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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Broke: Thor doesn’t understand memes

Woke: No one understands Thor’s antique, spicy asgardian memes


This of course brings up the question of what exactly asgardian memes would be, any ideas lads?


Imma just go ahead and say the tragedy of Loki of asgard is a huge meme at this point


heimdall watches you fap


  • [pointing at any group of 3 anythings] the warriors three
    • along the same lines pointing at any green animal “loki??”
  • if you’re straight you can’t cross the bifrost
  • if an uncomfortable conversation occurs you suddenly have to go home and [yourname]sleep for a hundred years
  • loki’s terrible overcomplicated plans
  • heimdall commits treason every single day and nobody has ever even thought of trying to stop him
  • odin’s vault is full of things that should not be kept together/anything lost (e. g. “where’s my other sock??” “odins vault probably”)
  • gET HELP MY BROTHER HE’S DYING (loki flies through the air)
    • probably the asgardian version of yeet tbh

  • “Carl this bag’s too heavy wtf is in th-” “YOU’RE JUST NOT WORTHY”
  • “Day 2737384 without sex: I’m ready to ride a horse. But like, the way Loki did.”
  • Breaking something any time someone says the word “another”. Like, any context at all
  • “there’s got to be another w-” *glass shatters off screen* “JEREMY I SWEAR TO FUCK-”
  • The 5edgy4u types would absolutely joke about Loki yeeting himself off the bifrost so like
  • *minor inconvenience* “TO THE BIFROST!”
  • *test goes bad* “TO THE BIFROST!”
  • *has to do the dishes* “TO THE- (well you get the point)
  • Giving each other Absolutely Ridiculous titles. (Read: “Bronn, god of that weird itch in your ear that doesn’t go away until you stick something in it”)
  • *violent thunder* “lmao Mood”
  • #Odin'sBeardChallenge where everyone tries to grow a majestic ass beard so that eventually they can scream “MY BEARD!” instead of “Odin’s beard” and if it’s Valid someone will say it back
  • Broke: “MY BEARD!” “Ralph you’re 14 please stop”
  • Woke: “MY BEARD!” *Considerable discussion, nodding heads* “TROY’S BEARD!”



Asgard’s unofficial slogan: “WE GUARD YOUR ASS.”

Source: thor-appreciation-blog

my list, in no particular order, of when a soundtrack has absolutely went off it’s tits to give some of the best moments in any media.

  1. infamous quicksilver scene from x-men apocalypse (”sweet dreams are made of this” playing as he saves everyone from the manor)
  2. the inexplicable use of supermassive black hole by muse  in twilight during the baseball scene
  3. the scene in umbrella academy where five fucks up all those agents in the diner while “istanbul (not constantinople)” plays in the background
  4. what’s up danger playing from into the spiderverse when miles takes the leap of faith
  5. the start of spiderman homecoming when they played the orchestral version of the spiderman theme for the first time
  6. sweet victory
  7. “sitting there useless as two shits hey, turn around bend over i’ll show you where my shoe fits
  8. the part in rwby where they slingshot ruby at the nevermore while the final part of red like roses pt.2 plays, the guitars blaring as she goes up the cliff and ending with the beheading
  9. “I AM MOANA”
  10. busted from phineas and ferb
  11. the end of guardians of the galaxy volume 2 where they start playing father and son
  12. the part in thor ragnarok when hela asks thor “what were you the god of again?” before thor attacks her and starts going batshit crazy on the undead army while led zeppelin’s immigrant song plays

as this is by no means a comprehensive list, please add any soundtrack moments that were so Fucking Good they made you have a physical reaction.


Sorry to video games but

13. In the ASRIEL DREEMURR battle when Hopes And Dreams intensifies and everything becomes rainbow and celestial


14. When ‘just a girl’ starts playing in captian marvel and she beats all of their asses because i felt that in my bones


15. The church scene from Kingsmen


you’re all cowards 16. i need a hero during the castle fight in shrek 2


17. Opening scene in Shrek 1: All Star - Smash Mouth

18. Knight wrestling match in Shrek 1: Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

19. Almost EVERY OTHER SCENE in Shrek 1

Source: dustypotion SFJHSKDGKSDJHGS

good news everyone. crows no longer need instructions to build tools and have started building them from memory, as well as passing the knowledge onto future generations of crows. oops!


better news everyone. crows have learned to construct these tools from unrelated items! they no longer need to follow the original blueprint they were given and are able to improvise using their surroundings.


Superb you funky little corvids

Source: davidlieberman

reblog this with what state you’re from and what neighboring state you like to make fun of. I’m from Ohio and I like to make fun of Indiana. cause they only have corn, Mike Pence, and one cool city. that’s it.


In from Indiana and I like to make fun of Indiana because we only have corn, Mike Pence, and one city that’s almost kind of cool, if you keep your standards low.

Source: punkpeache new york of course i make fun of new jersey like a normal new yorker but its also rlly fun to bully rhode island WHO THE FUCK SAYS 'BUBBLER' ITS A FUCKING WATER FOUNTAIN LOUISE