Who We Are

Who we are

ADL is a leading anti-hate organization. Founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of anti-Semitism and bigotry, its timeless mission is to protect the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment for all. Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of hate with the same vigor and passion. ADL is a global leader in exposing extremism and delivering anti-bias education, and is a leading organization in training law enforcement. ADL is the first call when acts of anti-Semitism occur. ADL’s ultimate goal is a world in which no group or individual suffers from bias, discrimination or hate.

Anti-Semitism begins with the Jews, but never ends with the Jews.
-Deborah Lipstadt, Author “Denying the Holocaust”

In 1913, the founders of ADL understood this truth. And, then catalyzed by the lynching of Leo Frank, they embraced a simple yet audacious mission.
To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all.
Hateful, anti-Semitic stereotypes in the press.
In the public square.
In politics.
We fought for us all. For Jews. For everyone.
The right to participate fully in all aspects of American life. Where we all can live.
Where we all can work.
Where we all can go to school.
We fought for us all.
The right to vote, regardless of the color of your skin.
The right to come to our shores, regardless of what country
you hail from.
The right to marry, regardless of your gender.
The right to be free from harassment or hate, regardless of your differences.
Today, ADL continues to fight for us all.
ADL is a 105-year-old global anti-hate organization.
And we have only begun to fight.
Against anti-Semitism.
Against all forms of hate.
On the street. On the Internet.
In the classroom. On campus. In the workplace.
From City Hall to the halls of Congress to the halls of power in world capitals.
We will continue to fight the hate that harms us all.
ADL is the first call when acts of anti-Semitism occur.
We are the foremost expert in the study of extremism.
We are a worldwide leader in anti-bias education.
We are the foremost authority and leader in fighting hate online. And we are a relentless advocate for vulnerable communities of all kinds.
When people are threatened here at home or around the world, we will stand up for what’s right.
We will defend Israel’s right to exist, calling out those who delegitimize and demonize her.
We will expose bigotry for what it is, whether it’s cloaked in political rhetoric, academic theories or calls for boycotts.
We don’t care how you vote, but we do care what you value.
We are principled, not political.
We choose action, not sides.
We are guided by the words of Hillel,
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?”
In 1913, our founders understood that America would only be safe for its Jews if it was safe for all its people.
And, since then, we have defended American values like dignity. Equality. Justice. And Fair Treatment for us all.