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UN Women Africa
/ is the entity for and women’s empowerment. Tweets in English and French are from our offices in .
UN Women Africa 9 ore
Forum sur la consolidation de la paix et le développement durable organisé par pour re-dynamiser le role de la la société civile dans le plaidoyer et le contrôle citoyen de l’action gouvernementale au , c’est l’objectif du
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UN Women Africa 6 apr.
«Le développement des femmes tourne autour de leur autonomisation, accroitra leur revenu en accédant aux marchés » Secrétaire Général du ministère de la Promotion de la Femme. Gasarabwe
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UN Women Africa 5 apr.
#Mali#Lancement de Buy From Women « Grace à l’agriculture n’est plus une question de hasard. Que ce soit le temps de la semence, la récolte ou la quantité de production, maintenant tout est connu d’avance ». Aminata Diallo, bénéficiaire.
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UN Women Africa 5 apr.
Lancement de Buy From Women « Quand on sait qu’on peut vendre ce qu’on produit, on a toujours tendance à produire plus. Cette plateforme facilitera l’autonomisation des femmes agricultrices ». Dr. Cheick Oumar Maiga.
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UN Women Africa 3 apr.
Our Representative, today attended the Pre 2019/20 National Budget Dialogue organised by Tanzania Gender Networking Programme. She said Gender Responsive Budgeting was imperative for supporting the achievement of the SDGs and addressing gender inequalities in TZ.
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UN Women Africa 2 apr.
Today our Resident Coordinator, Alvaro Rodriguez met the UN Women staff to understand how we are working for gender equality & women's empowerment within the UN system and across TZ. He reaffirmed UN Women's relevance in taking the Agenda 2030 forward.
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UN Women Africa 1 apr.
Lancement du projet d’«Appui aux initiatives transfrontalières de dialogue communautaire avec les acteurs du secteur de la sécurité et de la justice pour la consolidation de la paix au et au » financé par .
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UN Women Africa 29 mar.
Wrapping up a transformational leadership training by for young African women as they prepare to take on leadership and champion gender equality and women’s empowerment on the contintnet.
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UN Women Africa 28 mar.
Today Vice President, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu launched the Women Banking Product at Tanzania Postal Bank. Speaking on the sidelines of the launch, our Representative said women will benefit from services that will be offered through the facility.
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UN Women Africa 28 mar.
Our Representative today reaffirmed UN Women 's commitment to Results-Based programming and Financial Management at a training for 47 participants from 22 implementing partner organisations. Participants are from different regions in TZ (Gvt & NGOs).
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
Alpha BA 28 mar.
- Scaling up businesses in agriculture in , - Supporting women farmers of 2 access & markets, - Unleashing the potential of 20,000 women in ... Read how is transforming women's lives in via:
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UN Women Africa 27 mar.
"Your role as law enforcement agencies is to protect and prevent violence against women and children. Change of mindset is key to doing this" our Regional Director at
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UN Women Africa 27 mar.
, our Regional Director says the primary function of law enforcement agencies is to protect and prevent violence against women and girls - change of mindset of security agencies is key to achieving this.
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UN Women Africa 22 mar.
Tournoi de football pour la paix et la cohésion sociale 2e édition, ONU Femmes présente son programme aux 60 jeunes venus des régions de Ségou, Kayes, Taoudéni et le district de
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UN Women Africa 22 mar.
DYK: In sub-Saharan Africa, 71% of the burden of collecting water for households falls on women and girls.
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
UN Environment 22 mar.
Access to water 💧 and sanitation is a right for ALL, regardless of Nationality Status Income On , join the call for :
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
Caroline Nyamayemomb 22 mar.
Zimbabwe dialogues with women's movement in Matebeleland region to effectively build a social movement to put VAW in the Spotlight.
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
UReportMalawi 21 mar.
Using U-Report, and have shared lifesaving information to the people living in flood-affected areas. The information includes, what they can do before and after floods.
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
Alvaro Rodriguez 21 mar.
Was great meeting with Vice President together with TZ Representative Hoddan Addou to discuss the - especially ! Important we keep working together to improve the lives of in .
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UN Women Africa a redistribuit
fatou lo 21 mar.
The Ambassadors of Kenya, Netherlands and the Congo showed our girls Guillaine, Francoise & Divine, the ropes of their work as part of the UN Women initiative
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