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Amnesty International news, updates and campaigns from the Southern African region. Staff list:
AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Daily Maverick १२ ता
Op-ed: Reproductive Justice: The missing issue in party manifestos for 2019 Election By Louise Carmody and Marion Stevens
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Amnesty International South Africa ३ मे
Mozambican journalist has already spent nearly 4 months in jail without charges –and now faces charges of “public incitement”. On , take action to tell Mozambican authorities that
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Adotei Akwei ३ मे
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Tigere Chagutah ३ मे
Media freedom remains under threat in several countries in with journalists put in jail for simply doing their job, said today as it took stock on
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Amnesty International South Africa ३ मे
Journalists like should never face the risk of imprisonment for doing their work. On , we remind all governments that .
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Amnesty International ३ मे
Protect our journalists. Protect our journalists. Protect our journalists. Protect our journalists. Protect our journalists. The truth belongs to all of us.
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AmnestySouthernAfrica ३ मे
Mozambican journalist has already spent nearly 4 months in jail without charge –and now faces charges of “public incitement”. On , take action to tell Mozambican authorities that
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Camile Cortez ३ मे
O jornalista moçambicano enfrenta acusações de instigação pública” - por simplesmente fazer o seu trabalho. No , estamos pedindo às autoridades que retirem essas acusações falsas. Assine aqui nossa petição
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Camile Cortez ३ मे
has already spent nearly 4 months in jail – and now faces charges of “public incitement”. On , take action to tell Mozambican authorities that . Sign here our petition:
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AmnestySouthernAfrica ३ मे
Mozambican journalist faces charges of “public incitement” -for simply doing his job. On , we are calling on authorities to drop these trumped-up charges.
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Comité Peine De Mort ३ मे
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AmnestySouthernAfrica ३ मे
Journalists like should never face the risk of imprisonment for doing their work. On , we remind all governments that JournalismIsNotACrime
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
shireen mukadam २ मे
This is aligned with 's 2018 report, 'They don't see us as people' findings: the Lack of Security of Tenure provides fertile ground for forced evictions in .
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Kumi Naidoo २ मे
We at Amnesty International stand with Caster Semenya against the IAAF's dehumanising treatment. The IAAF could have taken a step forward for gender, racial and sexual equality. They did not. Solidarity with ✊🏿
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AmnestySouthernAfrica २७ एप्रि
Aujourd'hui a des jeunes activistes se réunissent pour parler des droits humains. Ils ont inauguré une fresque demandant la fin a l'utilisation excessive de la détention préventive.
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Mbolatiana Raveloarimisa २७ एप्रि
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
AmnestySouthernAfrica २७ एप्रि
Today is in South Africa. We continue to be inspired by the work of those who fought against injustice, and for the rights of all.
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AmnestySouthernAfrica यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Mbolatiana Raveloarimisa २७ एप्रि
La jeunesse Malgache engagée pour la fin de la détention préventive abusive à . Nous allons écrire une lettre à notre Président pour l'alarmer de la situation infernale que vivent les enfants détenus abusivement. ✊💪🎶
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AmnestySouthernAfrica २७ एप्रि
Today in , young activists are meeting to discuss human rights. They have been creating a mural highlighting and calling for an end to abusive pre-trial detention.
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AmnestySouthernAfrica २७ एप्रि
Today is in South Africa. We continue to be inspired by the work of those who fought against injustice, and for the rights of all.
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