Digital projects feature experiments in art and literature that were never intended for print – interactive comics, short film, HTML psych-out poetry – curated and developed by our editorial and digital team.

Smoke and Fire by Alana Hicks. With animations by Karan Singh

My grandmothers, from the black and the white side, maybe had more in common than they realised. They were women of an era when women were poured into moulds – housewife, homemaker, mother. Both women had a sickness they couldn’t defeat. The white one went so far as to try to cut the hard lump of her disease from her breast with a knife. The Glaswegian fireball that travelled alone as a teen to a new frontier, had no fear. The women were hard and strong. All fire, no smoke.

Smoke and Fire is an experience to interact with involving haunting and inquisitive story from Alana Hicks and strong, slow animations by Karan Singh – woven together with html5 parallax scrolling.


Essays, Letters, Reflections – Ebook

Free, downloadable and totally portable ebook of the best essays, travel stories and musings from our online history.

Supported by the University of Melbourne, Essays, Letters, Reflections features online favourites from Jenny Sinclair, Scott Wings, Sian Campbell and Oliver Mol, as well as stories surrounding Going Down Swinging’s thirty-six year history by founders Kevin Brophy and Myron Lysenko.

The ebook, which is easily downloadable as an ePub or Kindle Mobi file, features the designs of Matt Short and the surreal line drawings of Genna Campton, paying homage to Going Down Swinging’s long and heady relationship with print.

Learn more about Essays, Letters, Reflections here.


Going Down Swinging – #34

Going Down Swinging No. 34 is a multimedia literary journal interweaving narratives in words, pictures, sound, and motion.

Available as a tablet app or a desktop download, No. 34 has the work we can’t possibly put in print, with interactive comics from Mike Baylis, fiction for the eye and ear from Laura Jean McKay, and historical mystery solving from Lachlan Plain (with a special guest appearance from Michael Cathcart), all bundled in a stunning and innovative digital design by Vanessa Hughes.

Learn more about #34, including technical requirements, here.



Going Down Swinging – #31

Australian literature’s first fully interactive multimedia journal edition, and Going Down Swinging’s first foray into digital publishing, this is also the first offering from the editorial duo of Jessica Friedmann and Geoff Lemon.

GDS #31 goes way beyond the standard concept of the e-book, with a fully integrated multimedia publication: a stunning mix of film, animation, spoken word, illustration, photography, poetry, fiction and essay.

Learn more about #31, including technical requirements, here.

#31 is now up for grabs for free – just use the password “Fight the Future” when prompted.