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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Congress voting on HR 620 aka Seriously Fuck Up the ADA bill


This is about HR 620, aka The Ruin Disabled Peoples Lives Bill. Do Not Assume That Your Politicians Will Vote Against This, I don’t care how “liberal” they are or whatever.

From Lindsay B, who works at a national disability advocacy org (& she’s disabled & supports our local ADAPT & I know her from a local support group):

The House is voting on H.R. 620 THIS THURSDAY [February 15th 2018]. This is scary, people. H.R. 620 is a dangerous bill that would weaken the Americans with Disabilities Act and strip away disabled peoples’ civil rights. It would undermine the KEY intent of the ADA, which is to ensure that disabled people have access to public places! PLEASE TAKE ACTION!

Contact your Representatives and tell them to OPPOSE H.R. 620:

Monday (TODAY!) - Participate in the ‘Save The ADA CALL IN DAY’ and tell your representative to VOTE NO on H.R. 620! All Representatives can be reached at the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or (202) 224-3091 (TTY).
Tuesday - Post your opposition on social media! Tag your Representative and use the hashtags #HandsOffMyADA and #StopHR620. You can find your Representative’s Twitter handle and FB information at [link next] www.ContactingCongress.org 

Every day until the vote - use Resistbot (link: https://resist.bot) to turn texts into faxes, mail, or hand-delivered letters; fax your members of Congress (use link faxzero.com to find their fax number); or contact your Representative with contact information from link www.ContactingCongress.com.

Thursday (the day of the vote) - CALL and TWEET all day and tell members of the House to VOTE NO!

Additional info:
See NCIL’s alert with more info about the bill and links to additional resources: [link next] 
DREDF’s HR 620 page with tons of links to resources and articles: [link next]

more info from Lindsay:

“Some businesses care about accessibility, but some definitely don’t (and/or don’t prioritize it). It’s not conjecture to say that a lot of businesses will fail to provide accessible facilities- there are a lot of businesses that are still not in compliance 28 years post-ADA. This bill takes away any incentive to remove barriers until they’ve received the specific notice required. I would like to believe businesses will do the right thing, but the reality is even without this bill many have already shown us they won’t.”

“They claim the bill is to protect small businesses from lawyers who are abusing the ADA by filing frivolous lawsuits.

(But the reality is this is not a widespread problem (not nearly as widespread as inaccessibility!), and where this has been an issue at all is in the small number states that have laws going beyond the ADA and allowing damages, which are not allowed under Title III of the ADA.)”


PLEASE share! Call your reps! Stop #HR620 from passing and setting disability rights 28 years back!  Its expected to hit the floor on THURSDAY. Start calling now and don’t stop! 

Source: upthecrippunks text politics political participation important disabillity disabled rights save



I have known only peace since I found out huskies were big spoiled babies


im pretttyyyy sure its resource-guarding the kid and not being a “spoiled baby”. snapping at an established family member is completely unacceptable lol theyre setting themselves up for a big surprise for encouraging this. huskies have a strong sense of pack order and it will be led to believe it can get anything it so wants if it knows this is how to do it and trust me it will escalate. bad idea not a cute video


The dog actually seems playful and relaxed the whole time to me. I don’t see any signs of stress- no lip licking, excessive panting, or rigid body, which are prevalent in resource guarding. He’s fluid and never actually makes contact with skin when he snips, and doesn’t seem to want to. There doesn’t really seem to be any real upset from the dog at all. The second clip especially makes me think it’s all in fun because of the grumbles and barking. I don’t have huskies, but I have collies and they do that when they’re complaining about something but aren’t really serious. The whole thing just seems like a game of keep away :)


Pack/dominance theory has been debunked, dogs know that humans aren’t dogs, so ‘huskies have a strong sense of pack order’ isn’t a reason for this behaviour to be concerning.

The ‘snapping’ looks playful to me. Young dogs (or dogs who lack training/manners) often play with humans by mouthing - my teenage puppy will still mouth me softly in play and I don’t mind, as long as he controls the force of his bites. This looks just like normal play behaviour. I also have a husky cross who makes silly, grumbly “woo” noises all the time and it isn’t aggression. She will often do deep, long growls, groans and moans to demand attention/play as well.

The dog is rolling, flopping, and generally has wiggly body language. A dog that is resource guarding is likely to freeze and stare, and be a lot more tense and stiff. Like @snoots-and-wiskers said, it looks like a game of keep away, and is similar to a game I play with my pups. I think the video is cute and not something to be worried about, personally. Looks like a typical goofy husky. 

video text cute animals puppies
“ sacculetta:
“ preoccupiedpepper:
“ vaspider:
“ sherlockspuppycat:
“ wilwheaton:
“ the-future-now:
“ Netflix’s new site is a giant “f*ck you” to Comcast and Time Warner Netflix launched a site late Wednesday night called Fast.com, where — in...

