
About Going Down Swinging

Going Down Swinging works across platforms to produce high quality publications and events that support writers and artists telling stories worth sharing. Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing special, sold-out live events. We believe in fostering a community of writers and artists dedicated to their craft and the ideas behind it. We encourage the creation of new work, and support this by placing great value on editorial feedback and development for those voices still emerging.

What is Going Down Swinging Online?

This is where the fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you will find regular opinion columns, feature pieces, discussions and debates. Here new stories will struggle to their feet. There will be works in progress, anecdotes, forgotten publications and true gems from the GDS back catalogue that has accrued over 39 years.

If nothing else, here is where you will find regular content about writing and literature.

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