of Verizon workers on Wednesday picketed a Verizon facility in Silver Spring, Maryland, which is being used to coordinate the company’s strikebreaking operations.

Rail unions declare support for UK exit from the EU

By Michael Barnes and Julie Hyland, 19 April 2016

The Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers union and the train drivers union ASLEF claim EU membership is “bad for Britain in general and bad for the railway in particular.”

Economic nationalism and the global steel crisis

By Nick Beams, 14 April 2016

The program of economic nationalism promoted by the steel bosses, political leaders and the trade union bureaucrats leads to depression and ultimately war.

Steel day of action: IG Metall, employers and German government demand trade war

By our correspondents, 13 April 2016

The German metalworkers union IG Metall organised the rallies as a backdrop for management and government representatives to demand protective tariffs and trade war measures against China.

French unions seek to suppress opposition to Hollande’s labour reforms

By Stéphane Hugues, 25 February 2016

Opposition is growing among workers and students to the state of emergency and the Socialist Party’s historic attacks on the working class.

UAW President Dennis Williams denounces role of “outside groups” in 2015 auto contract negotiations

By Shannon Jones, 13 February 2016

The remarks expressed the concern of the UAW leadership over growing signs of militancy and social anger in the working class in Michigan and throughout the country.

National teachers’ union leader seeks to smother Detroit protests

By Lawrence Porter and Nancy Hanover, 11 February 2016

The American Federation of Teachers is seeking to divert opposition into fruitless appeals to state Democrats and Republicans—the very forces seeking to dismantle public education.

Mobilize the working class to defend public education in Chicago!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

4 February 2016

A real struggle to defend public education must begin with an understanding that teachers face in the Chicago Teachers Union an enemy no less bitter than Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

National union leader tries to corral protesting Detroit teachers

By Jerry White, 15 January 2016

After three straight days of “sick-out” protests, hundreds of determined teachers attended a union meeting Thursday, where officials tried to smother resistance.

Supreme Court hears arguments in union dues case

By Shannon Jones, 12 January 2016

The lawsuit targets millions of dollars in union revenue from labor agreements that compel public employees to pay a fee to a union even if they choose not to be a member.

Teamsters union pulls stunt strikes at southern California ports

By Marc Wells, 13 November 2015

The Teamsters have organized eight bogus strikes of truck drivers in two years at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in pursuit of increasing union membership.

Australian unions peddle anti-Chinese chauvinism as they enforce job destruction

By Mike Head, 30 October 2015

The union campaign seeks to blame Chinese workers, and Chinese companies, for the growing unemployment in Australia.

LA unions hail pension “reform” to legitimize attack on working class

By Adam McLean, 2 October 2015

Unions collaborated with the Los Angeles City Council to impose measures that will hang retirees out to dry.

Detroit teachers union removes local president despite majority vote by membership

By Sheila Brehm, 22 September 2015

The executive board of the Detroit Federation of Teachers pushed through the removal of Steve Conn on trumped-up charges.

The UAW and the Democratic Party

By Tom Mackaman, 22 September 2015

For all of the US labor movement’s militancy, self-sacrifice and social power, its Achilles heel has been its failure to free itself from the political domination of capitalist parties and politicians.

What is the UAW?

By Shannon Jones, 11 September 2015

The UAW is basically a business entity run by wealthy parasites that have no accountability to the membership.

US unions promote Democrats and corporatism on Labor Day

By Shannon Jones, 8 September 2015

After decades of corporatist degeneration, the unions neither want to nor are able to mobilize much of anyone outside the upper middle class strata that mans their apparatuses.