Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription

Newspaper Subscription Terms and Conditions

Updated: September 13th, 2018

A Home Delivery Subscription to an Australian Community Media publication is subject to the following terms and conditions.

Your use of an Australian Community Media website, Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica is subject to the Fairfax Media General Conditions of Use, which are available at https://www.fairfaxmedia.com.au/company/conditions-of-use/conditions-of-use

For more information contact our Customer Service Team on 1300 131 095

  1. About Print Subscriptions
    1. Print Subscriptions to an Australian Community Media publication are valid where normal home delivery exists. For information on delivery outside of these areas, please contact our Customer Service Team.
    2. Delivery to an address within security apartments or office buildings is subject to delivery capability. A Print Subscription may be discontinued with notice to the Customer (with a pro rata refund if applicable) where distribution services cease to be available.
    3. From time to time, Australian Community Newspaper publications may offer promotional items with its newspapers. Australian Community Newspapers does not guarantee that newspapers delivered to subscribers will include these items. At Australian Community Newspapers discretion the items may be available for collection at a newsagency or publication office subject to availability.
  2. Processing and Payment
    1. Australian Community Media will process your Print Subscription purchase as promptly as possible. Your payment details must be verified before your print subscription can be activated. This may take up to five business days to process.
    2. If your initial payment authorisation is revoked, your Print Subscription will be terminated. We reserve the right to reject any subscription order or purchase at any time.
    3. Grace Period
      1. Direct Debit Subscriptions: If we are unable to debit your account for any reason, we will provide a 14 day Grace Period to allow you to update your payment details and/or pay the outstanding amount. Your subscription will remain active during the Grace Period and if the Grace Period lapses your subscription will be automatically cancelled. You will be required to clear any unpaid subscription fees, and reimburse us for any transaction fees that we incur as a result of a failed direct debit transaction, as a condition of continuing your subscription.
      2. Up Front Subscriptions: We will apply a 7 day grace period to up front payment subscribers who have not renewed their subscription by the expiry date, to allow time to renew before delivery ceases. You will be required to clear any unpaid subscription fees as a condition of renewing your subscription.
    4. For any payments made using BPAY please allow a minimum of 5 business days from your subscription end date for the transaction to be processed and your newsagent to be notified. Renewal payments made within 5 working days of your subscription end date may impact your home delivery.
    5. It is your responsibility to notify us and update your details accordingly if your nominated bank account is cancelled or has changed since your last billing date.
    6. When you notify Australian Community Media of a non-delivery or your newspaper, we will credit subscription for the day or days that your newspaper was not delivered. Depending on the nature of your subscription, this will take the form of an extension to your subscription expiry date by the number of days that your newspaper was not delivered or a pro rata discount on your next payment.
  3. Pricing
    1. Prices quoted for subscriptions are in Australian dollars and are GST-inclusive.
    2. Direct Debit Subscriptions:​Deductions will be made from your nominated credit card or bank account either:
      1. (a) every month in advance of your Print delivery and/or Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica.
      2. (b) every 4 weeks in advance of your Print delivery and/or Digital Edition, E-editionor Digital Replica.
      3. (c) every 13 weeks in advance of your Print delivery and/or Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica.
      4. (d) every 26 weeks in advance of your Print delivery and/or Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica.
      5. (e) every 52 weeks in advance of your Print delivery and/or Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica.
      6. (f) in advance for any other periodicity for which your subscription is held.
    3. You acknowledge that the subscription prices for Direct Debit subscriptions may be changed by Australian Community Media from time to time by giving you at least 14 days written notice in advance. Price changes will take effect from your next billing date after the notice period. If you do not wish to continue your Direct Debit subscription at the revised price you may cancel your subscription by contacting our Customer service team 72 hours before the end of your current direct debit pay cycle.
    4. Subscription cancellation will be effective at the end of your current direct debit pay cycle. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours prior to your subscription end date to notify us of your cancellation.
    5. Upfront Subscriptions:​The full fixed term payment is due upfront and is payable by cheque or credit card.At the end of the subscription term Australian Community Media will contact you to provide you with the opportunity to renew your subscription. Renewal payments may be made by BPAY in addition to cheque or credit card.
    6. Australian Community Media reserves the right to change the duration of the Upfront Subscriptions and the pricing of Upfront Subscriptions offered from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, the price of your upfront subscription cannot be changed by Australian Community Media during the applicable term.
  4. Promotions
    1. Australian Community Media may at times offer special promotional offers. The specific terms and conditions of each promotion will be clearly stated at the time of the promotion and will apply in addition to these Home Delivery Subscription Terms and Conditions.
    2. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of a special offer and these Home Delivery Subscription Terms and Conditions, these Home Delivery Subscription Terms and Conditions will apply.
  5. Modifying Print Subscriptions
    1. Subscribers must notify Australian Community Media to make any changes to their subscription including but not limited to suspensions, cancellations, changes of address, and any other changes to their subscription. You can suspend or change your details by contacting our Customer Service Team on 1300 131 095.
