Our Staff

Joanna Gould

Development Manager

Joanna Gould is an arts manager who is currently based in Brooklyn working with Going Down Swinging in development. She has been working in the creative community in Australia for the last ten years and has a double major in History and Fine Art with a Masters of Art Curatorship. She has held roles as Curatorial Assistant for the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Festival Director of the Gertrude Street Projection Festival and was the previous General Manager of Going Down Swinging.

Magenta Sheridan

Operations Manager and Co-Editor

Magenta is an editor, arts manager, writer and comics enthusiast. She has the pleasure of daylighting as the Administration & Operations Coordinator at Next Wave. She runs creative writing workshops all over Melbourne, has also edited fiction for Voiceworks and won the Melbourne Writers Festival Creative Writing prize in 2017.

Renata Carli


Renata is a fiction writer, editor and lapsed zine-maker. She was the recipient of the Lord Mayor’s Creative Writing Award and has posted her zines to all corners of the earth. She is currently attempting to read everything on her bookshelf while she completes her master’s degree.

Hollen Singleton

Online Editor, Features and Community

Hollen is the features and community editor at Going Down Swinging and moonlights at Meanjin. They write fiction, mostly.

Georgia Coldebella

Online Editor, News and Features

Georgia studied philosophy and literature before setting her sights on the lucrative field of publishing. Most recently she completed her masters in creative writing, exploring fairy tale adaptations as a means to express identity. She dabbles in writing, editing and drawing, has worked with publications from youth magazines to uni journals to litmags, and spends her time trying to adopt other people’s cats.

Gabrielle Raz-Liebman

Events Intern

Gabrielle is the newest addition to GDS. She has come on board as an intern to contribute her passion and flair for this year’s series of live events. Gabrielle recently completed a Bachelor of Environments (Landscape Architecture), but is now slightly side-stepping from design to pursue a career in arts and events management. Outside of GDS, Gabrielle is a performer and theatre-maker. She loves anything that involves standing up on a stage and pouring art into the world.

Darcy Rock

Editorial Intern

Darcy Rock is an emerging writer, zinester and guitarist. She is currently completing her undergraduate degree in Creative Writing at RMIT. She writes non-fiction and lyrics about mental illness, sexuality, loss and the music industry. When she’s not gigging around Melbourne in her alt-rock band Tina Growls she’s watching re-runs of Seinfeld and drinking turmeric lattes.

Viv Mah

Editorial Intern

Viv Mah is a Melbourne-based writer, editor, and occasional theatremaker. She’s read for international literary agents, assessed plays for short festivals, and had her writing published in Express Media, the Canberra Times and Pidgeonholes. When she’s not studying for her masters of writing and publishing, you can catch her shopping for zines. She has a 50/50 win rate with fights.

Harry McLean

Multimedia Intern

Harry is a Melbourne based cartoonist who has made comics for Above Water, Voiceworks and Sticky Institute’s Festival of the Photocopier.

Jacqui Hagen

Digital Developer

Jacqui Hagen is Going Down Swinging’s Digital Developer. Jacqui has worked across digital and print publishing for the past decade, writing and editing publications for Thames and Hudson, The Field Institute, and Studio Propeller. Jacqui has worked in communications and design roles for numerous arts and environmental organisations, as well as managing projects that assist communities transition to renewable energy across Australia. Having worked extensively in web design, Jacqui enjoys exploring new and interesting ways of publishing literary content online in her role with Going Down Swinging.