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Jay Naidoo
Former Minister in Mandela Cabinet, founding GS of COSATU and political and social activist.
Jay Naidoo 17 h
Message from the heart of our children. “We don’t inherit our Mother Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.” Native American wisdom.
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Jay Naidoo mai. 30
Technology should be based on on a strong foundation of human values that embrace our unity with the source of all life
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Derek Hanekom mai. 30
Thank you Lucie! A friendly warning: this probably means more time with you and and visits to your most amazing lodge!
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Jay Naidoo mai. 29
Indigenous cultures hold the key to learning how to live on Mother Earth and dealing with our climate emergency. Beautiful wisdom here.
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Jay Naidoo mai. 28
Societal depression has become an epidemic in our chaotic crisis ridden world. The more we talk the more we are able to solve the root causes of depression. Thank you for sharing as we should continue to search for meaning in our lives together. 🙏🙏🙏
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
EarthRise Mountain Lodge mai. 28
Are you looking for a space to host your ? EarthRise Mountain Lodge offers the perfect venue. We offer full conference facilities surround by the breathtaking
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Derek Hanekom mai. 27
The former Public Protector vs the current Public Protector, who would you be inclined to believe? Especially after the High Court judgement...
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Jay Naidoo mai. 22
Values without reason are blind. Values without feeling are impotent. And values without deeds would be empty. Kant.
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Lucie Pagé mai. 21
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Paddy Pampallis mai. 22
Come and hear Jay at the
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Jay Naidoo mai. 21
Destruction has noise. Creation is quiet. This is the power of silence. Grow Silently. Quietly. With humility. Always be Kind. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
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Jay Naidoo mai. 19
It is unforgettable. One of the most exciting adventures in my life. 🙏🙏🙏
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Jay Naidoo mai. 18
29 years later, Lucie, the love of my life and wife and mother of my three beautiful children, and I still believe this. That a healthy relationship is one where two independent people help each other become the best version of ourselves.
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Lucie Pagé mai. 12
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
Lucie Pagé mai. 6
Come join us at Troyeville Hotel on May 15. We’ll be discussing cannabis and politics 🤗🙏. Won’t be boring
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Jay Naidoo mai. 6
Honi erantzuten: @gerrysalole
And we continue as if we have nothing to lose. When the future of humanity and all life on the Mother Earth is at stake. May we have compassion when it comes to us.
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Jay Naidoo mai. 6
Honi erantzuten: @esmeraldadereth
Bravo. Felicitations. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
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Jay Naidoo mai. 5
Thank you for clearing the sewage blockage on Coleraine. The team was friendly and efficient. 🙏🙏🙏
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Jay Naidoo(e)k bertxiotu du
EarthRise Mountain Lodge mai. 2
Guests from Brazil enjoying our piano. Music feeds the soul... What feeds your soul? @ EarthRise Mountain Lodge &…
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Jay Naidoo mai. 2
please note that there has been several messages sent to all your platforms that a water meter has broken and has been gushing water the whole weekend in Aberfeldy Avenue, Morningside. Please send someone urgently to address this problem.
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