    2. If at any point you wish to have your newspaper redirected to a new address within a deliverable area you will need to contact our Customer Service Team.
    3. Your Print Subscription delivery address can be changed by giving Australian Community Media at least 7 days notice. You must inform Australian Community Media of any change to your address.
    4. Suspension Policy:​You are permitted to suspend the home delivery of your subscription for a continuous period of up to 180 days. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours for the suspension to be processed. You must suspend your subscription with Australian Community Media directly.
  6. Modifying Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica
    1. Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica subscriptions cannot be temporarily suspended under any circumstances.
    2. Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica subscriptions cannot be redirected to a different user.
    3. Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica editions can be accessed via an Ipad app for applicable mastheads or via the applicable masthead website. You will need to log in with your Australian Community Media Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica login.
    4. Your username and password cannot be provided to someone else.
    5. If you experience technical difficulties accessing Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica, it is your responsibility to notify Australian Community Media to receive assistance.
  7. Cancellation
    1. You must contact our Customer Service Team to cancel your subscription. You can contact our Customer Service Team by phone on 1300 131 095.
    2. Direct Debit Subscriptions are not refundable. When you cancel you cancel only future charges associated with your subscription. Minimum subscription terms may apply to select Direct Debit Subscriptions. The applicable minimum term will be specified in the terms and conditions that accompany the subscription offer. Once cancelled no further debits will be made on the account and the customers account will simply expire at the end of the billing period for which payment has already been received.
    3. Upfront Subscriptions​:
      1. If you cancel your print subscription and there is a Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica component to your subscription then your Digital Edition, E-edition or Digital Replica access will cease on the same day.
      2. Australian Community Media reserves the right to suspend or cancel your subscription at any time in its absolute discretion. In the event that Australian Community Media cancels your subscription you will receive a pro rata refund for the balance of the term on your Upfront Subscription.
  8. Your Privacy
    1. You agree that your name, address, email address, year of birth, postcode, gender and telephone/mobile number will be collected and stored by Australian Community Media and use for the purpose of fulfilling your subscription, communicating with you about your subscription and to notify you of any customer offers or benefits or future subscriptions which we think may be of interest to you, unless otherwise notified by you.
    2. Information on how we handle your personal information is explained in our Privacy Policy at ​www.fairfaxmedia.com.au/company/privacy​.
  9. Your Obligations
    1. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient clear funds available in your account to allow a debit payment to be made in accordance with a direct debit request.
    2. It is your responsibility to notify Australian Community Media if your newspaper is not being delivered.
    3. It is your responsibility to report to Australian Community Media if newspaper deliveries continue to be made and/or payments continue to be deducted, if you believe a cancellation should have been processed.
    4. It is your responsibility to check your account statements to verify that the amounts debited from your account are correct and notify Australian Community Media if you believe you are being billed incorrectly.
    5. Australian Community Media will not refund past subscription payments if a subscriber has failed to contact Fairfax directly to cancel, or to report unexpected payments or non-delivery.
  10. Disclaimers
    1. You agree that any errors made in entering your contact information and order details are your responsibility and Australian Community Media is not liable for any consequences that may arise as a result of such errors or incorrect information, including but not limited to sending the subscription to the address as notified by you. If you change your address or any other relevant details or do not receive your subscription, you should notify Australian Community Media by calling our Customer Service Team.
    2. To the extent permitted by law, Australian Community Media is not liable to you for any loss or damage incurred by you in connection with your subscription, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect or other loss or damage. In any event, Australian Community Media’s maximum liability to you is limited to the value of the subscription fees paid within the previous twelve months.
  11. General
    1. You acknowledge and agree that you are entitled to purchase a subscription from Australian Community Media for personal use only. You agree and acknowledge that subscriptions cannot be exploited for any commercial purpose, including on-selling your subscription to any third party. Despite this, Australian Community Media may, at its sole discretion, offer multiple copy subscriptions to certain organisations. Such corporate subscriptions can be arranged by contacting the Customer Service Team directly.
    2. You agree that all subscriptions provided, benefits accepted or offers made by Australian Community Media shall be deemed to be provided in Australia, notwithstanding your location, and the terms of such subscriptions, benefits and offers shall be governed exclusively by New South Wales law, and the Courts of New South Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any such matters that may arise involving or alleged to involve Australian Community Media.
    3. You acknowledge that these Subscription Terms and Conditions may be modified by Fairfax from time to time, including but not limited to terms relating to fees and charges, cancellation and changing subscriptions. You agree that you are responsible for regularly reviewing these Subscription Terms and Conditions and your continued use of the subscription constitutes your acceptance of any such modifications
    4. You can also find these Terms and Conditions on our newspaper websites.