
Dispatches from the Borderlands: Liberation not Deportation

It’s been a fucking crazy month.  In the eyes of a complicit and ill-informed media anti-fascists have become the “violent” ones, ignoring the necessity of self-defense against white supremacists. Undocumented people continue to be...

Dispatches from the Borderlands: Blurred Lines Between State and Cartel

It is difficult to summarize all of the things which have occurred the last few months. It is now monsoon and the rains have come to the desert to wash away some of the...

Dispatches from the Borderlands: The Devil in the Details

In order to understand and contextualize the current moment we must look back at the process through which immigration status changed from a civil issue to a criminal one. Though we will begin this...

Dispatches from the Borderlands

It is the intention of this ongoing column to highlight issues, points of reference, lessons and possibilities gleaned from the years we’ve spent in the borderlands resisting occupation, incarceration, and deportation. All linked articles and...