Clare O'Neil MPCuenta verificada


Member for Hotham. Harvard Kennedy School graduate. Fulbright Scholar. Former Greater Dandenong Mayor and McKinsey consultant. Public policy and economics nerd.

Se unió en julio de 2009


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  1. 23 may.

    One of the best things about Labor is that women are encouraged to put themselves forward for leadership roles and I know that will continue. I’m going to talk to a few colleagues about whether it’s possible for me at this point. (2/2)

  2. 23 may.

    Huge congratulations to on his success. Onwards to 2022. Many Labor people - particularly Labor women - have contacted me in recent days encouraging me to run for Labor Deputy Leader to ensure there is a women in the Leader/Deputy team. (1/2)

  3. 19 may.
  4. retwitteó
    18 may.

    Politics is often about expectations. Tonight's seat numbers are almost exactly the same as in 2016. Then it was worse than expected, this time it is better. And doesn't that change the speeches.

  5. retwitteó
    17 may.

    If voters return Morrison, on climate, there will be more of the same denial and drift until the right wing of the Liberal party and the Nationals wake up from the strange trance they have been in for 10 years from

  6. retwitteó
    17 may.

    Time for change. Let’s do this!

  7. retwitteó
    17 may.

    Guess who I ran into down at the polling booth?? The lovely I was lucky enough to have my dad give me his vote so I could make a change!A special thank you to the liberal party for their smear campaign posters!The only negative posters in the whole polling booths❤️

  8. retwitteó
    17 may.

    Where were you when the federal seat of Deakin elected its first female member in its 82 year history? That’s the memory I want. Tomorrow is that chance - to elect my good friend Tomorrow, get out there, vote for Shireen and Labor

  9. retwitteó
    16 may.

    I rarely comment on but today I am making an exception to support I am forever grateful for his guidance and counsel during the establishment of the . He is leader who empowers those around him to push for change. Go well tomorrow Bill.

  10. 16 may.

    Vale Bob Hawke. A giant of our party and our country. Heartbreaking.

  11. retwitteó
    16 may.
  12. retwitteó
    12 may.
  13. retwitteó
    9 may.
  14. retwitteó
    9 may.

    Liberal candidate Gurpal Singh in hot water again over posts attacking an alleged rape victim. Singh said he had "no sympathy" for the alleged victim, questioning why she stayed with her partner for so long. via

  15. retwitteó
    8 may.

    In response to an extinction crisis we have a Prime Minister who doesn’t care, with an Environment Minister who can’t be found, referring to legislation that doesn’t exist. Status of Govt Environment Policy: extinct.

  16. retwitteó
    8 may.

    Confirmation from NSW Treasury. Labor's negative gearing policy would barely move house prices:

  17. retwitteó
    8 may.

    left school 1 week after she turned 13.Pretended to my grandparents she hated school so they wouldn’t feel bad.Lied about her age so she could get a job & add her wage to the family’s so they had enough food.Raised 5 daughters to believe they could do anything

  18. retwitteó
    8 may.

    married at 16 and fled that abusive relationship with young kids. She raised them alone. She endured the loss of two sons. She endured injury and infedility. She supported my brother through drug addiction. She battled cancer twice. She never stopped smiling 💪

  19. retwitteó
    8 may.

    wanted to be a paediatrician. This was so economically impossible & culturally inconceivable for her to achieve as working class girl, she never told anyone - me, only recently. She became a PA in the public service, & - by god - she fought for my own education.

  20. 8 may.

    My very smart grandmother was educated up to grade 4. Every night she helped her kids with Latin and French homework that she didn’t understand a word of. Generations of women made these sacrifices to build a better life for their children. They are heroes, not political fodder.


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