ADLCompte verificat


ADL (Anti-Defamation League) - To stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and secure justice and fair treatment to all.

New York City
Unit: gener de 2009


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  1. Tuit fixat
    30 d’abr.

    While we’re still reeling from the tragedy in Poway, our new report on incidents in 2018 gives some context. Assaults more than doubled & there were 1,879 anti-Semitic incidents total. cannot continue. :

  2. fa 24 hores
  3. 26 de maig

    The fight against continues. Take a look at some headlines from the week for stories you need to know:

  4. ha retuitat
    26 de maig

    Felix Klein, Germany's commissioner to combat , recommends the country's Jews avoid wearing kippot in public. The rise in anti-Semitism is taking its toll. More action is needed to ensure the Jewish community's safety in Germany and Europe.

  5. 26 de maig

    Proud to help Marblehead High School combat and , and now their students are taking the initiative and implementing our anti-bias programs for future generations.

  6. 26 de maig

    In this dangerous climate of rising , all media organizations have a responsibility to be careful not to perpetuate tropes, such as those about Jews and wealth.

  7. ha retuitat
    26 de maig

    Yesterday the people of Dayton embraced our diversity and showed that hate and bigotry have no place in Ohio or this nation. The limited presence of the Klan speaks to its decline in Ohio. Thank you to the police and government leadership that kept people safe

  8. 24 de maig

    For anyone looking for ways to stand up against anti-Israel or anti-Semitic activity on campus, our experts put together this resource to help:

  9. 24 de maig

    Algorithmic bias can lead individuals down the path to radicalization by constructing data sets based on perceived identities and stereotypes. Learn how to navigate past this everyday occurrence here:

  10. 24 de maig

    In France, a Jew was reportedly viciously beaten because his name was Israel and the attackers believed he had lots of money. This horrific attack is just the latest attack in France based on the "Jews and money" canard.

  11. 24 de maig

    New analysis from Sr. counter-terrorism official confirms what our research has shown - the terror threat posed by white supremacists should be taken seriously. Our murder & extremism report has more on this ongoing threat:

  12. 24 de maig

    New rules would roll back non-discrimination protections under & marks yet another dangerous attempt by this admin to exclude people from sex discrimination protections. We stand with the community against this.

  13. ha retuitat
    23 de maig

    Thx Carly for sharing your research project w/ us! Your findings that social justice ed & has a positive impact on school climates echoes what we have seen around San Diego county! Find out how your school can join NPFH:

  14. 23 de maig

    Thousands joined & @ADLPhildelphia this weekend in their . We can't let hate and bigotry go unchecked. Take a stand and join our digital Walk Against Hate to celebrate diversity and condemn bigotry.

  15. ha retuitat
    23 de maig

    I went home to Hayden, Arizona, to hand-deliver a banner to my alma mater. Here’s my story:

  16. 23 de maig

    Using slurs and biased language cannot become normalized. Read our resource on how to have conversations with young people about how to stand up against bigoted language:

  17. 23 de maig

    A 10-yo. migrant girl died in U.S. custody in September. Her death had previously not been reported. We are seeing far too much tragedy and not enough answers. We need an investigation and accountability--NOW.

  18. 22 de maig

    people are experiencing heightened discrimination & violence. This proposal would allow shelters to use religion to further discriminate against them. We will not stop fighting the continued attacks on the community.

  19. 22 de maig

    For , we reflect on the struggles and the achievements of this country's Jewish community. As the month winds down, we asked different generations what being a Jewish American means to them. Watch ⬇️

  20. ha retuitat
    22 de maig

    Fact: in the same 24 hours extremist preacher Yousef al-Qaradawi published his latest dehumanizing slander against the Jewish people, he was also kissed on the forehead by 's ruler and given the best iftar seat in the house, by Tamim's side & ahead of all other preachers.

    Mostra el fil
  21. 22 de maig

    For the first time since 2010, Congress is taking up the cause of Dreamers in a mark up of the Dream and Promise Act. It is past time for Congress to provide legal protections and a path to citizenship for Dreamers and for those on TPS and DED.


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