South African/Black/Tired of everything/Writer/Queer/28

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  1. harlivies:

    S07E11 - Things We Lost in the Fire

  2. 49
  1. boychic:


    saw a shirtless cis dude on my dash and thought “wheres his top surgery scars?!” for a sec. im in deep yall

  2. 40004
  1. biggest-gaudiest-patronuses:



    hey so some people are just happier & more functional not living with a partner. this isn’t necessarily even an aromantic thing. some people are just genuinely better-suited to living alone, no matter their relationship status. 

    not everyone needs to move in with their partner, and moving in together doesn’t have to be the ultimate goal of every serious relationship.

    and some people would rather live with friends or roommates, even if they’re in a committed relationship with someone they’re not living with! there are more long-term options than “live alone” and “live with your partner”

    this! is a very good addition!!!

  2. 16728
  1. Why are bi women bringing male partners to LGBT spaces meant for same sex partners?




    to fuck on the snack table

    Considering most lgbt spaces are open for questioning people and allies and don’t do door checks for ur gay card Idk why u need to watch who bi women bring with them to lgBt spaces 🧐

    Honestly I think it’s important for bi people to bring their “opposite” gender partners to lgbt spaces; having that kind of exposure to other lgbt people aside from their partner, and you know actively supporting your partner’s identity is extremely important to curb homophobic and transphobic beliefs. Being a good ally to your partner like that should be required tbh. Not to mention said exposure could lead your partner to discover more about their own sexual or gender identity.

    Not to mention how bad it is to assume the identity of people’s partners just because they look “straight passing” that’s absolute bull.

  2. Anonymous left a question.
  1. vlvetmornings:

    that’s it. that’s the show.

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  1. 1267
  1. 3507
  1. somethingaboutsomethingelse:



    me talking to a man: i know. i know. yeah i know. i know. i’m aware. yes i already know that

  2. 198033
  1. blackrebelz:



    Black Panther deleted scene

    I’m going to need a 4 hour Director’s Cut of this movie

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  1. noirsilk:


    I want my time with You by Tracy Emin

  2. 16026
  1. swarnpert:


    might fuck around and start putting the comma in the year

    August 16th 2,020

  2. 44928
  1. bakwaaas:

    unpopular opinion: mental illness can make people behave in extremely toxic and sometimes even abusive or manipulative ways. relationships and friendships with mentally ill people can be extremely difficult, unpleasant, or even harmful. though this may not be intentional and i have sympathy for those who struggle with this, other people are allowed to remove themselves from your life for their own happiness and sanity. they are not bad people for this. the idea that someone *has* to stay with you while you heal or help fix you is wrong, people are allowed to prioritise themselves. it’s on you to seek therapy and heal. being mentally ill doesn’t give you a pass to behave in toxic ways and hurt others.

  2. 33828
  1. lousolversons:

    Killing Eve as a straight to VHS 80′s thriller.

  2. 11115
  1. homaresawa:

    Endings are tricky because we expect answers. Fifteen years ago, with my first film Saving Face, I got one recurring question: “Is this ending… too happy?” At the time, as much as I saw the truth in it for my characters, I confessed to not knowing if that happy ending could be expected in real life; but as a queer woman, I wanted - needed - to see it in order to believe it could happen for me. Now with The Half Of It I’m regularly peppered with questions over whether certain characters end up together in an ever-pointed crescendo toward “But is the ending happy?” (Ha!) My honest answer is that the point of the film isn’t about who ends up with whom. It’s about three people who collide in a moment-in-time before going their separate ways, each now holding the piece of themselves that allows them to become the person they are meant to be. The end of the film is each of their beginnings. And for my characters, I can think of no happier ending.

    - Alice Wu
  2. 23226
  1. nagisanitemaboroshi:



    Guy who likes music

    Is he an alien

    This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen

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