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Your Guide to Facebook Business Manager

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    Learn everything you need to get started with Business Manager—from creating your account and adding assets, to assigning the right permissions across your team.


    What is Business Manager?

    Business Manager allows advertisers to manage their marketing efforts in one place and share access to assets across their team, partner agencies and vendors.

    What can you do with this tool?

    • Create and manage multiple assets such as a Facebook Page, Instagram account, audience list or product catalog, all in one place.
    • Control user access and permissions for everyone who works on your ad accounts, Pages and apps, and maintain ownership of all your assets.
    • Track your ads on Facebook and Instagram more efficiently with easy overviews and detailed views of your ad spending and impressions.
    Setup process

    Create your account

    The setup process is simple. Follow these steps to get started.

    1. Go to business.facebook.com/create and select Create Account.
    2. Enter your name and confirm your identity with Facebook login credentials.
    3. Follow the prompts to create your business account.

    Add assets and assign permissions

    Businesses and agencies follow different processes.


    1. Go to Settings - People and Assets - People.
    2. Assign authorized agents to Ad Accounts and Pages with the appropriate role permissions.
    3. Go to Business Settings - Instagram Accounts to connect any Instagram business accounts.
    4. Add at least two people as Business Manager Admins, and add the rest as Business Manager Employees.
    5. Go to Pages - Add New Pages - Claim a Page to connect your Facebook Page. If you are a Page Admin your claim will be instantly approved. If you are not a Page Admin, a notification to approve the claim request will be sent to current Page Admin.
    6. Go to Ad Accounts - Add new ad account. You will have the access to add an account you own by supplying the ad account ID, or request access to use another Business Manager owned ad account. Ad account should be owned by the entity that pays invoices.

    1. Go to Settings - People and Assets - People.
    2. Add at least two people as Business Manager Admins, and add the rest as Business Manager Employees.
    3. Go to Pages - Add New Pages - Request Access to a Page. Select the appropriate level of Page Admin access for your employee(s).
    4. Go to Ad Accounts - Add new ad account. You will have the access to add an account you own by supplying the ad account ID, or request access to use another Business Manager owned ad account. Ad account should be owned by the entity that pays invoices.
    5. Add any Instagram business accounts using Instagram login credentials.

    *You can add agencies as Partners to your Business Manager and grant them any level of access to your owned assets. Partner agencies can then manage user permissions for their employees within their organization's Business Manager, so you don't have to worry about role changes within the agency.

    **If your clients have added you in their own Business Manager, they can grant you access by adding your agency partner ID to their Business Manager settings.

    Permission layers

    Assign access levels across your team

    One of the most important elements of Business Manager is giving permissions to people in your business and those who may act on behalf of your business. Setting different access levels across your marketing team gives you better control of your assets and information.

    Assets that existed prior to your Business Manager account—such as Pages, ad accounts and Pixels—will still be connected to your personal account with your initial permission settings. To avoid confusion, shift all business owned assets to Business Manager.

    Within Business Manager, there are two layers of permissions. Here's the breakdown.

    Layers of permissions of Facebook Business Manager.
    Business Manager roles

    Layer 1: Roles specific to Business Manager

    Business Admins

    Business Admins can control all aspects of Business Manager, including adding or removing people form the employee list and modifying or deleting the business.

    Business Employees

    Business Employees can see all information in the business settings and can be assigned roles by Business Admins, but can’t make any changes.

    Roles across assets

    Layer 2: Roles across Pages and other assets


    Pages are assets controlled by the business they represent. Pages can only be claimed by one Business Manager, but they can have multiple Partner or individual accounts that access, post and buy ads. This also applies for Instagram accounts and apps.

    Ad accounts

    Ad accounts allow businesses to purchase advertising on connected Pages or apps. Every ad account should have an associated payment method and an authorized person who can purchase ads based on that account. Ad accounts should be owned by the Business Manager of the party managing invoices. However, ad accounts can be shared with any business so they can run ads or perform analytics on behalf of your business.


    Apps can be claimed and owned within Business Manager and shared with Business Manager Partners who can manage the app settings. Business Manager app IDs helps admins identify people who download any of their organization’s apps. An app in Business Manager can also be connected to one or more ad accounts.


    Each Business Manager can create up to five Pixels, which can be shared with Business Manager Partners. If someone else is managing your ads for you, you can assign them partnership to the Pixel by selecting Assign Partner and entering their business ID.


    Shared audiences allow other people to access the audiences you’ve created for your ads. You can bulk share Custom and Lookalike Audiences between ad accounts and/or media agencies if both the sharer and recipient are tied to a Business Manager.

    Privacy and security

    Privacy and security

    You will use your personal Facebook information to set up your Business Manager account. Colleagues will not be able to view non-public items on your Facebook profile unless you are separately friends on Facebook.

    Using your personal identity ensures transparency and allows you to see who makes each change to account assets. This way, if an unusual action is discovered, you can easily reach out to the person who made the change. This level of detail is not possible when single user accounts are shared among multiple people.

    In addition, Facebook does not permit sharing of personal accounts and credentials.

    Facebook operations actively remove accounts in violation of Facebook terms and agreements. If you are using a shared or fake identity, this account could be disabled and disrupt your business operations.

    For complete Facebook Terms and Policies, visit https:/facebook.com/policies.

    Payment methods

    Setting up payment methods

    Payment methods are required to create ads on Facebook. Follow these steps for assigning payment methods when you first set up your Business Manager.

    1. Add the payment methods you want to use in Business Settings - Payments - Add Payment Method.
    2. If you are eligible for a line of credit, check if your credit line is available in Business Manager. You can do this by reaching out to your Facebook sales rep or by visiting facebook.com/business/resources and selecting the Billing And Payments topic.
    3. Define permissions levels in the Finance Roles section. Choose Finance Editor for those who will need to access credit lines or invoice details, and choose Finance Analyst for those who will only need to view the information.
      1. Go to Business Manager - People and select the person who needs the role.
      2. Select the edit icon next to the person's name. In the dialog box under Finance Role, make the appropriate selection.
    4. Update email addresses that need to receive invoices in Payments - Account Credit - Invoice Emails.
    5. View Unpaid Delivery (balance) of credit line and general health in Settings - Payments.
    6. Share your credit line to other Business Managers that need to access it, such as agencies.

    After you have completed the initial setup for payment methods, you can create ad accounts and assign payment methods and lines of credit to them as needed, on a day-to-day basis.

    For more information, visit the step-by-step guides about connecting payment methods and assigning and sharing credit lines to your ad accounts.

    The Facebook family of apps for connecting people and businesses.

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