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Welcome to the Big Green Bookshop Online
 You can now #buyastrangerabook on the website!!
 Nearly every Wednesday, I do this thing on Twitter called Buy A Stranger A Book. It's a thing where I buy books for strangers and then lots of other people also join in too for no other reason than because they want to and they can (and they are really lovely). 
It's such great fun to do, because everyone wins!
(If you want to know a bit more about how it all works, The Independent did an article about it last year HERE). 
Quite often people offer to buy strangers a book when it's not Wednesday or they tell me they're busy on a Wednesday but want to contribute. Also, some people like to remain anonymous on Twitter when they give me money to buy books. And sometimes, there are little projects  (like buying books for schools) that I like to use the money for. 
So, after a bit of a think, I decided that if I added the opportunity for people to #buyastrangerabook on the website, then it might make some of this easier!
So, here we are!!
You can now buy a stranger a book here and I will then use the money you kindly donated to help out someone who, for whatever reason, can't buy a book themselves. 
I also have a small pot of money, which I use for the bigger projects. This money comes from a mixture of donations, my own dosh and 50% of the money I make on The Bookshop Patreon Scheme (which you are more than welcome to join, HERE). I can also add some of the money from the sale of these to this pot. 
Anyone who buys a #buyastrangerabook thingy here, will be sent a small and poorly designed (by me) #buyastrangerabook badge to wear with pride!
If you want your donation to be anonymous, that's cool. If you want to be tagged on Twitter, when I offer your donation, that is equally cool (just add your twitter handle in the address and i'll give you a shoutout on Twitter. 
Each of these is £10, but you can buy as many as you like!!!
Thanks for reading this and I hope you like the idea. 
Welcome to the glorious homepage of
It's terrific, isn't it?
Whilst I spend a few weeks updating it all, here's a few things you might like to know. 
1. This website does not list what books I have, or what books I can get. I can get pretty much any book that's in print (and quite a lot that are out of print, and it's impossible for me to list them all on the website.
So, if you're looking for a book, the best thing to do is to email me on or ask me on Twitter via @biggreenbooks. I will reply as soon as I can. 
2. If you want to send me some money for no reason at all, my paypal address is
3. If you'd like to join my Patreon scheme (where you send me some money and you get something back), you can read all about it HERE. It's fairly new, but I am working with the lovely people at Patreon to make sure that I make the most of this. 
4. If you have an idea you think I might be interested in, please email me. I love new ways of getting books into peoples' hands (I like any way of getting books into peoples' hands actually), so please don't be shy. 
5. If you think you can help me in any way, please get in touch. I am always very grateful for offers of help. Especially now. 
6. See 2.
OK, there are still a few things to look at on the website, like information on The Big Green Book Club and stuff like that. But throughout March and April I'm going to try and dedicate a large chunk of time to improving, so please bear with me while I'm doing it. 
 Subscribe to The Big Green Books Book Club
We try our best to present to you the best books out there. And whilst we know everyone’s tastes are different, we hope we can find something that’ll you’ll really enjoy. We've been selling books to people since 1984 (that's not a bad book btw), and one of the best bits about our job is being able to recomend books to people.
So why not subscribe to our Monthly Book Club. IT'S ACE!
Based on information provided by you, we'll deliver a new book at the beginning of each month to you or to the person of your choice. 
Consider us your personal literary shopper and let us help you discover some of the best books out there.  
And there's also our Children’s Book Club
Our Children’s Book Club works in exactly the same way as our adult one and we’ve enlisted some expert help to make sure we provide the most appropriate books for children of all ages. We’ve joined up with “Books for Keeps” to help us choose book for our kid’s book package. Books for Keeps are the UK’s leading independent children’s book magazine, reviewing over 1,000 children’s books each year. This is what they wrote in their first issue back in 1980.
‘We have assumed that you, our readership, are busy people committed to encouraging the reading habit amongst your children, not only in school but at home or on holiday too. Because there is so much available and so much new material being published, it is impossible to keep abreast of everything all the time. The thinking behind Books for Keeps is based therefore on the belief that book ideas, book opinion, book information and book news should be easy to digest, stimulating to read, and simple to select.’
The Book Club is a perfect gift for any book lovers out there – no matter what age.
There are 3 sizes of package, three months, six months and twelve months. Prices start at just £32 for children and £36 for adults.

Three Month Book Club Subscription - £36 BUY HERE

Six Month Subscription - £62 BUY HERE

Twelve Month Subscription - £108 BUY HERE
Three Month Book Club Subscription - £32 BUY HERE
Six Month Subscription - £58 BUY HERE

Twelve Month Subscription - £96 BUY HERE
Once purchased, we’ll send you a very simple questionnaire to fill in, which will help us to pick the right book just for you.  Books will be posted out early each month, unless otherwise requested.
Prices are for UK only. Overseas prices available on request.
 We're Asleep Dad by Simon Key & illustrated by Moose Allain

 MY BOOK!!!! 


The greatest book ever published.
A collection of parenting tweets from the frontline, with illustrations by the amazing Moose Allain.
You can read all about the book HERE.
If you order your copy through us, not only will you get a signed copy of the book, you will also get an exclusive postcard, illustrated by Moose, of a "My Kids Are Asleep..." tweet.
Big Green Bookshop
Well, it was inevitable really, wasn’t it? The pioneering Big Green Bookshop are pushing boundaries again.
I think it’s fair to say that we are the first bookshop in the UK to have our own tote bags.
These special bags, produced by Balcony Shirts, are now available for just a fiver. If you want one posted to you, we’ll do this for an extra quid. 
You can order one or more of these by following the following links.
I want a bag and I’ll pick it up from the shop – £5, HERE
I want a bag & I want you to post it to me - £6,  HERE 
You'll be the talk of the town...
Prices are for UK customers only. Overseas customers please contact us for a quote.
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