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Denise Shrivell Mar 9
I was polled yesterday - asked lots of questions about my seat of North Sydney, voter intention etc - thought it very interesting I was asked to rate Frydenberg. Are they wobbling on him?
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Jim Chalmers MP Mar 9
Wages have been growing slower EVERY single quarter under this Liberal Government than ANY other quarter since records began. Think the Liberals are better economic managers? Think again
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Insiders ABC Mar 9
"The problem with the surplus debate is... does a surplus really mean anything to anyone any more if they're not feeling the benefits of the surplus?"
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Cathy Thomson Mar 9
The whole "don't hand Labor the economy with a recession on the horizon" argument doesn't work anymore. After all it was a Labor government that saved our bacon during the GFC.
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Glenn Gibson Mar 9
Julian Burnside admits membership to a men's only club and tells a woman journo to not interrupt him ... not a good start
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Boomer, Ms Jenny Frecklington-Jones Mar 9
So you jab Julian Burnside & revelations made on —perfectly fine, he deserved it—& yet NOT ONE MENTION of PM Scott Morrison's misogynistic speech on same day that made headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons. Fcs.
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Insiders ABC Mar 9
"He is prepared to, if you like, try to survive on his knees rather than dying with dignity on his feet standing by his previous position." on Tony Abbott’s change of heart over energy policy
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Insiders ABC Mar 9
"It would just be utter madness for [] to consider a leadership spill in budget week... You don't want to underestimate the stupidity of some of these politicians." The panel chats &
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Jinx St David Mar 9
Replying to @JBPooket @JEChalmers
First time I’ve seen this . Impressive. .
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Save Our Weekend Mar 9
Every Sunday, while we watch , people are heading off to work in pubs, shops and pharmacies. These four blokes have repeatedly voted to cut penalty rates for these workers. Neva 4get. .
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Rachel Baker Mar 9
Sorry but who gets married in a men's only club?
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Terry Serio Mar 9
Australia’s biggest loser.. Scott Morrison
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Rachel Baker Mar 9
Omg. Guys, is wearing loafers and no socks.
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Denise Shrivell Mar 9
Are the views of Hanson & Latham going to be normalised on tonight? This is not entertainment - it’s serious & negatively impacts people in our community.
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Dallas Lewis Mar 9
A surplus right now would be disastrous. A surplus is when the govt deliberately contracts the economy by withdrawing more in tax than it injects with its spending. A govt surplus is a private sector deficit. We would all suffer from a govt surplus.
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Paul Mar 9
If Barnaby Joyce is the answer it must be a very stupid question
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Kara Mar 9
'My record is that I shut it down then I reopened it.' Cause if that doesnt just completely just sum up Scott Morrison.
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Emilio, Baròn Death Mar 9
Brandis like Hockey failed dismally at their respective Govt roles. Now they bleat their sense of entitlement for all and sundry to see. Sack them, and all other cronies who have been gifted roles way beyond their ability.
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David Marler Mar 9
Election winning machine.
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Rachel Baker Mar 9
I bloody cannot wait for penalty rates to come back. It will do wonders for low income earners and therefore the entire Australian economy.
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