Netflix’s new site is a giant “f*ck you” to Comcast and Time Warner

Netflix launched a site late Wednesday night called Fast.com, where — in one click — anyone browsing the internet can see how fast their internet speed is. Although it’s great for consumers, some internet providers might not be happy about the new website.

Follow @the-future-now


Fuck Comcast


Netflix didn’t invent that it’s been around


Netflix didn’t invent speed checks, but this site is Netflix’s.


Okay, so here’s why Netflix speedtest is so brilliant. 

Most of us know about Speedtest.net, right? Well Comcast and Time Warner know about it too. They know customers use it to check to see if they’re getting what they are paying for. Comcast techs even tell customers to check their speed with Speedtest.net. 

So, to make sure people think they are getting good speeds, Comcast and Time Warner prioritize traffic going to Speedtest.net. When you check your speed there it’s artificially inflated. That is NOT the speed you are getting when you browse tumblr and that is definitely not the speed you get when you watch Netflix. 

Comcast and Time Warner can not artificially inflate the results by prioritizing traffic to Fast.net unless they also prioritize traffic to Netflix, and they definitely do not want to do that. 


That is so fucking slimy. Good for Netflix


Been using this for a while and recommending it to people, just for the ease of use alone

Source: mic.com article text

“Everyone’s had tuna tartare before.”

This is the least relatable and most infuriating cooking video I’ve seen to date.


I love how out of nowhere he casually drops that one of the ingredients in the dish takes a fucking WEEK to prepare.


First, pop your tuna steaks, bowl, and meat grinder in your Samsung Smart Freezer for ten minutes.

That gives us enough time to blend these vegetables together and let it ferment for ten days.

When your ten minutes and ten days have simultaneously passed, we’re ready to grind and combine. But you know this. Everyone’s had tuna tartare before.


Now, you’re going to take your gold leaf and marinate that in about 3 gallons of Rose for at least 75 hours. This is a crucial part of tuna tartare, as you know.
You can put your tartare back in the freezer, but for no more than ten minutes at a time. I like to get my butler, Chauncey, to stand watch of the tuna and make sure it goes for a walk in our greenhouse every 3 hours. 
Next, grab your toast. I like to get mine fresh from Morocco, so you’re gonna have to book a flight at least 7 weeks in advance from this dish.


I like to make my friends WATCH the fish go through the grinder. A party isn’t a party until my friends watch me grind fish meat


This still pisses me off a full 24 hours later and I’m glad others share my ire


This is one of the most infuriating things I’ve watched thanks I hate it




my favourite thing is him dropping in casually the smoked olive oil that you yourself are supposed to hot smoke


I’m literally dying


like the dish actually looks great but it’s so hard to see that under the thick layer of GO FUCK YOURSELF


this is extremely tone deaf for us standard edition people, but it is an advertisement for people who have the Insane Amounts of Money to drop on that crazy ass refrigerator and on a huge ass chunk of red tuna for a snack.

So what you get at the end is the wildest piece of culinary comedy possible for the actual masses.


you want to take a meat grinder– you have a meat grinder, right? well everyone knows your meat grinder needs to be the same temperature as the meat you grind by hand


my favorite part of this is alongside shit like “prepare a mason jar of sriracha a week in advance & take it out once a day to stir” sliding by way too casually, u also have such insightful gems as “how to fucking REMOVE AN AVOCADO PIT” what audience is this FOR



Originally posted by darkhelvete


And all of this is an ad for the fucking smart fridge!!! Because who actually opens the fridge and looks to see what they need before they go to the store.

The fact that he says “everyone’s had tuna tartare before” not once but twice and assumes my friends have all had it before too makes me angry for reasons I can’t even articulate…


I sincerely thought that everyone was exaggerating a little, as we often do on the internet, but no. Nope. Everything mentioned above actually happens in the video and it made me want to throw the chef into his own fancy refrigerator.

Source: jerkstorecalling 'a week to ten days' really wish he told me sooner these avocados are not gonna last 'everybody's had tuna tartar' ummm . . . 'i can guarantee nobody in your house has had this dish' no fucking shit! he didn't even give ingredient amounts! I'm so hungry i think i need to make myself some noodles video the fun part was sprinkling chives their life must be so boring