Virginia Haussegger AMConta verificada


Journalist, Dir 50/50 by 2030 Foundation ; 2019 ACT Australian of the Year; ChiefEditor

Canberra, Australia
Uniuse en maio de 2009


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  1. hai 4 horas
  2. hai 4 horas
  3. hai 4 horas

    Indeedy - smaller jurisdictions have all thrived under a women Treasurer. Aust could do with one too!

  4. hai 4 horas

    Today on BroadAgenda: tough questions for new Aust Gov Aust signed UN SC Resolutions on Women Peace & Security - but will we follow thru & prosecute war crimes against women?

  5. hai 7 horas
  6. hai 8 horas
  7. 3 de xuño

    Social attitudes to gender equality in Australia: 2 great sources for national data on attitudes to gender: (1) ’s ‘From Girls to Men’ survey, ; (2) and national survey, , pp. 63-76

  8. hai 8 horas

    This was a hoot! A verbal arm wrestle with on-air (think I won!) Thanks to terrific co-sausage panelists Maria & James

  9. hai 22 horas

    Fresh from the hotplate Great wisdom here and a few laughs too with & on the head-to-head contests, gender, and policy.

  10. 30 de maio

    Today on : Big news week for Ck it out 50:50 Cabinet? Not us! Open letter to new Minister for Women; Labor women in defeat; Aust dads doin' it easy!; 20th murder; report & plenty more!

  11. 30 de maio

    Today on BroadAgenda: Australia was the first country in the world to grant (some) women the dual rights of voting and standing for parliament, so why do women continue to lag behind when it comes to ?

  12. 30 de maio

    Congratulations Prof Naila Kabeer - named one fo the worlds 100 Most Influential people in Gender Policy. was delighted to host Prof Kabeer last month for a booked out event! Ck out the Intv on

  13. 30 de maio
  14. 30 de maio

    A warm congratulations to on her top 20 spot on 's 'Most Influential People in Gender Policy 2019'! We were thrilled to host Dr Grown for an In Conversation - check out her insights into the impacts of :

  15. 30 de maio

    Hearty Congratulations !! We are delighted to see you honoured in the global top 20. It was such a pleasure to host you here

  16. 29 de maio

    Would she like a job in the Australian Parliament? We’re short on wisdom. And women!

  17. 28 de maio

    This makes for a morning smile! The power of art ... to makes us pause.

  18. 28 de maio

    Why are fathers not taking up flexible working hours to work around child care & Family responsibilities? This is the leadership discussion we have to have! (one of many!!)

  19. 28 de maio

    From political polls to car design and poverty, when we don't have good data, decision making suffers. Read IDM's in this week, on what happens when the data fails:

  20. 28 de maio

    On BroadAgenda today: so, you think the polls got it wrong? A 'data mishap' perhaps? Well stretch that thought to the global gender data gap: a profound & dangerous gap! @broadaagena5050


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